Blast from the past pt2

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I part the conjoining vines, making room for me to get through. Me and Nick have been searching for Victoria and whoever she was with for an hour and no luck.

"Fuck sakes she's not here, she's probably getting laid why can't we let her have fun, she needs it" Nick moans.

"She's my sister Nick we are finding her" my senses become alert when a deafening high pitched scream echoes around the dark, drowning forest. It rings in my ears and I run as fast as I can.

"VICTORIA" I scream turning around trying to find any sign of her.


"CHAR HELP ME - PLEA-HELP ME" I pick up the direction in which her voice is coming from and dart across, Nick soon following. I notice a boy towering over who I think is my sister. Once I near I notice it's her boyfriend. I jump on him and throw him off her. She is only in her bra and panties and her clothes are ripped on the floor. She has a body full of bruises and tears firmly stained on her delicate cheeks.

"Oh Charlotte you shouldn't have done that." He tuts at me laughing like a mad man.

"No one fucks with me NO ONE" he screams, getting closer to me. I pull my sister up and when he's not looking I grab the gun that was firmly placed in his hand and smash it against his skull. It knocks him clear out and I grab Victoria's and hand and run. But Nick doesn't follow....

I turn around as a natural instinct to care for him even when he doesn't care for me.

"Nick what are you doing?" I pant gripping onto Victoria's hands.

"Im sorry..."

Just like that.... I lost the only person I have ever cared about in my entire life. The gun shot was deafening and an infinite ringing that burned in my ears.

Her eyes were trying to fight the pain but I could tell she wanted to let go. I knew she was miserable in her life. Her frail body falls to the ground and I fall with her. Her muddy torn up hand began loosening its grip around my trembling icy cold hands.

I should've taken her home. I should've stopped thinking about myself, I should've-

"Get up now" I hear Nick yell at me.

"NO FUCK OFF I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU" I repeat pushing his strong arms off me.

"GET UP NOW OR ILL FUCKING KILL YOU AS WELL" I oblige and stand up dropping my sister who was so full of life. Her eyes slowly fill with betrayal then change to understanding.

"I love you Char. It's okay I forgive you" those were her last words she ever said to me.

"No I can't do this please you can't go" but it's too late, her ash brown eyes cease to exist as her eyes clench shut.

Nick pulls me away despite my screams and heads back to the house. Everyone's stares are on us and I don't blame them. I probably look a mess and so will Nick.

"Ok go home pretend nothing happened. Don't say a word or I swear to fucking God I'll surprise you with my worst." He shoves me into a taxi and i slump into the seat letting the tears fall.

"Police station please"

2 months later

These past few months have been endless days at the station and countless hours of tears. I get an hours sleep everyday if that and I haven't left the house ever since. They took Nick and that other guy in for questioning and they both got arrested for murder, rape and domestic abuse. My parents haven't spoke to me and my father gets drunk all the time. They blamed me because she came to the party I was at.

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