Chapter 22

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Mary-Margaret's POV

I rushed to the hospital and I knew where Emma would be. I walked into the room and saw her crying on Killian.

"Hey Em can we talk for a minute?"

She nodded and got up and went out the door. As soon and I shut the door and cried on me.

"He's gone." She cries.

"Emma its okay. Your dad is on his way."

"I know, but he was a good friend from back in my old home." She says.

"He told us. Im sorry baby."

"I just want to go back to Killian." She says.

She opened the door and went back in. David came over to me and smiled.

"Where is she?" He asks.

"With Killian."

He opened the door and went inside.

"Everyone your attention please. Arthur and Gwen have been captured. They wont be able to hurt anyone ever again." He tells us.

Emma tried to smile through her tears, but couldnt.

~FlashBack to earlier that day~

David and I were having lunch when there was a knock on the door. I got up and opened it I looked at the person.

"Hi Miss. Is Emma Swan here?" He asks.

"Not at the moment."

"Do you know when she will be back?" He asks.

"Not sure she is in the hospital with her boyfriend was in an incident about a couple weeks ago and finally woke up yesterday, but come on in I'll text her and see when she will be coming."

"Thank you." He says walking in.

"Hi Im David." David introduces himself.

"Hi Im Lance." He says.

"How do you know Emma?" David asks.

"We met in the system and we are good friends. She also told me about her life here and about Arthur." He says.

"Yeah Arthur is someone Im trying to get." David tells him.

"Well I hope you do because he will hurt her." He tells David.

I walked over to David and kissed his cheek.

"Look I better get to the station." David says.

After about an hour I got a text from Emma and she will be home soon.

"Ok Lance I have some errands to run and Emma is on her way."

"Ok thank you." He says.

~End of FlashBack~

Emma's POV

I had to note that Lance was going to give me.

I know about what Arthur tried to do to you. Im sorry I got you into this mess in the first place. I should have never brought you into this. I so sorry Emma this was all my fault not yours. If something ever happened to you or anyone you care about I would never forgive myself. Im so sorry about this he is my problem and Im coming out of hiding and I am here to make sure he follows me and leaves you alone. Your a great person Emma.


I read it and cried I should have never told him about the hole Arthur thing and he wouldnt be dead now. I could feel the tears coming again and I felt a hand on my back. I looked at Killian and smiled. I lost a good friend, but I could I lost Killian. The only reason he killed Lance was because Killian never died. I laid down on Killian and fell asleep on his chest.

Killian's POV

I kissed Emma's head and I felt so bad for her.

"She just lost a dear friend of hers, but she will be okay." Snow says.

"I hope so the image is still in my head and I didnt even know him." Zelena says.

It must be much worst for Emma. I look at her fast asleep and I knew she could wake up screaming so I shooed everyone out.

Zelena's POV

I was with Neal and Mr.Gold at his shop. Neal and I planned on seeing Killian after he was done cleaning up his dads shop. I went outside for some fresh air when I saw Emma.

"Hey. Neal Im going to talk to Emma I will see you at the hospital."

"Okay." He says.

"Emma! Hey!"

"Hey Zelena whats up?" She asks.

"Mind if I join you?"

"Sure I just need to change and then we can go." She says.

"Nice bruises."

"What?" She says covering her neck.

"You and Killian were..."

"Stop right there." She says.

We went inside her house and saw a body on the ground.

"Emma! Emma!"

"Call 911. No Lance." She says.

She got down on her knees and touched the body. She got blood all over her hands and she was crying.

"Excuse me." The ambulance man says.

I got Emma up and pulled her away. She got some blood on me, but I didnt mind. They took him away and we walked to the hospital. I saw Regina and Belle and told them everything. I was shaken after seeing a dead body and Regina hugged me and Belle was conferring Emma.

~End of FlashBack~

"Hey Z why dont you stay with me tonight." Neal offers.

"Yeah maybe I should."

"Come on lets go." He says taking my hand.

"Do you think Emma will be okay?"

"She has Killian he will make it better." Neal tells me.

Emma's POV

"Ahhhhh! Ahhh!"

"Hey. Hey. Your okay." I heard Killian say.

He held my close and kissed my head.

"Killian his dead."

"Its going to take time but after awhile it will get better." He tells me.

"You sure?"

"Emma I lost my whole family and it was hard, but after awhile it got better." He says.

"Just dont go anywhere."

"Wouldnt dream of it Swan." He says.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

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