Chapter 14

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David's POV

We looked everywhere for Emma she was know where to be seen and neither was that no good Killian Jones. I know he is behind it. Mary-Margaret came up to me and showed me a piece of paper.

Dear Mom and Dad,
There is someone from my past after me Killian is helping me. If you meet a guy names Arthur in Storybrooke he is the one that is causing this. Text me once he is gone. Dont worry Killian will take care of me. See you both soon hopefully.


Well this Arthur guy got Emma to leave town with Killian Jones.

Emma's POV

Killian and I made our way to an apartment. I looked around and Killian took my hand and lead me upstairs. We got into this one bedroom place.

"Okay Emma this is a place we can stay." Killian.

"Thanks Killian for all your help."

"Anything for you. Well anyway your safe now." He says hugging me.

"I better tell My parents that Im okay."

I grab my phone and walked over to the balcony. I saw message from David.

David: Emma text me please.

Emma: Hey Im fine.

David: Okay good I hope your okay with Killian.

Emma: Dad he isnt going to hurt me.

David: Just be safe.

I turned off my phone and went to sit on the couch. Killian just sat there is silence. I got up and got him some ice. I put it on his eye.

"Emma you dont have to." He tells me.

"I want to."

"Emma its okay." He says.

I put my hand on his shoulder and held him close to me when trying to help him. He looked up at me. I smiled at him.

"Killian you know how I was acting so weird after that kiss."

"Yeah. Why?" He asks.

"I think you should know why."

"Okay tell me." He says.

"Killian I...I..."

I was cut off by a knock on the door. Killian looked up and stood up and got the door. Regina, Robin, Belle, August, Zelena, and Neal.

"What are you all doing here?"

"We came when we heard." Belle says.

"Yeah your dad told us." Robin says.

"Well there isnt enough room here for us all." Killian says.

"My dad has a place just across the street we could crash there so you two can have this place." Neal says.

"You sure?"

"Yeah we will see you all later." Regina says.

They all left and I looked at Killian. He smiled at me.

"Did you know?"

"No." He says.

I looked outside and saw it was getting dark and I was alittle tried.

"Im going to bed."

"Ok I'll be sleeping on couch. I'll see you in the morning."

I kissed his cheek and laid down on the bed and fell asleep.

~Emma's Dream~

I was sitting on the docks back in Storybrooke and cried. I felt arms wrap around me and I smiled.

"Hello love." He says.


"You know that I think your beautiful, but I cant loss you." He says.

"Of course Killian I cant be without you either."

I laugh and smile into his shoulder. I then look into his eyes and kissed him.

"Aww Emma your down for." A voice says behind me.


"Thats right my sweet Emma." He says.

I look behind me and Killian was gone.


"His gone Emma and his never coming back." Arthur says.


"Now you will pay for what you did." He says.

"I did nothing it was you."

"Maybe, but your the only one that knows so now your going to pay." He says.

He held up a gun and pointed it at me. After he pulled the trigger everything went black.

~End Emma's Nightmare~

I started screaming and Killian came running in. He held me close.

"Your okay Emma." He whispers in my ear.

I started crying. He held me tighter. After I stopped crying he let me go.


"I'll be right out there when you need me." He says.

"Killian wait!"

"Yeah." He says.

"Stay in the bed with me please."

"Sure thing." He says.

He climbed into the bed and wrapped me in his arms. I snuggled up to him and but my head on his chest. This is so comfortable in his arms. 

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