~Chapter 12~

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Thanks for reading! <3 ok wow re-uploading for yIKES


A rush of blood brung me back to consciousness. Eyes snapped open to see the ceiling of a hospital cell. I could see the suspicious tears in the plushy wall above me, engraving something that bared some resemblance to ZE. Giggles unintentionally escaped my hoarse throat before I clamped my mouth shut. I always forgot I was still a bit... hyper after it all.


I stretched my arms, almost as if waking up from a nap. We remembered it well, waking in a cell only to be immediately released an hour later. Bet my Crime Coefficient has gone down already. A scoff sounded from my dry lips as my eyes trailed down my bruised figure. The same ugly grey hospital gown draped over to my knees and mid-arm.

it's your birthday whaT SORT OF-

Why am I here again?

Ah yes, someone shot you with a Dominator.


The events started to fade back. I groaned, holding my head. I must've acted like a lunatic, revealed so much information, and confused the whole of the MWPSB. My hand came to rest on the inside of my bare wrist.

Bare wrist? wh-

Wait wait wait, where's the watch??

Frantically, my mind went into a panic and started searching everywhere for the precious mechanical device of pain. The bed, underneath, even on the ceiling. Yes, they had stapled it there once. After a couple of frenzied minutes, I sat back on my bed in defeat. The watch would have to wait. A loud voice interrupted me from my thoughts.

I glanced up to see Mels furiously banging against the glass, accompanied by a tired looking Kyle and suspicious doctor. I smirked at them all, stretching my arms again. Mels expression softened, before she turned to the doctor and barked something at him. It must've been something scary, because the next thing I know, Mels was hugging me tightly inside the cell. The smell of her hair filled me with warmth.

"Zara! I got here as soon as I could- why are you in a cell, and on your birthday too!" Tears glimmered on her cheeks.

"Aw don't cry, it's a long story." I breathed into Mels' shoulder. "How do you know it's my birthday?"

"Kyle and I-"

"Correction!" Kyle called out, peeking a head around the glass door . "Mels dragged me along!"

"Shut up!" She took a breath. "We did some research on you.."

My half-asleep legs gave up for a second, making me fall onto her shoulders. Said person hoisted me up and sat me on the bed, when the doctor rushed in.

"What's up doc?" Mels acknowledged, stroking my hair. The doctor's voice was velvet smooth in the silence.

"The paralyser hit her spinal cord, so she hasn't gained full control of her limbs." His eyes crinkled with a smile. Mels hand on my hair disappeared, which were soon forcefully grabbing the cuff of his lab coat.

"Tell me who did this, huh?" She spoke surprising calmly.

"Maybe the MWPSB's investigation t-team?"

The woman stomped out and grasped the cuff of Kyle's sleeve. Kyle trailed after her half-heartedly, going out of my line of sight.

"So how are you feeling?" I returned his  smile with a quick flash of one.

Here the questions come again..


"I've heard about your condition- I'm Charlie by the way!"

Amazing, another person who wants to experiment on you! sUGOI

He chuckled, letting his blonde curls fly  everywhere. He looked about 25, late nights evident on the face in front of me.

"How long until I have full control of my body?" I asked.

"With this condition, I suggest within an hour. Oh, you might want this as well." Charlie grinned, holding out my watch by the strap. I almost ripped the watch from his grasp, firmly clasping it onto my wrist. It beeped automatically.

I wonder what the MWPSB's thinking now. Probably that I'm a hospital escapee living the easy life in the Psychology Department. The only job offered to me was the Psychology Department. They said I had to work in that department, despite getting A's in all the departments. Maybe that was because I was in really bad shape then, nearing black hue and getting 200 tops Crime Coefficient every day. It's not actually that bad now that I'm thinking about it. I used to get 1000 frequently in my youth. I'm surprised Sibyl didn't kill me off, but then again- I'm their guinea pig. A pretty darn good one too.

Guinea pigs are nice, I think you had one when you were ten or something. It rAN hAHA-

"If you're worried about your friends, they're in the capable hands of the MWPSB." Charlie jerked me back to reality, tilting his head at me.

"Oh, err, thanks.." I replied, smoothing out the hospital gown, picking at the stitches on the sleeve . It had 'Zara' sewed in with black stitches. I had been here too many times for them to not give me my own hospital gown; this was my cell as well. Another safety precaution.

If I lost it and escaped, the doctors knew the name 'Zara'  meant I was that patient. The patient who's Psycho-Pass is way out of control. Even if they didn't know the exact details of my condition, that one name could be my ticket to being rugby tackled.

"Right then, Zara, I've finished all that I need to do- so you just need to change and stretch your limbs for about," Charlie paused to look at his expensive watch, "20 minutes."

what was he even doing anyway?

I spotted my clothes in the corner of the room. As Charlie left, I burrowed under the covers and changed there so I wasn't stripping in full view of everyone.

Now, let's take this stretching one step at a time and-

Plummet into the floor.


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