Chapter twenty six

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AN- I am really sorry for not updating in a while I have been really busy revising for exams and I am sort of having writers block. I will try to add a new chapter once a week.

Songs - New Americana, Halsey
Yours - Ella Henderson

"So Charlotte, you do understand that we are still going to keep track on you and you will still attend therapy once a week until we think its unnecessary." I just nod eagerly.

"Alright you may leave and return home" he waves me of. I have never jumped up and ran to the door as fast as I did in that moment he words 'you may leave' escaped his mouth. I run out the door slamming it behind me and see Harry waiting leaning against the wall smirking at me. I run up to him hugging him and he picks me up and spins me around. My eyes tear up and I squeeze the green eyed boy harder than ever. I cant help but wish it was Jai, and that he came to surprise me. But I guess not.

"You did it Char, you are out of here." he says smiling into my neck. I just smile in response suddenly feeling quite low because Jai didn't come. "Hey Char its okay he will be back in a week!" he smiles, but the smile doesn't reach his eyes. I knew that he hated the fact I loved Jai and not him but I loved that he respected my wishes. he takes my hand an leads me outside and for the first time, walking out these doors I wont be going back through them. I large smile stretches out on my face and I begin to laugh. I pull Harry's hand and start running and twirling around.

"IM FREE" I say twirling around, both of us laughing.

"Yes you are now lets get back to mine" he says laughing.

I jump into his car and turn the radio on. New Americana by Halsey came on and we both instantly started singing to it. I wind down my window and stick my arm out feeling the wind brush past it. I lean my head back smiling staring out the window looking at all the scenery I hadn't seen in months. I stick my head out the window screaming of joy. laughter escaped my lips and I carry on singing along to Halsey. I fall back in my chair and notice Harry staring at me with a small smile playing on his face.

"what" I say smiling.

"Nothing, just haven't seen you smile once until now" he says sweetly.

"It's good I like it when you smile."

"Oh by the way Your phone and stuff is at my house already, so you can call everyone when you get back." he carries on.

"Cool I cant wait to talk to Jai I've missed him so much" I say feeling a bit sad that I have to wait a week longer.

"He misses you too. don't worry not long now" he says with an emotion I cant detect.

"Anyway I cant wait to eat maccas I am so sick of that shitty rehab food. if you can even call it that." I say laughing. he Joins in with me and I notice the car slow down and come to a halt in front of a huge apartment complex. My mouth drops and he smirks.

"3 of them are ours but we all mostly stay at mine. "

"How do you afford this?"

"Yeah that's something I need to tell you, basically we were in a band called One direction, but one of our members decided to fuck off. Then I stated to get really down, Louis went of the rails and got a girl pregnant. Niall and Liam.... they were trying to act fine to try and keep us together. Nothing worked, I just couldn't believe Zayn would leave us in the middle of tour you know? e dropped us like flies and we never speak. Anyway we got pretty well of from that so that's why we can live in places like this" He explains and I suddenly realise where I recognized him from. I don't really listen to his type of music so I barley even knew who One direction were.

"Oh really that's cool I guess ahah" I say with an awkward smile. he didn't need to tell me everything it wouldn't make a difference on my opinion. I like them for them not their fame. He puts on a gorgeous smile.

"What" I giggle towards him.

"Just your the first person to not really care, I like it" he smirks. He grabs my hand and pulls me into this huge complex and forces me to walk up the stairs.

"I literally hate you right now. You know I hate stairs" I say grumpily but laughing slightly.

"Race Ya?" He says letting my hand slip back to my side before running off. "Hey that's not fair you had a head start!" I say laughing whilst running after him. I soon catch up to him after skipping multiple steps at a time and I shove him a little bit making him stumble. I start giggling and he soon joins before realising I carried on running.

"Hey don't cheat!!!" He shouts after me. My laugh echoes the stairway as I soon reach the top floor that Harry said his apartment was on.

"HA I beat you!!!!" I say pointing at laughing at the the worn out boy in front of me.

"You cheated so I win you loser" he says after ruffling my hair. He unlocks the door and we walk in to see all the boys and 3 others that I don't know of say around the living room laughing with drinks in their hands.

"Charlotte!! Thank fuck your here Harry gets so annoying talking about you all the time" louis and the boys laugh. They all hug me and I awkwardly stand there waiting for someone to tell me who the other boys were.

"Hey I'm Ashton, this is Luke and that's Calum" this gorgeous blonde haired boy exclaimed. They all smile at me and I recognise them from somewhere.

"Wait... Aren't you Michaels friend?"
"Yeah why?"
"I shared a room with him" I say and they look confused.
"But Michael has never had his own place?" Luke says.
Oh right... Here comes the awkward moment where I have to tell them I was in a nuthouse.
"Oh, um... I was at the same mental health centre as him so yeah.." I say shyly. All their faces changes and they all go sympathetic on me.
I roll my hairs, I know they mean well but I hate the attention.
"Harry can you show me the bathroom" I say trying to hold back my tears. He nods his head and I follow him out of this awkward room.

"Charlotte you okay?"
"Yeah just needed the toilet" I laugh trying to cover up my humiliation. He lets it go once we reach the bathroom. I look in the mirror and grip onto the sink. I wasn't ready for this.

I am not ready for this.

I am not better.

I fist my hair and begin to breath faster. Oh no.

Tears start streaming down my face when harry knocks on the door.
"Char you okay in there?"

I don't answer, because if i did he would hear the sadness in my voice.

"Charlotte open the door now" I let out a loud sob by mistake and scratch my arm in anger. I look at my wrist and see the scars that will forever be on my skin. I begin scratching at it I just want them to go away. I hear his footsteps run away quickly I'm presuming to get the key or something.

"Charlotte open the door" I hear Louis sternly say. Oh god he's got everyone to help him. I don't reply I just carry on scratching at my skin.

"Wait let me try I used to help Michael when he was like this" I hear a voice say.

"Charlotte, it's me Ashton. Please open the door. It's going to be alright you will be fine I promise. Even though I haven't known you long I know I already love you. Think about Jai, think about how he will be home in a week." He says in a nervous voice.

I slowly turn around and unlock the door but don't open it. I take a step back and wait. The door is immediately flung open and Harry tries to run towards me but stops when I stumble back.

"Im not ready Harry, I need to go back" I sob. He looks down at my clawed at wrist and let's a few tears fall. I look over his shoulder to notice all the boys but Calum there. They all look so sad and worried.

"Charlotte you are so strong you are ready. It's not going to be easy but you are ready." I let out 3 breathes I had been holding and I fall into his arms sobbing. He turns me around and walks me back to the living room with his arm around me. Once we reach the living room he sits me down and pulls a blanket over me. I lay down on my side and just stare into space, tears occasionally falling down my face.

My eyes begin to feel heavy and the last thing on my mind before falling asleep it the one person I need the most.


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