Chapter twenty seven

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AN- okay so I wrote this chapter and it fucking deleted (IM SO FUCKING ANNOYED IT TOOK ME AGES) so I had to write it again which is why it might be up late sorry.

Jai's POV

"THANK YOU STOCKHOLM WE LOVE YOU SO MUCH WE WILL BE BACK FUCK YOUS ALL YOU GORGEOUS HUMANS" beau shouts into the microphone at the crowd of fans beaming at us.

*At hotel*

I have four more days until I see her. Ive waited so long. To feel her in my arms. To tell her how much I truly love her.  I am interrupted of my thoughts by my phone ringing. I jump up from my bed and pick my phone up.

My stomach gets filled with knots when I realise who it is.


Both:I love you so so much.

We both start to laugh at our awkwardness as we said the same thing at the same time.

C:I can't wait to see you we need to do something cool.
J:we should go on an adventure
C:Awh yeah we can go hiking and have a picnic or something.
J: I know what else I wanna do
C:jai! Stop it!
J:oh come on don't act like you haven't missed it
C:well we know I don't like to lie.
J:Ahahahah well Char I'm knackered I'm gonna go I will see you in 4 days....
C:yeah I need to go and have some breakfast.
J:oh good! Enjoy your day gorgeous I love you
C: thank you, you too I love you too

As soon as I hang up James comes in my room.

"Jai?" He says quietly and I soon notice the sad expression on his face.

"What's wrong James?"

"Does she hate me? Charlotte... I have barley spoke to her. Is it my fault I didn't show how much I cared before? What if I could have stopped her getting to that point" he says gloomily.

"Bro... It's not your fault. No one could have stopped it. A mental illness doesn't just get fixed with a few 'we are here for you's' shes better now don't worry she's not mad at you" i say placing my hand on his shoulder comfortingly.

"You know Jai your so good to her. You helped her, she loves you and I know you love her. You got her out of her bad ways. Thank you Jai" he says while hugging me.

He shortly exists and I'm left with my thoughts. I decide to go outside on my balcony to have a smoke. I light it up and let the toxins relax my body.

"WE LOVE YOU JAI" I am disturbed by a group of girls on the floor. I am only on the second floor so I can hear them quite well.

"I LOVE SWEDISH GIRLS" I say as if I'm announcing it to the world. They all start giggling and I smile at how happy that one sentence probably made them.

"Jai why are you Smoking?!"

"Old habits die hard I guess" I say slightly laughing.


"I FUCKING LOVE YOU TO MY BITCHES GOODBYE WE WILL BE BACK" they all start laughing then start begging me to stay. I wave them of and walk back inside. I lay under bed covers and close my eyes.

4 more days.

Charlottes POV

I wake up gasping for air as I jolt awake. From my nightmare. I kept dreaming that I was running but I couldn't move. Then I would fall but right before I hit the ground I would have woken up. I look around to see everyone else staring at me and I realise that we all slept here not just me.

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