Chapter 36

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Killian's POV

Emma and everyone were having a good time and now I have to tell Emma about leaving. I know she is going to be super sad. It was towards the end of the party and everyone was already gone they either had flights or a long drive ahead. Emma hugged her parents goodbye as they left.

"Okay Love I better get going."

"Oh are you sure?" She asks.

"Yeah, but Emma I need to tell you something."

"Okay what is it?" She asks.

"Well I should have told you earlier, but I didnt I couldnt with everyone else leaving."

"Killian what are you saying?" She says sadly.

"Emma Im leaving tomorrow."

"What? Where are you going?" She asks me.

"Im joining the Navy just like my dad and brother."

"Will you ever be back?" She asks.

"I dont know Emma, but I want you to know telling you is something I wish I hadnt have to do."

"Killian, please stay. Dont go." She says.

"Emma Im going tomorrow and this will be the last time to see me for now."

"Killian dont leave me." She says crying.

I walked up to her and hugged her. She put her head on my shoulder. I kissed the top of her head.

"Emma I love you, but Im sorry I have to do this for me."

"I understand. Go." She says.

"I did say Im leaving in tomorrow why dont you join me on my ship."

She nodded and I look her hand and walked her to the ship.

Emma's POV

I woke up in Killian's arms and felt tears go down my face. He was leaving. After we spent the morning on the ship I went with him to the cab at the end to the town. This place I have said goodbye to alot of people. Now I will be saying it to the one person I love.

"Killian I just want you to know that I love you and always will."

"I know and I love you too. If we never see each other again I want you to know you meant everything to me and always will." He says.


"Goodbye." He says.

He kisses me one last time and then he was gone.

A/N This is the end of this book but a sequel will be coming soon.

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