Chapter twenty eight

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Jai comes home tomorrow, and I have never been so scared in my life. I haven't really left my room much. I definitely haven't left the house. All the boys have tried getting me out with them but I'm to scared. Liam wont look at me the same, he loos worried all the time and on edge. I know he is trying to figure out what has happened but I refuse to tell him anything. I am lying on my bed on my side staring out my ceiling to floor window. I look at the trees slowly swaying and I look down t see him standing there, In the walkway behind our fence. I jump up and scream, my body begins to shake and I hear someone come rushing in.

'Char what's wrong'

'He's there!' I say shouting pointing towards where the boy I thought I once saw was.

'Char no ones there... Are you okay?' Liam asks.

I don't say anything as I just stare at the man I imagined that seemed to be so clear. my heart is still pounding in my chest and my eyes are filled with fear. I turn my head slowly to look at Liam who had the most devastated and knowing look on his face.

'Char... if someone has.. done something to you. you can tell me'

I stare it him, my chest moving up and down rapidly. Should I tell him? he basically knows.

'Charlotte, when I ran into you the other night, you were soaking and all your clothes were torn. you had... bruises everywhere and rope marks...' he says hesitantly. my silence seems to answer all his questions and I just stare at my wrists that are still bruised but fading.  

'Oh my god, Charlotte we have to report this' He says like my father should have done when they found out about Nick.

'No Liam. You tell no one' I say anxiously. he lets a sigh escape his lips and he sits down on my bed.

'Does Jai know?'

'No he cant find out it will break him'

'He needs to know what if it happens again?' he says urgently. but before I can respond we are interrupted with the boys coming through the front door. I blink my tears away before resuming to previous position facing out the window.

'Just go Liam. I am fine' And with that he sighs and removes himself from my temporary room. I don't even have a permanent home. I don't belong anywhere, I just want to be in Jai's arms and for him to tell me everything is going to be okay. Tomorrow seems agonizingly close and I'm dreading it. It is so tiring pretending nothing has happened. I will do it for Jai, he must be so sick of hearing bad news. Pretending I'm fine is hard, but telling people why I am not okay is even harder. I decide staying in this bed isn't going to better and I finally remove myself from my room. I begin to walk down the hall but I stop in my tracks when I hear whispering.

'Liam did she tell you what has been wrong?' I hear Harry ask.

There is a long silence and my stomach fills with dread. I shouldn't have told him. this is what I get for trusting people.

'No she didn't she wont tell me anything.' I let out a breath of relief and I proceed to the living room. I look in to see Harry Liam and Louis all sat around the table centred in the middle of the room. they notice my presence and they all looked shocked and happy. probably because I haven't left my room in days.

'Hey, um I was wondering if you wanted to help me pack? Cause you know... I go back tomorrow and everything.'

Harry immediately jumps up and etches a sad smile on his face. I know it hurts him to know that I am going back to Jai tomorrow. I suddenly feel guilty for not spending time with him. he tried so hard to get me out but I refused. I just didn't talk. I went mute almost, I just stared at the same wall for days. but why should I let that man control my life. I deserve to move on don't I? all I want is to move on and forget about all the bad things that have happened.

'Yeah sure I will' he says with a warm smile. we head up to my room and I begin to gather all my things into a pile. we begin to fold my clothes in silence and the room is suddenly filled with tension. I can practically feel Harry thinking all the unanswered questions about that night.

'Char... If anything has happened I want you t know you can tell me. I wont say a word to anyone' he says and I stop doing what I was doing and look up to the window.

There he is. stood there with a smirk on his face. he lifts a finger up to his mouth and a shushing motion. I drop my clothes and stumble over to the window. he smirks and walks away leaving me looking terrified and shocked.

'Char what's wrong?' I say nothing and just stare out the window wide eyed and mouth slightly agape.

'Char' I snap out of my trance ad turn to him. I put on a normal face and smile.

'Nothing thought I saw something.' I say trying as hard as I could to hide my fear. I am absolutely terrified. what if this whole time he has been stalking me and this was all part of his plan. we finish up packing making small talk. I really will miss seeing Harry so often. he has been amazing. he is the best friend anyone could ask for. I really hope we can still remain friends after I leave. Harry shortly leaves after but stops at the door.

'Char... you haven't been eating can you eat something please?' I suddenly feel like I back in hospital. I haven't even realised I haven't eaten, I decide its best for everyone if I just eat so I follow him downstairs to eat something. I start making up a chicken salad.

Harry and Niall (who must have came over whilst we were packing) were sat opposite me and  even though they were trying to not make it obvious I knew they were watching to make sure I was actually eating it. I soon finish my salad and I decide to go and watch a film. We are all watching a film when there is a knock at the door. A huge wave of anxiety washes over me and I look at Liam and he gives me a re assuring smile. Louis gets up to see who it is and my heart begins to pound.

'What the fuck are you doing here' I look at the door and see a guy I have never seen before. He has clearly bleached blonde hair, tanned skin and brown eyes. he is covered in tattoos and piercings.

'Just wanted to see how my buddy's are!' he says with a playful smirk on his face.

'Zayn fuck off, no one wants you here you have caused enough shit'

Zayn then decides to push Louis out the way and stumbles his way in.

'Ooo who's this lovely lady. I would love to have her for a night.' he says with a smirk. He bends down to my level and I can smell the alcohol on his breath. Harry jumps up and throws zayn onto the table.

'don't you FUCKING DARE talk to her like that. We clear?' he says fisting Zayns shirt in his hands. Zayn begins to chuckle and puts his hands up as surrender. my heart is racing and I'm clutching onto the sofa. My breathing picks up and I let tears fall. Zayn begins to get up and before he leaves he speaks up.

'Don't think I have forgotten about all the money you owe me.' he says before leaving with a smirk on his face.

Harry looks at me and begins t come over but I jump up and stumble further away from him. I stare at him with scared eyes, my hands trembling. I have never seen Harry so angry before. if he can hurt Zayn so easily what could he do to me? I run into my room and lock the door. I decide to go to sleep and try and forget about what just happened. Boy I cant wait to see Jai, maybe then I will finally move on....

AN- So this story is only going to have a few more chapters until it ends because I have ran out of ideas lmao i hope you are enjoying it!

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