0) Prologue

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"I knew this would happen, Taylor?"

Taylor stares at the ceiling fan; he isn't sure what happened. One moment, Taylor was—getting dragged by hellhounds, and now he was staring at a ceiling fan. He recognizes this fan.

He tried to get up, but someone pushed him down.

"Don't—stay down, Taylor; let your body heal."

He lay back on the cushions and stared into Senna's beautiful crystal blue eyes. He looked around, and his father stood to the side, speaking to Savannah.

"You scared us," Senna wiped his forehead with a damp face cloth. "Luther got you out of hell before the hounds dragged you into the fire of hell."

Taylor remembers why he was in hell: for a mission for his father. His father disapproved and was going to send Dante. But Taylor wanted to go instead; he wanted to take a look at hell once again. But it all went wrong; for the first few months, he was doing great and getting work done, but then the princes of hell learned he was Luther's son and targeted him.

The princes sent their best warriors to hunt, capture, and torture Taylor. He escaped only to get recaptured. He experienced the same thing over and over for years. He became stuck in hell for so long he isn't sure how long.

"How long?" He asked.

Senna's lips press into a thin line. "For us, four years."

Taylor thought of Sapphire. His little princess, she should be four or five—he missed years of her life.

"You'll see Sapphire soon," Senna half smiled. "Sapphire has missed you and hasn't forgotten you. I promise she will recognize you."

Taylor closed his eyes and grimaced.


He opened his eyes and looked at Savannah. "Grandma."

"Hi," she placed her hand across his forehead. "You worried us; I'm glad Luther never gave up looking for you."

Taylor sighed.

"I'll recommend you take it easy," Savannah set a bottle of pills and a bottle with green powder. "You became exposed to hell's toxic gasses for far too long; you, well, yours a bit unstable. Your demon keeps coming out."

Taylor groaned. "Is that why I feel rage?"

"Maybe," Savannah sighed. "The green powder is a tea; take it before bedtime, and the pills; take one whenever you feel like you're losing control of your demon."

Taylor nodded.

"You're going on a much-needed vacation," Luther said. "And no buts."

Taylor won't have any complaints.

After days in bed, Taylor was allowed to leave the bedroom.

"Sapphire is visiting," Senna smiled.

Taylor should have been happy, but he wasn't sure how it would go. There is a lot of rage inside of him.

Taylor sat outside staring at the sky. He has missed the warmth of the sun. In hell, it was warm, but it was not like the sun.


Taylor sat up and winced. He glances ahead. Sapphire ran toward him. She came from the side of the garden.

He opens his arms for her. Sapphire jumps into his embrace. Taylor ignored the pain and held his little girl. She's so grown. Smiling, he kisses the top of her head.

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