Chapter twenty one

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AN- sorry this is quite short but I'm a bit busy at the moment


I step onto the scales to see I have put on one of the 5 pounds I have lost. I sit down and cry scratching at my stomach.

Fat, fat, fat.

I get up and wipe my tears before putting some clothes on. I head downstairs and see everyone in the garden. 'Hey Char, we are gunna go to the beach wanna come?' skip asks.

'No im fine a bit tired today' I say. They all look confused but let it go. 'Well do you want me to stay with you?' Jai asks a little bit annoyed. I knew it he is finally getting bored with me.

'No' I say bluntly before running upstairs and locking my bedroom door. I get out the packet of cocaine and line it up. Snorting up the powder I fall back onto the floor. I hear them laughing and leave. I walk over to the window and see Jai looking the happiest he's ever been since  being with me.

It's me. I am the problem. No one likes me. My breath picks up and I run to the bathroom. I pick up my phone and find Lucy's number. I hit call and wait.

Ring, ring ri-

'Char? You okay?' I stay silent breathing heavily.


'Why am I here Lucy? No one loves me. My parents didn't want me. James was forced to take me. Jai's getting fed up of me. It's my fault He died. It's my fault for being so repulsive. I'm sorry Lucy im done'

'Char –'

I hang up before she can say anything.

I look through all the cupboards and find some pain killers and sleeping pills and grab a big razor. I carve the words 'FAT' into my skin on my wrist. I make two more gashes on my skin to make sure I bleed enough.

Lucy's POV

'Guys has anyone noticed anything wrong with char? She just rang me and said that no one wants her and everyone hates her' I look around and see Luke go pale.

'What Luke' I say urgently.

'we need to get back now. She has been getting loads of hate and she has been starving herself. Im scared if she does anything else' he says with a wavey voice

Shit I should've known. All those times she went to the toilet after eating or her feeling too 'sick' to eat. I look at Jai to see him go pale. We all rush back to the car and I speed back to the house. 'Fuck sakes it's probably nothing the girl loves attention and I need a tan' Kiana says.

'Oh would you shut the fuck up you nasty bitch. We are done fuck off.' Luke says.
'What the fuck so you're gunna take that bitches side over mine, your so pathetic I -'
'JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP NO ONE CARES FOR FUCK SAKES' Skip shouts at her. I have never heard him yell like that. He looks at me and I smile weakly as his face is full of rage.

Kiana begins whining and bitching but I don't pay attention because we need to make it back in time. We pull up to the house and we all rush out, Jai ahead of us and Kiana leaves to walk home. We all run in looking for her when we all come up to the bathroom. 'Charlotte please open the door.' Me and Jai say banging on the door. Jai begins to smash himself into the door and it breaks open. The sight I see before me is horrific. She is lying surrounded in her own blood trying to open a tablet bottle. One is already empty.

Charlottes POV

I sob and sob and Jai cries and holds onto me not caring that he's being soaked in blood. 'SOMEBODY HELP' he screams as I sob. A bunch of paramedics burst in and try and pick me up. I squirm in their grasp. 'NO LET ME DIE PLEASE JUST LET ME GO' I sob harder and harder by the second. Jai holds onto my hand as they place me on a stretcher. 'Char it's okay I am here we will never leave. I promise'


I hear the sound of beeping and low voices. 'Jai C'mon it's been 2 days just get something to eat I will wait here in case she wakes up. I open my eyes and turn my head to him.

He stares and before of hugging me. I just lay there and stare out the window.

'Fuck sakes Charlotte why the fuck did you have to bring us all the way here you waste of space.' I hear the all too familiar voice of my parents. I glare at them. 'We sent you here to sort yourself out not kill yourself. You are so stupid' my 'dad' says to me.

'Lay off her will you? She has enough shit going on and if you're going to be cunts then just leave' James snaps. I look around to see the boys and Lucy sat there with red eyes. Around 5 minutes later the doctor comes in with a bunch of paperwork.

My parents sign something. 'Now Charlotte because you are a danger to yourself we are going to send you to Greencross for 2 months. After that if we think you are better you can leave. You will still have to receive a therapist.' I say nothing I just silently cry and stare out the window.

'Stupid good for nothing bitch, you deserved everything you got from Nick do you know how much this is costing me' my dad says. My vision is clouded from tears. Nick was the one who raped me.

They walk out after James forces them to leave. It falls silent and I let some tears fall. My wrist was burning and I feel sick. 'Char, it will get better I promise'

'You all think im crazy, and sure you will visit. But then you will get bored and leave me'

'No we won't, we promise'

You lied.

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