Chapter 17

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Emma's POV

Last night Regina and Zelena stayed here and they will be for awhile or at least till they are 18. This morning I got down stairs and help out my parents with breakfast. When Zelena goes to see Neal and Regina goes to take care of Robin I will be helping my dad with the spare room to surprise them. Zelena came down firsts and she seemed alittle out of it. Next Regina came down still upset. After we gave them breakfast they left to see their boyfriends. My mom cleaned the dishes and I went with my dad to the hardware store.

"Ok Em what color for the walls?" He asks.

"I dont know. Regina loves red, but Zelena loves Green."

"Ok that could be a problem." He says.

"Maybe we could make it like half and half for them."

"You know what Emma I like that idea." He tells me.

We got them their own beds and dressers. Even though they wont be with us for long we want the comfortable. Once we got what we need we went to work. My mom helped us and it was a great time. Once we were all done I went to Granny's to get then. I saw Regina and Zelena and walked over to them.

"Hey guys."

"Hey." They say.

"Come with us we have something to show you both."

They looked at each other and followed me. I walked with them to the apartment. We walked in and my mom was waiting.

"Hey ladies these are for you." She says handing them keys.

"Thank you." Zelena says.

"Yes thank you." Regina tells her.

"Thats not all."

I took them to the room and when they saw it their faces were shocked.

"You didnt half to." Regina says.

"Yeah we would have been fine with the blow up mattresses." Zelena says.

"I know you would have and your right we didnt have to, but we want to make you guys feel at home."

"Thank you." Regina says hugging me.

"Yeah thanks." Zelena says.

I let them settle in and I went up to my room and I laid on my bed. I closed my eyes to rest. When I woke up it was the next morning and it was time for school. I woke up and got dressed.

"Hey Emma morning." My mom says.

"Yeah morning. Where Zelena and Regina?"

"Oh Zelena is in the bathroom and Regina went over to help Robin. I guess he is going to school today." She tells me.


I waited for Zelena to get out of the bathroom and I walked to school with her. Once we got there I saw Robin and Regina long with August, Belle, and Neal. We walked over to them.

"Hey feeling better?" Zelena asks Robin.

"Yeah I am." He says.

August and Regina help Robin up the stairs and they went inside the school followed by Neal and Zelena. I looked around for Killian and I saw him no where.

"He isnt coming to school today." Belle says.

"What? Why not?"

"I dont know Regina and Robin said its because he isnt feeling well today." She says.

We walked inside and all day all I could think about was Killian.

"Hey Emma can we talk?" Robin asks with Regina by his side.


"Killian isnt feeling well today and thats why he isnt here." He tells me.

"Yeah Belle told me that this morning. Maybe I should check on him."

"Emma he told us that his doesnt want you to come." Regina tells me.


"Its only because he doesn want to get you sick thats all." Robin says.

"Ok well I will see you guys later."

Killian's POV

I ditched school today to avoid Emma. Im just mad at her that all. I walked over to the docks to sit, but when I checked the time and Emma would be getting around this area soon. I walked on to the my ship and sat blow deck. I could let her see me she would know I had Robin and all the rest lie for me. I waited for time to past after about 2hours later I walked up to the upper deck.

"Killian?" A girls voice says.

It wasnt any girl voice it was Emma's. I looked over at her and just walked away to the wheel.

"KILLIAN!!" She yells at me.

She walked onto the ship and walked right up to me.

"Emma what are you doing here?"

"No! Dont give me that whats going on with you." She yells.


I walked past her and headed down the stairs. I knew she had followed me.

"Killian dont want way" She says but stops herself.

She looked at the place how it was all set up romantically and special. There was a spot for dinner and a comfortable place set up to watch a movie. She turned to me and frowns.

"I forgot our date didnt I?" She asks.


"Thats why you didnt want to see me." She say.

"No. I didnt wan to see you because I know how I am and I didnt want to make you feel bad."

"Im so sorry Killian. I just all caught up to help Regina and Zelena's room." She says.

"Yeah I know Regina told me. Thats why I didnt want to see you. I thought my anger would take over."

"You would never hurt me." She says.

"I know, but I never know."

"Hey look at me. Im sorry I forgot our date, but maybe we can do it now. I call Granny's for some take out." She says.

"Yeah I'd like that."

Emma called for take out and left to her place and then she was going to get the food. She came back about 40mins later in a pink dress and the food. We start off at the table I had set up last night and we talked and eat for about 2hours. After that we got into the comfortable place I set up. I put the movie in and sat back next to her. I pulled her closed to me and she set her head in my shoulder. I put a blanket on her. I kissed the top of her head. She looked up at me and kissed my lips with passion. We pull a part and watched the movie or some of them movie. I noticed she had fallen asleep on me. I turned off the movie and put my head on hers and fell fast asleep.

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