chapter twenty three

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One month and 6 days until I am released.
1 week since the boys visited me
3 days since Jai visited
1 day since they called saying they would visit today
This is all I do. Clock watch and stare at walls. They said on the phone that they had something important to tell me. I have been up all night with anxiety, I know what's coming; they are leaving. Did they really think I would forget they are going on tour? I was meant to come with them but I clearly can't now. Which means when I get released I come back to an empty house. It's going to kill me.

Because whilst I'm alone Jai will be able to do whatever he wants with whoever he wants. I know I'm being stupid, his love for me should be enough shouldn't it? He is the most loyal person I know. Maybe it's not that Their leaving? Maybe it's something completely different.
I walk over to the bathroom and brush my hair in front of the protected mirror, I brush my teeth and get changed into my Panic! Top and leggings. I slip on my vans, I'm not aloud shoes with laces so I have to my vans with no laces.
I look at the clock and decide it's time to go downstairs to 'eat'. As I reach the canteen I bump into my 'friend' who helps me skip meals. 'Hey what's on today's menu then' he says. 'Bacon sandwich with orange juice' I say with a disgusted face. 'Char.... I can't help you anymore. You don't deserve to be in here. I want you to get better.' My eyes start tearing up and I look towards the tray of food in my hands.

'Please, Harry I can't do it I can't.' I say shaking. 'Yes you can, I believe in you. You are so strong you just need to believe you can do it' he says his emerald green eyes beaming at me. My breath slows down and I stare at him as he holds my face. 'Sh, you can do it'

'Thanks, Styles' I joke. he gives me that award winning smile before I continue.

'How have you been anyway' I ask joining him siting at the ugly table and chairs. 'Great only 2 weeks and I'm out of this shit hole' he smiles taking a bite out of his sandwich. Harry got sent here because he tried to kill himself and he has a drug problem, I don't know much more than that because he doesn't like to talk about it much.
'How are you doing?'
'Shit. They boys said they have something important to talk to me about and I know it's about them leaving for tour.'

'I'm scared, I'm going to be all alone when I get back. Some 'welcome home' huh' I say gloomily.

'You can always come stay with me and the boys I don't mind. They will love you, they are coming today you should meet them.'

'If they are still here by the time the boys have left I would love to meet them' I say gently.
I hug all the boys and Lucy and Chelsey. But they just give me limp hugs back. I sit down as they do also. We sit in silence as they all look at each other warily.

'Just spit it out ' I snap. I look towards Harry to see him laughing with his friends and he looks at me and beams at me.
'Char.... We have to go for tour soon. That means we will be away when you come back. Will you be okay? We are so sorry but we can't cancel we tried and they said no. We really need a break and we have to go on this tour' James says looking worried. They didn't care. They promised they wouldn't leave and they broke it. I am going to be all alone especially when Harry leaves.

'It's fine, I get it I want a break from me too' I say now crying I look towards Jai and he tears up.

'NO JAI. You promised you wouldn't leave and you broke it. And don't worry everyone I will be out of your way when you get back. That way you can have a nice long break from me.' I say bitterly.
'No charlotte-' James starts

'Fuck off. Just stop it, I'm done I wish you never saved me. You don't understand I WANTED TO DIE' I scream raising my voice. I walk off and I notice harry frowning rushing over to me as I walk past him and his friends. He engulfs me in a hug and strokes my hair. 'Char it's okay you will always have me' he whispers. I look over to the boys and see them staring at me and walking over. 'Char please.'

'It's fine Jai. I'll see you when you get back have fun.'

He hugs me tightly before kissing me. 'I love you' he says. Lies.

'I love you to'

'Hey come sit with us okay?' Harry suggests. I oblige and sit down. 'Hey I'm Liam'
'Im Niall
'I'm Louis'

'Hey I'm Charlotte, call me Char nice to meet you' I say quietly. They all smile at me.

'So tell us Charlotte, why are you in this shit hole' Louis asks a small smile playing on his gorgeous face.

'Tried to kill myself and I don't eat. Oh and I have a drug and alcohol problem. Pretty fucked up right?' I say leaning back smirking. They all look a bit shocked that I was so blunt and to the point but why should i sugarcoat it? It is what it is.

'Drug problem?' Louis smirks look over to the other boys. 'And what 'drugs' would that be' he smirks

'Weed, cocaine, heroin, cannabis; tabs MDMA you name it I've had it' I say smirking he was expecting me to say weed and that's it but he shouldn't have underestimated me. He sits there staring at me for a while before smirking.

'Louis, no leave it' Harry says sharply.

'It's fine Harry nothing new' I say with a monotone voice, smiling a little.

'You picked well Harry. I like her' Louis says earning a smirk from the other boys.

I just smile but it soon fades when I realise what's just happened. They left, they did it with such ease; I am going to miss them so much but i have to think positive. They will be back, and to top all this off Harry and the boys heard my little outburst. Even though Harry is in the same boat as me kind of I still feel embarrassed and exposed. 'Hey Char when you get out you can come stay with us' Niall says softly. 'Thank you' I say quietly with a soft smile. After a while of conversation with them I have sussed out that Niall is the cute one who is so lovely, Liam is the most sensible but still has a dark side and Louis is the confident one. I learnt that Louis is a drug supplier but only for people he trusts. Liam and Niall help sometimes aswell even though Liam is sensible I have a feeling he can be quite dangerous he looks so strong. Harry... well Harry is just like me. Fucked up and closed of. I can tell we are going to get along just great.

AN- So yeah I decided to add one direction into the story to make it more interesting as I was running out of ideas on what to write hope you like it.

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