Chapter 34

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Emma's POV

Well just two months of school left and it was going to be different. I walked into school and everyone wasnt staring at me. I was so used to that. I felt a hand slip around my waist and lips kiss the side of my head.

"My boyfriend is going to be here soon. I wouldnt do that if I were you."

"You love this boyfriend of yours?" He asks.

"Well yes, but maybe not as much as you."

I turn around to face Killian.

"You better not let him hear that." He jokes.

"I wont. So anyway it feels different."

"Yeah I know. Its quiet and thats not normal around us." He says.

"True, I just miss everyone thats all."

"Yeah I do too. I wonder what they are all up too." Killian says.

Belle's POV

School, school work, actually work, and pregnancy. Just my luck. School is very interesting I did miss my friends though. I missed Regina and Robin always joking about who is better. I missed Neal and Zelena trying to make Rumple give Neal money. I missed August, but the August after he got with Lily the sweet non flirt one. I missed Rumple, but this is a good thing for right now. I missed Emma and Killian and I really missed how they liked each other, but wouldnt say anything. I also love them together they are just so cute. I miss them all so much and I hope to see them again.

August's POV

Today Lily was working early and I was with Henry. I was so happy that I actually cant do much. I missed everyone back home though. I grew up with Robin and he was like a brother to me and I missed him. Regina was always a pain as was Zelena, but they both changed and I kinda miss them too. Emma, Killian, and Neal I missed as well. Killian and Neal and I butted heads for a long time, but we finally fixed it. Emma is the one I really should thank I mean she in away got me and Lily together. I also missed that smarty pants Belle. Its going to be hard not to see them everyday.

Robin's POV

I really liked it here in LA its was nice. I got to see Belle once a week or twice if Im lucky. We both are really busy and cant hang out much. I missed my friends though all of them. I missed Killian and Emma the two that were super funny to watch before they started dating. I missed Neal and Zelena the two who were really mean, but actually are very nice. My best friend August was someone I missed alot he was like my brother. The one I missed the most was Regina I loved her and I still do love her she is everything to me. We will have to see where this goes.

Zelena's POV

The world was so pretty and there was so much to see. Neal was always talking about how he misses his home and how he missed Killian and everyone else. I thought about it for awhile and then I realized that I missed everyone too. I missed my little sister Regina and how she would get on my nerves, but I still loved her. I missed Belle, August, and Robin three people I picked on that actually thought I was mean and then we all became friends. I really had Emma to thank for that she got me into the group and took Regina and I in when we need someone. I think Im going to cry.

Regina's POV

Things in NY were going okay I finished school online so I could get my diploma. I really thought about everyone. I thought about how Emma made me hate her then made me her friend. I thought about how Neal made my sister happy. I thought about how Belle and August didnt like me, but they trusted me enough to be my friend. I thought about how my sister and I werent close until we friended the group. I also thought about how Killian and I were so close and how he was always there for me, but it made me sad that he isnt like that right now for me. Lastly I thought about Robin the very person I knew and loved who I still love. Life without them will be hard, but I could get easy. Right?

Killian's POV

The time I have with Emma will be just alittle short. I havent told her this, but Im joining the Navy, my father did and so did my brother. It was my turn and I actually have to leave the day right after graduation. I have no idea how Im going to tell Emma, but it wont be tonight. After school Emma and I laid on my bed she was snuggled on my chest and I cant help, but think this is the end.

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