Chapter 1

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Emma's POV

I have changed my outfit like 10 times this morning. I cant decide at all. I decide to go with a white long sleeve shirt, a pair of jeans, my brown combat boots, and to top it all off my red leather jacket. I decided that this outfit maybe will not make people think I was too knew to school. I walked downstairs for breakfast where David and Mary-Margaret where at.

"Good Morning Emma. Sleep well?" David asked.

"Yep I sleep just fine."

"Ok Emma get some breakfast and we will drop you off at school." Mary-Margaret said.

"Im not hungry."

"Must be all the nerves. Sit down and try to eat." David says.

I sat down at the table and eat got some food. When I was done we got into David's truck and headed to school.

"Have a nice day Emma." David says hugging me.

"I will."

"Dont forget to be yourself because thats all that matters." Mary-Margaret says.

"Ok Have a nice day and be myself. I can do that."

I hug her and walk up the steps.

"OH! Emma! We will be here to pick you up right after school!" David yells.


I take a deep breath and close my eyes. I open then and walk in the doors. As soon as it opened I saw people staring at me. Then I realized I had hit someone with the door.

"Look the new girl. Hit that nerdy little freak with the door." A girl says.

She was wearing a red dress, some black tights, and six inch heels.

"Regina be nice. Im sure the new girl didnt mean it, but the little Nerd definitely deserved it." The blonde says.

"Mal is right." A red head says.

"Ok whatever. Hi Im Regina, this is Mal, Ella, Ursula, and Zelena." Regina says.

"Im Emma. Its nice to meet you." I say sticking my hand out.

She reaches out her head and then pulls it away and give me an evil look.

"Like Im going to touch the heads of a foster kid." She says knocking everything out of my hands.

They laughed and walked away. I was on the ground picking my things up. I looked at the girl on the ground that I had knocked over and I handed her book to her.

"Thank you." She says.

"No problem."

"Its ok. Im Belle." She says

"Im Emma. Sorry for hurt you."

"Its fine." She says handing me my books.


She gets up and helps me up.

"See you around Emma." She says.

She walked away and I start to walk when the door swigs open and hits me and knocks me down.

"Killian! You just hit some new girl!" Regina says running up to him.

"Oh Im sorry." He says to me holding his hand out for me.

I reach out but Regina puts his hand down.

"Regina." He says

"She was talking to Belle." She tells him.

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