Chapter thirty two// Truth hurts

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Songs- I found, Amber run

2 weeks later

Jai's POV

I know something's up with Char, she's becoming distant and its worrying me. I've tried asking Chelsey but she just comes up with an excuse to leave or changes the subject. I can't help but wonder if this baby is actually mine, i mean i know it sounds crazy but the way Char used to be wasn't exactly respectful.

Oh shut up Jai Char would never hurt you she's changed, my subconscious tells me. i am being stupid Charlotte loves me she would never hurt me like that. I break my trance from the gorgeous girl in front of me as her lashes seal her eyes closed and her chest slowly rising and falling. I go to rummage through our draws to find some socks when I find a crumpled up note.

You dare tell anyone.... you don't want to know the consequences

My eyes fill with confusion and i turn to look at Charlotte, is someone threatening her?

Has someone hurt her?

the thought of someone hurting her makes my chest hurt and my body fill with rage and i have to calm down before i break something. i cant help but be protective over her, she was my first love. well apart from Ariana but i think with her i was just in love with the idea of being in love.

I quietly slip to note into my pocket and run downstairs to find Chelsey. I know Char wont tell me what happened but i have some sort of hope with Chelsey. I find her in the kitchen making toast. i grab the note and slam it on the counter. She looks up frantically and her body fills with dread as she realises what she has seen.

'Spill, now'

'It's not my place to say Jai.... Why didn't she tell me about this?' she mumbles the last few words barely audible but i catch on. She goes to leave the room but i block her way, not caring how rude i may look.

'Chelsey tell me whats going on'


'Now let me go' she pushes past me but my next words stop herin her tracks.

'Chelsey i refuse to repeat what happened last time. I refuse to let her slip away again. I REFUSE to let her take her own life again. We are having a baby i deserve to know what's going' i raise my voice at her losing my short temper.

'Don't fucking shout at Chels' Beau shouts at me

'What the fuck is going on?' my words are replaced with the note i hand him. All colour drains from his face as he looks at me then Chelsey.

'What? do you know too?' I shout at him, the next thing i know i see a pissed of Charlotte waddling into the kitchen with messy hair and wrapped in our duvet.

'Can you all shut the fuck up i am trying to sleep'

'What's going on' she asks nearing Beau who is holding the note. She drops the blanket she was holding tightly around her and her face turns angry and scared.

'Where did you find this?' She raises her voice slightly.

'Jai! you cant go through my things'

'Tell me Charlotte, is there someone else. Has there ever been?' i shout at her filling the room with tension. I knew it, her silence speaks a thousand words and my heart pounds. I storm out of the room and i can hear her attempting to catch up to me and as im about to leave the door her next absolutely shatter my heart.

'I DIDNT WANT HIM TO.' Silence fills the air and i turn around to see her stood there, tears down her face. Beau and Chelsey stood behind with looks of despair on their faces.

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