Chapter 9

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Unknown's POV

Emma Swan was on her way to meet up with Robin, Regina, Belle, August, and Killian. They are the best of friends lately things have been acting weird over the last week of break. Today they would be going back to school. Little did they all know that today will be the day that Emma Swan, Killian Jones, Regina Mills, and Robin Locksly would no longer be friends.

Emma's POV

Everyone was watching me and whispering about me. I could tell they know things about me. I heard them talk about things that I only told Killian, Regina, and Robin, but I dont think they would betray me. I looked around and everyone looked behind me and laughed I looked back and Regina was standing there crying.

"Regina whats wrong?"

"You,Robin, and Killian are whats wrong." She says.

"I dont understand. What did we do?"

"I told you about how I did somethings Im not proud of like I dont know the time I got drunk and woke up in the school library." She yells.

"Regina I told no one that."

Just then Robin walked up. He seemed mad.

"You both and Killian are not my friends." Robin says walking away.

"Great thanks Emma. I dont need all of you anymore." Regina says leaving me.

"There you are Swan." I heard Killian say.

"Please tell me your not also mad."

"You, Robin, and Regina are supposed to be my friends the people I can trust and you broke that." He says.

"Killian thats not true. We did nothing like that."

"I dont care anymore." He says leaving me.

"What a shame Em." A voice says.

I turn around and stood there shocked.

Regina's POV

I trusted them all and they lost it. I think its time to be the bad girl I used to be. I started to shove people out if my way. I knocked people to the ground. I knock books out of hands. I looked over at the girls they all smiled at me. I walked passed them and they followed me. I was the leader again. I walked around the corner and stopped when I saw him.

"Regina." He says.

Robin's POV

This is why I shoudnt have done this friend thing. I trusted a new girl and then two meanest people in the world. I was so stupid. I walked over to where August was when I stopped because she was here.

"Hello Robin." She says.

Killian's POV

Everything wasnt making and sense at all. Emma was so sweet. Regina and I have been friends for awhile she would do anything to me. Robin isnt a jerk he would betrayed anyone he has better person then that. I know what it was or who it was which means I shouldnt have yelled at Emma or be mad at the others I knew them better the that. I also know one person that knew those things about and there she was standing with Neal, Graham, and Walsh in front of my locker.

"Killian." She says.

Belle's POV

August and I couldnt believe what we saw the exs of them all started this. We have to get them back to each other. I know who to go to for help and I think he will for the right price. I walk into Mr.Gold's class and shut the door behind me.

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