Chapter 28

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Belle's POV

Emma was busy today with her mom's party so I am going to tell Regina the truth. I just need a friend who will support me, but also have a loud opinion to talk sense into me. Thats why I picked Regina. I walked over to her house and knocked on the door. She smiled at me and answers.

"Belle what brings you here?" She asks.

"I have to tell you something."

"Okay come on in." She says.

I walked in a sat on the couch and saw bags everywhere.

"Going somewhere?"

"Packing for college." She tells me.

"Right your life is on track."

"Belle didnt you just graduate?" She asks.

"Yeah I did, but something came up."

"What? Is this what you came to tell me?" She asks.

"Yes it is why I came here."

"Belle stop stalling and tell me." She says.

"Okay Emma and Killian are covering for me and Mr.Gold. Im the one who is pregnant and engaged not Emma."

"Thats great and stupid." She says.

"This is why I came to you."

"Belle its great about your life growing and a family, but what about going to Stanford?" She says.

"I dont know. My mom went there and my dad staid behind and then she came back to him and had me. After she died I had my heart set on following her foot steps."

"Belle go to college. Have your baby and then bring it back for Mr.Gold. Life is short Belle and you cant put your life on hold." She tells me.

"How did you get so smart?"

"Actually Robin taught me that, but now we will be separated and if its love then when will find our way back. Dont rush Belle things can change." She says.

"So I should move away, have a baby, bring the baby back, go back to school and see what happens from there?"

"Yes thats what you should do and if Gold doesnt like it then he doesnt love you like you thought." She tells me.

"Thank you Regina."

I left Regina's and went to Mr.Gold's house. I knocked on the door and Neal answered.

"Belle come on in." He says.

"Is your dad here?"

"Yeah in his work room. Just go right in." He says.


I saw him in the work room and he looked up at me. I walked into the room.

"Belle what brings you here?" He asks me.

"Listen I know this is a thing I was happy with at first, but now its different."

"What do you mean?" He asks.

"I wanna go to Stanford."

"Belle are you sure?" He questions.

"Yes Im sure. Rumple I cant through my life away. I want to be with you and have this child, but wont be happy as happy as I should. This is something I have to do for me and for us."

"So thats it you choose to leave me." He says.

"Not really Im just saying wait for me. Im going. I will bring the baby to you after and then I will be back as much as I can, but this is what I want. Dont you want me happy?"

"Of course I want you happy Belle and if this is it then go." He says.

"Really? Even if things go different for us and other people come into our lives."

"Yes even if that happens. I just you happy. I will always want you happy Belle." He says.

I couldnt say anything else but I kissed him and walked away. Its been a week and I was all packed and ready to go. Everyone was here to say goodbye except Mr.Gold we said our goodbyes last night.

"Bye Belle." Regina says hugging me.

"Goodbye Regina."

"Aww Belle we became friends now your leaving. Write me." Zelena says hugging me.

"I will. Goodbye Zelena."

"Hey Belle Im going to miss you." Neal says hugging me.

"Im going to miss you to Neal."

"Okay Belle goodbye." August says hugging me.

"Bye August."

"Well find the coolest places in California and we will meet up when I get there." Robin says hugging me.

"Yeah I will. See you then Robin."

"Well Belle its been fun, but it looks like goodbye for now." Killian says hugging me.

"Yeah it has. Goodbye Killian."

I looked over at Emma she was trying so hard not to cry. I walked over to her and hugged her.

"Belle Im going to miss you so much." She says.

"Im going to miss you too Emma."

"You were my first real friend here." She says with some tears forming in her eyes.

"You were my first friend in along time."

"Goodbye Belle." She says.

"Goodbye Emma."

"You better let Belle go the cab is waiting." Killian says.

"Bye Belle." Emma says letting go.

"Bye Em."

I got into the cab and saw all my friends I waved goodbye to them and the cab drove away.

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