Chapter 20

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Emma's POV

The weekend came and Killian and I had a time planed, but I havent seen him all the rest of the week. I talked to August and Robin and they didnt know where he was. I looked around everywhere I missed my Killian. I miss they way he holds me. I miss his smile. He isnt dead at least I hope not. I laid in my bed sad and lonely I just wanted Killian to come and hold on to me. There was a knock on the door. Then the door swung open.

"Get up Emma. I think I know where Killian is." Belle says running in.


"Actually I know where he is. Gold and I found him very badly wounded in the forest with a note on him that said

Emma dear your boyfriend is now gone and you have no choice, but to come back to me like a good girl. Its a good thing I know how to cut people just right to kill them. Its also good that I know Gwen who told me about the two of you. So I went after your precious Killian Jones and now he is dead. See you soon Emma


After Belle told me that I got dressed and told my dad everything. He was on a man hunt for both Arthur and Gwen and they would be put away for along time. Belle grabs my hand a takes me to the hospital.

"Emma." Everyone says when they saw me.

"Where is he?"

"Emma they say there is nothing they can do." Regina tells me.

"Thats what they said about Robin and there he is."

"Emma's right. We have to believe Killian will get better." Robin says.

"Attention all Killian Jones is.... Going to be just fine." The doctor says.

I sigh in relief. The relief that Killian would be just fine. The relief that my dad would find them.

"When can we see him?" Regina asks.

"When he wakes up." The doctor says.

"Do you know when that will be?" Belle asks.

"No, but he keeps mumbling Swan over and over again. We dont know what that means." He tells us.

"Thats Emma Swan his girlfriend." Robin says pointing at me.

"Well maybe you can go in there and see if he will wake up." The doctor tells me.

I nodded and went to the room. I saw him and cried at what I was seeing.

"Swan... Swan... Swan." He whispers.

I take his and and held it tight.

"Im here Killian."

"Swan... Shes pregnant..." He says.

"What who?"

"Gwen... Not.. By... Me... By... Arthur.." He says.

"How do you know?"

"She said... That she wanted.... You to think I cheated... So you would... Go to Arthur." He mumbles.

"So she wanted you to sleep with her that way she can say the baby was yours so I would leave you?"

"Yes.." He says.

I knew he was sleeping. He can hear me and probably think its all a dream doesnt matter. He is a good person and I love him and him not leaving him. I kissed the top of his head. Over the next few days I never really left his side. I want to be the first one he sees when he wakes. I missed him actually talking to me. I miss talking to him while looking at his blue eye.

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