~Chapter 28~

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Yoga has some advantages. You already know yoga doesn't work for me and my anger issues, but I found that the lotus position can give anyone around you 3 seconds to restrain and contain you if you get waxy. I was learning to adopt yoga as a preventative method. That should make people happy.

My guardians were still threatening each other,  throwing occasional insults here and there. Akane was obviously trying to coax them. However that wouldn't cool the burning passion of the psychologists. Miss Akane may be a gifted officer, but she has lots to learn when it comes to anger management.

"The way you fight- do you have xanthophobia?!" Kyle bellowed, rolling his sleeves up. ***

"Better get ready sunshine!" Mels snarled, doing the same.

"Fight~!" I chanted quietly under my breath. This was just fun to watch! I spun around so I could get a better view of the fight, cautiously eyeing the narrowing distance between the both of them.

Akane was the only one of the MWPSB who seemed mildly worried about the situation. She was trying to tell Kogami and Ginoza, who genuinely didn't care, and I have to say, she looked really flustered. I stifled laughs and focused on the fight. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Akane give up and stand a good distance away from them. Kyle and Mels wouldn't lash outwards, they would attack each other and block out their surroundings. I should know- I've witnessed so many of their fights over the years.

It began with Mels judo-throwing Kyle, but he had dragged her along with him and spun around so he was holding her arm down on the floor. Mels grunted and tried to move. Kyle was the same weight as her, even more so, so she was trapped.

"Mels don't give up!" I half-heartedly cheered, raising a fist. "Don't let this end so quickly.." I added on the end. Kyle did a dragon puff thing through his nose in frustration and tightened his grip on Mels arm. He gave me glare from around five metres away.

"I'm trying!" Mels shouted in protest, staring into Kyle's eyes, who laughed a cruel laugh. She strained and with a gasp, she flung Kyle off and sat panting on the floor. For a moment, both lay there like dead fish on the beach (sorry for the weird image), gasping for breath.

Kyle had been catapulted towards the MWPSB, who still didn't care about the situation whatsoever. They just casually took a step away from the fight and carried on their conversation. I noticed them pointing towards me a couple of times, but ignored it. Kyle was about to give an explanation as to why he was lying next to them, opening his mouth, but decided against it as Mels ran towards him. He slid effortlessly out of harms way and scrambled over to where I was. I raised my eyebrows as Kyle hid behind me, his hands planted firmly on my shoulders.

"What... are you doing?" I asked behind me, rubbing my nose.

"Don't ask." Kyle panted, his breath warm against my neck. I nodded in reply thoughtfully. Good tactic. Mels sprinted over to where we were and called my name. She flashed a tired grin and a thumbs up before diving towards me. Looking up to her face, I raised my hands up. Like we practised I held her hips up in the air while she used her fists to jab on the other sides of my head- aka, where Kyle was. It was slightly harder seeing as we had practised it standing up, but it didn't make that much of a difference. I heard splutters from behind me, presumably from a collapsed Kyle. It had worked!

If you're wondering why we practised this, it was way back in the day when I had just become friends with Kyle and Mels. I had just learnt about their 'fights' and was dragged into a fighting 101 by Mels, or a 'fight tactics meeting' as she called it, in case Kyle turned on me- which I doubt he would.


"Alright! Let's go over it one more time!" Mels announced. "I hope I'm not too heavy for you!" Half of me was glad that somebody had bothered to talk to me on my first day, and the other was getting annoyed at Mels routine. She said it was because we were a team- and I've never been in a team before so I said yes really quickly. I didn't know it would take this much work though...

The plan was a battle strategy against her coworker Kyle. He's a nice person, they both know about my condition, but Kyle has been more quiet about it. I hope he doesn't abandon me- not like I would let him. I'd probably snap and blackmail him, unfortunately. Hey! I wouldn't do it on purpose!

I nodded and extended my hands up, ready for Mels to run towards me. She flew through the air and her hips landed on the palms of my hands. Then, I held her upwards, over my head, and supported her weight as she threw punches at nothing behind me. She said it was because Kyle wouldn't expect me to be helping her and she would be able to defeat him quicker. Mels leaned back and landed back on the floor, beaming at me.

"That worked great! Now remember this for eternity!" She finished, patting me on the head. I gave her a small smile and enjoyed the feeling of her hand against my head.

"Okay!" I chirped, returning to my essay. Kyle burst in the next second, slamming papers on my desk and walking off. Thanking Kyle quietly, I leaned my head on my hand and smiled.

This was nice.

What was this feeling?

This feels really nice.

I finally feel like I belong.


***xanthophobia is the fear of the colour yellow, referring to Kyle's hair. obvs no disrespect to anyone here.

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