Chapter thirty seven//Where were you

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Charlottes POV

"Is that him again?" I hear Lucy ask, gesturing towards my phone that has been ringing endlessly for the past two weeks. Lucy let me stay at her small apartment as she basically lives with Daniel. It's alright I guess but being alone has only made me become more isolated.

Jai has been ringing 30 times a day but I don't answer. Even though I want to, I want nothing more than to here his voice and to feel whole again.

"Yeah he won't stop calling me" I sigh getting up to eat something.

"Char you need to speak to him, I know that you want to. Im sure he would never dream of hurting you or your baby, he's a good guy." She says rubbing my back before helping me make my lunch.

"Yeah I guess" I shrug closing the subject.

"Ew how do you eat this stuff it's so gross" she laughs at what ive prepared. I decided to have Nutella on toast, pickles and cheese and some super noodles.

"Shut up im hungry and it's all ive been craving" I laugh smacking her around the head with some bread.

I walk into the living room and stick on the news. My stomach all of a sudden cramps in an intense pain. I squint my eyes in pain and it comes back again.

Knocking from the door interrupts my thoughts and I stalk over to see who it was still holding onto my stomach as the pain eased.

"Miss Charlotte Rose? Detective Spencer." He says gesturing to shake my hand. I let him inside, my heart thumping against my chest.

"Now you may want to sit down for the news im about to tell you. Have you watched the news today at all?" I shake my head in response.

"Im so sorry Miss Rose, your parents were murdered. We are doing a serious investigation to find out who done this. It would be Great help if you could answer some questions but we can come another day."

"Come another day, if she isn't here she will be at the boys house" Lucy says handing him the boys Address.

"We are so sorry. Our deepest condolences. I will give you a call in a few days" he says before walking out.

5 minutes have passed, 5 minutes. I don't know what to think. I don't know how I feel, they were my parents but never acted like it. I jump from my seat and pace outside holding onto my stomach, ignoring Lucy's pleas to slow down. I rush inside my car and speed off to the place I swore I'd never go back to.



"Jai I can't do this." I sob gripping my hair.

"Charlotte come inside" he gestures.

"They're dead. MY PARENTS ARE DEAD" I scream falling to the floor of their hallway.

"Oh my god. Okay Charlotte listen it will be alright we are here. Please calm down." He says holding onto my shoulders.

"I can't do it. I can't raise a baby. We are too young I can't do this." I say trying to hold the heartache back.

"If only I took Victoria home, my parents wouldn't have gotten so bad. I wouldn't have got kicked out and sent here. Kieron would be alive, Jack wouldn't have gone to Jail. You would be happy with someone else and not about to have a child. My parents would be alive. Victoria would be alive." I sob frantically as my stomach cramps yet again.

It all makes sense now. I am the problem, it's me I bring the bad to people's lives.

"Charlotte your bleeding..." Jai frantically worries.

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