Chapter thirty// Decisions

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AN/ okay so i said that the last chapter was the last one but ive decided to just carry this on instead of writing a second one. Enjoyyyyy please vote and comment x

Charlottes POV

The sound of my heart beating against my chest consumes me and the feeling of dread floods my body when the boy I love says nothing.

I can't work out how he feels, his face is unreadable. He doesn't want it. I knew he wouldn't.

My thoughts are confirmed when he stumbles back mumbling a sorry before running out the house. I rush down the stairs screaming after him passing a confused Beau skip and Chelsey.

"Jai please we can do this it will be okay"

"NO CHARLOTTE. I am 19 I am too young for this shit. I need time to think I'm sorry I love you baby I love you" he repeats kissing me on the lips before driving of to God knows where.

I slam the door in anger and let the tears fall. I feel an arm on my shoulder and I turn around to see Chelsey and the others all stood looking concerned. She looks down to my hand on my stomach and I can almost see her face come to realisation.

"Hey guys could you give us some girl time?" She says to Beau and Skip and now James and Luke who came to join to see what the commotion is. They oblige and go upstairs, probably to play Fifa or some shit. She pulls me into the lounge and sits next to me.

"Okay spill. What the fuck is going on?"  She nervously asks.

"We didn't mean for this to happen. Im too young to be a mother." I sob and her face twists in sympathy.

"How can I be a mother when my own mother didn't give a shit" I continue further letting my tears flow down my cheeks.

"It's clear Jai doesn't want it. I don't think I can go through with an abortion Chels it goes against all my morals." She pulls me into a tight embrace and begins to speak.

"You are not alone. If Jai decides he doesn't want it then fine but you will have all of us. You are so so strong Charlotte. The strongest woman I know, you will be the most amazing mother, do you know why? Because you've had the worst to teach you how to be the best. You can do it I believe in you. I promise Jai will come around he's probably just shocked" my heart warms and my tears slowly stop at her kind and uplifting words.

"You are such a good friend. I can't thank you enough for everything." I say squeezing her into a tight hug.

"Do you want to tell the boys??"

"No not yet I want to wait for Jai to come home" however I have a feeling he won't be coming home just yet.

Jais POV

How is this happening?

Im 19 im not ready to be a father, but I can't leave Char on her own. I am so in love with her, maybe with everyone's support we could do it?

The thought of my first child in her stomach makes me feel an emotion I can't quite detect. I can't have her abort it, that's my first child.

My body fills with regret and guilt as memories of her broken and panicked face as I walked of take place in my head.

I am currently sat on a cliff blasting out 'lithium by Nirvana' as I stare at my view. I pick myself up and decide to drive back home.

As I near our street I begin to panic, what if she's mad? I stay in the drive way for a bit and stare through the window of the living room. I can see everyone sat in the living room including Char. She's laughing at something Beau said, probably one of his 'jokes'

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