Chapter 7

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Neal's POV

My dad told me what happened and that Killian and Belle were released. Killian Jones will pay for stopping me. Its been two months and now we are going back to school after our winter vacation. Even before vacation Killian and Emma together pissed me off. Emma Swan was going to be my personal S.E.X slave. Robin also got close to Regina and now that S.E.X slave was gone. Killian and Robin I know how to get those two away from them Im going to have to invite the girls back. Thats right my sisters Milah and Marian. Emma and Regina wont know what hit them. I should also bring Daniel back for Regina. Now all I have to do is find Emma's ex that hurt her and bring them all at once. Neal wins and everyone else loses. I texted my plan to Walsh and Graham. Killian has gone to the good side and Victor Whale has left us to be good for his crush Ruby. Doesnt matter though as long as we get Killian and Emma, Robin and Regina to squirm it will be all better.

Emma's POV

School was starting back up in a few day and tonight I was have a slumber party with Regina because Belle is sick and because I dont think David would approve of Killian, Robin, and August sleeping over. It was 7pm and Regina was on her way over. I heard and knock at the door an answered.

"Regina glade you could make it."

"Anything to get away from Zelena." She says.

We walked upstairs and put her stuff in my room. Its funny the girl I used to hate is now one of my best friends. She goes into my drawers and finds a photo of me and a old friend.

"Emma who is this?" She asks me.

"Thats my friend Lily."

"I thought you said you never really made friends?" She questions.

"I didnt but she was in the system. She isnt anymore she got out last year cause she is 18. I do miss her she was like big sister to me."

"She is 18? Like Ruby and Will? If so get ahold of her maybe she would like to work at Granny's with them." Regina suggests.

"I dont know, but I could try. Anyone on a different topic. You and Robin?"

"There is no me and Robin." She says.

"Oh please you to always hang out. I see the two of you together everywhere."

"What about you and Killian?" She asks.

"There is no me and Killian."

"Right. Sure." She sassed.

"Do you have a crush on Robin?"

"No... I... Just.... No." She hesitates.

"Come on Regina tell me."

"Ok fine. You like Killian." She says.

"What? No! I dont."

"So you do." She mocks my tone.

"Im not even answering that unless you answer if you like Robin."

"Fine yes I like Robin. Thats why I wanted to be nice was to get him to like me. Now Im nice and he doesnt like me, but I like being nice. Also I was planning on punching you because when I realized I liked him, you two were flirt with one another." She tells me.

"We werent flirting it was just two friends having fun thats all."

"Ok. Spill about Killian. I did about Robin." She says.

"Ok fine."

"Now Emma." She demands.

"Yes I do like Killian. He is so nice and sweet and I have had opportunities to kiss him but I never did. I dont think he feels the same for me as I do him. I liked right away but then you made him hate me. I forgive you for that. Also thought that you two were a couple and that hurt. Well any way Regina what should I do?"

"Tell him." She says.

"No you tell Robin."

"No you tell Killian first. You've liked him longer." She points out.

"I cant unless you tell Robin. Your better at things like this then I am."

"Emma I will help you. What I see if Killian likes you and if he does and Im sure he does I'll have him make the first move." She says.

"So Im guessing you want me to do the same with Robin?"

"Yes please." She says.

"What if your wrong? What if Killian doesnt like me?"

"Emma Im Regina and Im never wrong." She sassed.

"Your a sassy person you know that right?"

"Yes I do, but What if Robin doesnt like me? What will I do?" She asks.

"Simple date him because he does like you and if he didnt he would be crazy not to. Once your not so mean your actually a good person and thats what matters."

"What if your wrong?" She questions.

"Regina Im Emma and Im never wrong."

"Dont mock me Swan. If you do I will tell Killian you like him." She threatens.

"Ok and then I will tell Robin you like him then."

"Damn you Swan." She says.

"Why do you and Killian call me Swan my name is Emma."

"Killian started it and you have to admit it suits you." She says.

"What should I call you other then Regina?"

"Queen will do it works for me. Robin can have the nickname Outlaw it works for him. Belle's nickname can be Beauty. I call Killian Killy, but he hates that. Maybe you can come up with something better." She says.

"Haha you and Robin with you nicknames become OutlawQueen."

"Haha shut it." She says.

"How about Captain for Killian. I mean he has a ship and is the Captain of it so. You Captain."

"Haha I like that. So together you two are CaptainSwan." She says.

"Shut up."

"Ok fine. I'll stop." She says.

We talk the rest of the night about Killian and Robin we also told them their nicknames. Robin said that Outlaw works for him and Killian actually loved the nickname Captain. Regina really likes Robin and if she changed for him then what if Killian also changed for someone. After Regina went to bed I decided to try and get a hold of Lily. I hope she answers me. I would love to see her again and talk about the one thing know one knows about here. The guy who got me pregnant.

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