Chapter Ten

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Charlottes POV

I stand there with no emotion evident what so ever. I mean it was only a matter of time before they found out what I had done. I'm a bad person, there is no good left in me. No one says anything, so I just storm out the house and walk to Dakota's house. Just as I'm about to knock I hear someone coming to the door, it looks as if she's had a party here last night. I hide behind a wall and see Kieron come out shirtless and zipping up his trousers. That bitch, she knew I was getting with him. I make no sound or movement until he's gone then when Dakota turns around I just smirk. 'Was he good? Was it good fucking someone who has fucked me in every sense of the world?' I say with no emotion in my voice. 'Charlotte it wasn't like that we were both drunk and I had never done.... It before so he said he would be my first.' She says worry in her voice. 'You said to me you had no friends was that all a lie?'

'No it wasn't, they saw me hanging around with you so they started speaking to me. They listen to me Char, they know things about me. You know nothing about me because you don't care. You're too pretty for your own good, you don't realise it do you? I know everything about you, and you know nothing about me or my life'

'You think they actually care about you? Your wrong Kieron doesn't give a shit about you or me he's only in it for the sex. If your gunna go around and act like me at least make it believable and don't believe everything people tell you.' I say and play a small smile on my face. She doesn't get it, she's pulled herself into my world, and that's not a place you want to visit.

I walk past her giving her my signature smile and light up a cigarette. 'Char wait! Where you going to go?'

'Nowhere' I say flinging my hands into the air breathing a big puff of smoke into the air.

Fuck everything, fuck life, fuck my parents, fuck James, fuck the boys, fuck Kieron, fuck Jack, fuck Jai, here's where everyone can finally see me for who I am. If they thought I was messed up before – they have got another thing coming.

****Night time****

Kieron injected the poison into me, which made me feel ecstatic. 'Welcome to wonderland' he whispered kissing my neck slowly. I tilted my head back in pleasure. Me and him are so similar, we are both fucked up in so many ways that's why go together. He understands my appetite for destruction. He knows im going borderline insane. Instead of helping me get better he helps me get worse. That's what I like about him.

I woke up its now 9pm and Kieron is sat opposite me staring at me with a smile on his face. 'I really fucking love you' I just smile in response. We decide to head out for a walk we share a cigarette and stop outside this old local pub. I look inside to see all the boys and a few girls having a drink and laughing. Then I see her. Zoe sat next to Jai laughing at something James said. A wave of sadness hits me, 'They don't give a fuck about you, forget about them. We have each other; it's me and you against the world' I smile at him and kiss him roughly. 'Can I stay at yours for a few days Kieron?' I ask giving him on of my signature smiles. 'Of course we will have some fun babe' I glance back at them and notice Luke staring at us. I smirk at him and stick two fingers in my mouth, I slowly pull one out and flip him of with a smile on my face. His once aroused face turns into a worried frown. He knows something's up, I walk away leaving him dumbfounded.

**** 2 days later****

I feel my pulse racing as I dance to the beat of the music, when Kieron comes behind me kissing my neck. He catches a boy around our age and very good looking staring at me. 'Oi fuck of mate she's mine' he shouts at him, the boy ignores him and comes over to me. Kieron snaps and punches him. 'Kieron stop!' Two security guards come and pick us both up and chuck us out. Leaving us lying on the cold wet floor. We both erupt into laughter and he falls on top of me kissing me passionately. 'Lets go back home'

'Yeah okay'

*Next day*

I check my phone and yet another day full of messages and texts from the boys asking where I was. I replied the same response saying im fine and to leave me alone. Luke however knew where I was, im surprised he hasn't come to get me yet. Im interrupted of my thoughts when a knock on the door makes me jump. 'Where is she, she needs to come home now!' oh great all the boys are here. Im in a mini dress, my hairs all backcombed, I have injection bruises all over my arms and my eyes are smeared in black eye shadow I'm sure this is a sight my cousin wants to witness. I breathe a big puff of smoke as the boys walk in. 'thank god your okay we were so worried' James remarked. I just smiled at him not budging.

'Charlotte what the fuck have you injected yourself with? That's so dangerous! What has happened to you?'

'Now you know the real me. And she is not someone you want to get to know'

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