Chapter 35

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Emma's POV

Over the rest of the school year Killian was acting strange and wasnt himself. I didnt know why. Today is the day before we graduate and I couldnt be more excited, but also sad. I walked into Grannys and say down across from my parents.

"Hey Em excited?" My mom asks.

"Yes and no."

"What does that mean?" My dad asks.

"Yes because school is over and no because all of my friends wont be there."

"True, but you have Killian." He says.

"Yeah I dont know lately he has been acting alittle weird."

"Just give him time Emma its hard on him." My mom says.

"Why would you say that?"

"Emma remember Killian doesnt have his family any more and they wont get to see him graduate." She says to me.

"Oh right. Poor Killian."

"Just talk to him. Thats all you can really do." She says.

"Ok. Well its the last day of school and I better get there. See you guys later."

I got up ad walked out. I wanted to talk to Killian, but he wasnt anywhere to be found. So I went into the building and saw him talking with Mr.Gold.

"Do you know if she is okay?" He asks.

"Mr.Gold I told you Belle is fine. Maybe she is alittle busy." Killian says.

"Mr.Jones your telling me a pregnant women doesnt want to talk to the man who did it?" Mr.Gold asks.

"No Im saying that she....Emma." Killian says when he sees me.

"Hey whats going on?"

"Nothing." Killian says.

"Okay we should get to class then."

He nods and takes my hand. At lunch I couldnt find him anywhere and I went to look for him. There he was again talking with Mr.Gold and then he spotted me.

"Will talk later Mr.Gold." Killian says and walks over to me.

"Killian whats wrong with you today?"

"Oh nothing really its just last minute school stuff." He says.


I knew he was lying to me,but I couldnt help myself after school I saw him get into Mr.Gold's car and I followed it all the way to the docks. What were they up too? After about two hours I sat on the bench as if I had just got there. I saw Mr.Gold get off and walked away. He had alot of papers in his hand.

"Emma whats up?" Killian asks.

"What were the papers Mr.Gold had?"

"Remember when I told Belle I got rid of them?" He asks.

"Wait you never did?"

"No and Gold wanted them back. I had to look for them, but eventually I found them." He tells me.

"Why didnt you tell me?"

"Sorry I just thought that if he told Belle then she would think maybe you were involved so I didnt want your best friend to be mad at you." He says.

"Your lucky your cute."

He took my hand and lead me somewhere new down and the beach. We sat in the sand and talked for hours then he walked me home. The next morning I got up and got dressed. My parents where ready to go. After the graduation ceremony Killian came up to me and kissed me.

"Emma I love you, but I also lied to you." He says.

"What do you mean?"

"The papers Gold had was the surprise your parents wanted to throw you. Gold and I were the distraction." He admits.

"Killian what are you talking about?"

"Swan just look behind you." He says.

I turned around and I couldnt speak.

"Congratulations Emma!" They all yell.

"Belle! Regina! Robin! August! Lily! Neal! Zelena! Your all here."

"Yes we are and we missed you." Belle says.

"Your parents wanted a surprise." Robin says.

"Well I love it."

"Sorry I had to trick you Swan." Killian says.

"Its okay you did a good thing."

"Ok now lets go to Grannys and celebrate." Regina says.

What a great graduation gift for me, but Killian still felt a tad off.

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