~Chapter 23~

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*hysterical screaming*


"I'm a clumsy person, so I... get hurt a lot." I smiled nervously.

"Oh really?" Kogami darted in. His remark plastered a sour look on my face. I didn't answer. His face, the dominator at his waist, and my conscience's swearing were reasons enough not to.

He stood up and sat on the operating table before answering. "Too bad the real reason was classified." I blinked a few times, opened my mouth, and closed it promptly. Mels pulled herself up straighter and prepared to answer. Kogami held up a hand, hand slithering into his pocket.

"I wasn't talking to you- I was talking to her." He slithered. "You can't hide anymore- Zara." Mels sank back against the wall, defeated.

My eyes darted back down to my shoes, which were shuffling on the tiled floor. There were cracks and chips digging into its smooth exterior, exposing the rougher, darker layer underneath. After what seemed like forever, I cleared my throat and spoke.

"It's classified because-"

My watch decided to butt in, "Your Crime Coefficient-" before I clamped my hand over it.

Damn it.

Kagari stepped forward. Every step rang through the air.




His fingers lifted my wrist up by the watch, looking at it intensely.

"What does this watch do?" Kagari whispered. He turned my wrist around gently and peered at the screen, which showed my Hue colour in a swirling mass. It was a purple, fortunately near the lighter shades.

thank god it's light, that Kagari-

"It shows my Hue, it was from a friend."

I made the mistake of looking him in the eye when I said that, because he was looking straight back at me. I immediately averted my gaze and burned it into Kyle's shoes.

Yeah, it was my Hue. And Crime Coefficient. And Psycho Pass. And my favourite type of muffin, in case anyone was wondering! I think it was one of the 'get to know you' personality features the Psycho-Pass watch had.

I remember it asked what the your favourite type of noodle was! Mines actually-

I suppose it was making up for all the terrible things I would have to endure.

"It's quite dark now, anything wrong?" He teased. His hand gripped tighter. I mumbled out a 'yes' out of pure reflex- startling him for a second. I could finally see it in his eyes. I could also see a mixture of pain and humour in them, he didn't enjoy interrogating me, but found some fun in it. What a sick job an enforcer is, paralysing the more unfortunate so they can wake up in a cell and spent the rest of their life there. It's not their fault either- they were in that situation as well until the MWPSB 'saved' them.

"Your Crime Coefficient has hit 500." My watch stabbed, making eyes widen around the room. It retracted its needle but left the drug in my veins. All the MWPSB  shot up from their seats. During the few seconds everyone was stunned, I writhed out of Kagari's grip and bolted through the door. I blindly began running again, barely gulping down tears, but stopped to catch my breath at a corner. Amidst the pounding of my heart and strangled breaths, I heard a voice.

"Zara, what's going on?"




I jerked my head up and Jake was there, hanging around an open door. Before I could come up with an explanation, my feet set me off running again. It was time to run. For a long time. For a really long time. A really, really, long time.

~After a really really long time (probs two hours actually)~

Where were they?

Seriously, I was surprised the MWPSB hadn't stopped me yet! Were they trying to corner me off? Or worse? I better regather my thoughts. The wall ahead was ample enough landing support for me, so I plummeted straight into it. About a minute passed of hurried conversation between my conscience and I, before a familiar crackling noise pulled my attention back to reality. I wrenched my face from the wall and flung backwards, just in time to see the same wall- now with a gaping hole! A tentative pair of eyes peeked around the wall.

"Wellwellwell!" Kagari waved. I pulled back immediately. I scrambled up and threw my feet in front of me. I'm not dealing with him again thanks!

"Stop running, Zara!" I heard Kogami shout. "It's pointless, we'll catch you eventually!"

Obviously I ignored them and carried on. It was building up in my chest; I was struggling to hold in. It hurt, and that plus the exhaustion I had from running was getting too much.

You're probably wondering what 'it' is, I've been referring to it quite a lot. It's basically an overwhelming emotion, and it's the thing that drives me to snapping. It could be any emotion, and it'll make my strengths and weaknesses differ for each one. For example, on the bus the emotion that made me snap was anger- and this increased my stamina. Stamina was what helped me survive that long on the bus. I've found in the many years that I've had this condition that there are four main emotions I can snap with. They are happiness, fear, anger, and sadness.

Anger = ^Stamina^ but less empathy and makes me go all badass.
Fear= ^Speed^ but less reason, like a nervous small creature, or something.
Happiness= ^Strength^ ^Stamina^ ^Speed^ but overload of empathy that usually scares people.
Sadness= |Stamina| |Speed| |Strength| but I realise things, weird things that normal people would miss. Like how to overcome the Sybil System, unfortunately, I forget a lot of my knowledge when I go back to normal.

Right now, I think it's fear.


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