Chapter fourteen

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Songs – Smother - Daughter

Laughter fills my ears as I twirl around in enchanted like forest. Kieron thought it would be a good idea that me, him and his friends went camping. I have to say im having the best day of my life. Im wearing a baggy of the shoulder jumper and shorts with tights and my black combat boots. Jack comes over to me and lets me take a drag of the weed perfectly rolled in his hands. I feel euphoric, he smiles that cute dimple smile of his and I giggle back to him. 'Welcome to wonderland princess.' He says his once genuine smile turning into a partially scary and psychotic smirk. I stumble over to Kieron giggling and kissing his neck. 'I want you so bad baby girl' I push him of me, that's what Jai calls me.

'Babe what's wrong?' he asks pushing himself up angrily. 'Nothing its nothing' He looks at me, knowing what's wrong with me. 'It's him isn't it? You might love me but you will never love me more than him?' he was right, I do love Jack but Jai was my missing puzzle. Even though he hurt me I will never stop loving him. It sucks. 'Im sorry, let's just forget about him for tonight please?' I jump back on him and show him the best night of his life.

I stand up, Jack slowly following my actions. It begins to absolutely piss it down, 'I still love you' he says and its hard to tell if he's crying but he doesn't seem to care. 'You don't care about anything do you?'

'Nope couldn't give a fuck princess' he replies

I kiss him harshly and we fall on the ground. Me on top, I intertwine our hands and glance intently at his tattoo that says 'cook' on it. 'What does cook mean?' I ask. 'it's my last name babe. I suddenly feel guilty that after all this time I don't even know his last name. 'Can I call you Cook instead now?' I say, a small smile playing on my face. 'call me whatever you like princess all I care about is this moment right now, because if I could re do the fucks, the fuck ups – everything I'd do it in a heartbeat because I fucking love ya'

'And no matter how much you run away from it. There will always be a me and you. And if you move on, that's okay because I care about you more than myself.'

Instead of replying I just kiss him passionately and link our hands together, rubbing in circular motions over his precious tattoo. 'I have to go, thank you for letting me be me' I whisper leaning our foreheads together. I walk away in the spitting rain. I light up a cigarette for the walk home I have ahead of me.

I walk inside a gush of warm air hitting me. Leaving Cook alone broke my heart, but he knew this was the right thing to do. I need to sort myself out before I end up in a mental unit. And we both knew us being a thing was not going to sort it out. I let out a quiet sob biting onto my hand careful not to make any noise. Once I've sorted myself out I say goodnight to the boys and head upstairs to sleep.

James POV

She is so lost in her own sadness that she has no idea how visible it really is.

I feel myself drowning in worry and so do the others. She is so sunk into sadness that she has lost all sense of reality. She thinks I don't understand, but I do. Because I was once that person. I never was quite as extreme with drugs but I know what it's like to feel like you're annoying everyone by just being alive. To feel like a misfit in the puzzle that is life.

When she came in to say goodnight, her face was so pained and it was covered in mud and rain. Her hair was all knotty and she looked on the edge of tears. She saw us all laughing so instead of sitting and joining she went upstairs. I know she thinks she's a burden you can tell from a mile of.

I remember when I first met her, she just smiled that Charlotte smile that means "you don't know me and you never will" but I do know her, more than she thinks. She's panicking because for the first time in a long time, she's beginning to feel something in that hollow heart of hers. And it scares her to death.

It's killing Jai everyday watching her slip away. I think he blames himself as it has been ever since he cheated on her that she's gone downhill. I blame him a little bit to. He knew how fragile she was, but I guess his grieve over Chelsey was too much. He could have gone to char though, she tried so hard to be there for him but he pushed her away. Char and Chelsey were very similar in looks but complete opposites in personality. Chelsey was innocent and pure. She wouldn't dare smoke, drink never mind do drugs. She would sit at home and binge watch American Horror Story, whilst we all went out and got drunk. I wish we all spent more time with her before she got put in a coma. We all feel guilty that instead of having nights in with her we went out instead.

I guess that's why we are all so determined to help Charlotte. We don't want to lose her too. See the reason why Chelsey was put in a coma was because she jumped of a bridge on the highway. None of us would have picked Chelsey out as depressed but damaged people are good at hiding it. We all agreed on not letting Charlotte get to the point where she will do such a thing but im getting this anxious feeling in me that she's already at breaking point.

It's only a matter of time before she smashes into a million pieces.

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