Chapter 2

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Emma's POV

Its been a week at Storybrooke High and everything was fine. I guess, Regina Mills and her posse still gave me problems but not as much as Killian Jones. Today was Friday the last day till the weekend. It was lunch time and I made my way over to Belle and August when I was stopped.

"Emma Swan, how are you today?" Killian asks.

"Im fine thanks."

"Oh not for long." He says knocking my whole plate of food on me.

He laughed and I watched him walked away. Food got into my eyes and I couldnt see. I feel someone wiping my eyes. I look up and see Robin helping me.

"Thanks Robin."

"No problem Emma." He says.

Belle walked me to the bathroom and helped me clean up.

"Thanks Belle."

"Anytime Emma." She says.

We walked out and the bell rang and I headed to Mr.Gold's class.

"Miss.Swan late to class." Mr.Gold says.

"Sorry Mr.Gold she was with me. I was helping her clean up." Belle says.

"Ok alright. Here is a pass for you Miss.French and Miss.Swan please have a seat." He says.

Belle took the pass and left the room. I took my seat and Mr.Gold continued the lesson.

"Before you all go I would like to assign a class project. It will be due in two weeks. I will be picking your partner. First up Emma Swan and Killian Jones." He says.

Great just my luck Killian I hate that guy. I looked over at him. He had a smirk on his face. I try to shake it off, but for some reason I cant.

"Shall we start today?" Killian asks.

"Whatever. Meet me at the library say 4ish."

"Cant wait." He says with we a devilish look.

After school I rushed into David's car and we headed home. It was 3 and I had one hour to get ready. I first put on a nice dress. Then changed into cute crop shirt and a skirt. Then I realized Im not trying to impresses this jerk. So I put on a plain black shirt, long pants, some converse, a flannel shirt on top, and my hair in a high messy ponytail. I grab my books and bag and headed out the door. I walked over to the library and I walked inside. I was waiting for Killian to show up. I dont know why I was trying look nice his mean to me. I doddle in my notebook as I wait.

"Swan." A voice says.

"Hey ready to work?"

"Yeah." Killian says sitting down.

After an hour of woking Killian was actually not being a jerk. I actually like it. He was so perfect. WAIT WHAT!!!!?!? No Emma.

"Well I think thats all for today. See you tomorrow here same time?" Killian asks.

"Yeah ok."

I didnt want that to end. We got out of the library. I saw Robin across the street.

"Robin!" I say.

"Emma! Hey Im going to meet up with Belle and August at Granny's wanna come?" He yells back.


"Cool I'll cross after the cars go and we can walk there together." He says.

Killian's POV

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