Chapter 18

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Emma's POV

I woke up in some strong arms I looked up to see Killian still sleeping. I kissed his cheek and snuggled into his chest. Then I remembered that we have school. I shake Killian to wake him up.

"Killian! Killian! Wake up we have school."

"What?" He says all sleepy.

"School Killian."

"Oh crap." He says.

He got up and left the room. He came back in a change of clothes. I took my hand I dragged me out. We ran to my house Killian waited outside for me. I got dressed quickly and ran out the door. I grabbed Killian's hand and we ran to school. We got there just in time for first period. After class I went over to my locker and Killian was already there.


"Hey beautiful." He says kissing me.

"Get a room you." Regina says.

"Well we would but Emma wanted to get to school." Killian tells her.

"Your suppose to do better in school now. Meaning you have to go to school."

"Your right love." He says.

I laugh at him and he kisses me. He was kissing me rough and passionate and he bit my lower lip. I pulled away from him.

"Killian. No."

"Sorry Swan." He says.

He walked away from me. Regina stared at me.


"Have you and Killian you done it?" She asks.

"No we havent."

"Wow you would think about all the times you guys are alone you would have by now." She says.

"I dont know Regina. Like I just want to take things slow and Killian respects that."

"Oh so he knows?" She asks.

"Well no, but he has never tried to make it happen. Especially when were alone he just wants to talk and cuddle thats about it."

"Wow he must truly love you to not want it right away." She says.

"Regina, Killian has changed from the guy he was."

I walked away from her and saw Killian sitting outside at a table not alone. He was with some girl. One I have never seen before.

"Thats Gwen." I heard someone say.

"Whos Gwen."

"Well she is worse then I was." She says.

I turn around to see Milah behind me.

"What do you mean by worse?"

"When I was with Killian at first it was a normal couple. All way together never really apart. Then one day I see her with him after that he was never really around me anymore. He would say Im busy and then Neal would tell me that he was with some girl walking around and ditching school. I didnt want to believe it, but one day I decided to skip school to follow him. I saw him go into Granny's bed and breakfast. When I got up the stairs I heard sounds. I crack the door slightly and saw them you having a good time. Then I heard him tell her that she was better then me." She tells me.

"So he cheated on you with her?"

"Yes and Emma I dont want that to happen to you, but I dont think it will." She says.

"And why is that?"

"Well I knew Killian didnt love me, but he stopped being around other women when he met you and when you to became friends he only hung out with the girls you trusted. He truly loves you and I think you should go make sure that girl knows it. I didnt let her know and she took him. He might not have cared for me, but I did for him, but you love him and he loves you now go show her." She says pushing me outside.

I looked back at her and held a thumbs up and had a smile. I walked over to Killian and kissed him. I made it super rough and passionate. I didnt even care that we were on school grounds. I climbed on to his lap not daring to break our lips apart. I nibbled on his bottom lip. I pulled away and put my head on his.

"I love you."

Before he could say anything I cut him off with another kiss and I could tell he was happy. I pulled away again and smiled at him.

"I love you so much Swan." He says.

"I know."

"Well we better get to class." He says.


I climb off his lap and grabbed his hand. We walked to class, but I looked back at where we were and that girl was gone. After school I was at my locker when I felt hands wrap around me.

"Hello my Swan." He says in my ear.


"You and me tonight my ship." He whispers to me.

"Sure see you then."

I walked away and headed home. It was getting late and I had to change to meet up with Killian when I was stopped by that girl.

"So you and Killian?" She asks.

"Yeah me and Killian."

"Well dont get used to it. He cares about me." She says.

"If that were true you would be with him."

"You really think he cares about you?" She asks.

"No I dont think he cares about me."

"Well good cause he doesnt." She says.

"You see you didnt let me finish. I dont think he cares about I know he does."

She got mad and shoved me up against the wall.

"Listen here chick Killian is mine." She says.

"I told you at school today that I want nothing to do with you. Now leave Emma lone." I heard someone say, but I know who.

"Killian she is just a phase in your life and we are forever." She tells him.

"No. You were a phase and a bad one. I've change thanks to Emma. You wernt and never will be my forever now go." He says.

She let me go and walked away. I smiled at him. He came close to me and kisses my head.

"I love you Killian Jones."

"I love you too Emma Swan." He says.

"So about meeting you at your ship?"

"Yeah I was going to tell you about her and what she did and what I did to Milah and how I would never do that to you." He says.

"Its okay. Milah told me the story and she also said she knows you never hurt me."

"Yeah shes right I would never hurt you Swan." He says.

"So was that all?"

"Yeah thats all, but I guess I'll see you at school tomorrow." He says.

"You know we are by the docks. We can go hang out on the ship."

"Emma its late I should get you home." He says.

I grab his hand and pull him on his ship. I lead him downstairs to the Captains Quarters. I push him on the bed and climb on top of him. I kiss him and run my fingers through his hair. He stops the kiss and pulls away.

"I need you."

"Swan.." He says softly.

"Killian I want you."

He pulls me close again and kisses me. He then moves him lips to my neck and bites me. He takes off my shirt I take off his along with everything else we were wearing.

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