~Chapter 26~

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Honestly, I was a bit freaked out. These people knew every little detail about me and were openly 'working' on the information while I was there. They were also monitoring my Crime Coefficient and had my watch's status update on the window. I let out a strangled? laugh at my watch's state. It was 16% charge and had an efficiency rate of 15%.

That efficiency rate meant how well it could cope with high readings and not blow up at the same time. 15% means that it could potentially blow up at any moment. It also was running out on Iosine tablets and had 9% calming drug. It nearly lost its purpose in life. To torment me.

It made me think how much trouble I had put everyone through over my entire life. I really was a terrible child, but in my defence, I had been through more annoying stuff. Separation from school activities, loss of human contact, and a lot of things I don't want to mention just yet. So really we were equal. I thought about this as I wiped the majority of the black dust off my face.

Did the hospital gave them all the information? They must have- they had all my hospital visits and my History of Hues. My hospital visit count was at 824 still as Ginoza had told me, and my History of Hues was a really colourful line graph. A History of Hues is a measure of the levels of stress throughout your whole life, and is in a line graph because why not? The darker, more stressed out Hue's are at the top and the lighter, more easy-going and free Hue's are down at the bottom. It stretched along the whole window and was a random shape. Just to give you an idea: ____/\/\/\/\___/\/\/\_/\/\/\/\/\ - or something like that.

"It's Zara!" Akane suddenly blurted out, bringing the hum of conversation to a halt. Silence.

"Huh?" I replied, turning around to see Akane blushing and waving her hands around. Did she remember?

"Oh- nothing!" She laughed, looking to Kagari and looking nervous all of a sudden.

She remembers.

"What Akane?" Kogami asked tiredly from behind me.

"I think..." She whispered, but not so quiet that I couldn't hear. "She's that Zara."

Oh, the bombshell has dropped.

"I do see the resemblance, I wouldn't be surprised if it was her..." He carefully whispered, starting the hushed conversation up again.

*whistle sounds*

When I heard a few clicks, presumably of dominators, I let out a sigh and looked up at the ceiling. Their chat subsided quickly, waiting for my next move. I stayed silent for a while. The tension was looming behind me, and I felt if I turned around now they would pounce on me in a matter of seconds.

"Kyle!" I spoke suddenly. "Buddy! Pal!"

I whipped around and made a beeline for the MWPSB, darting around at the last second to meet Kyle. They were attempting to hide the dominators behind their backs so I couldn't help concealing laughter.

"What's... wrong?" Kyle asked suspiciously. He was glancing over at the MWPSB, who were hastily trying to put their dominators away. "Did they f-"

"Do you know if you can get the dust out?" I asked innocently. Sighs emerged behind me. They really were trying to see if I was that Zara- this was the most fun I've had in years! After hearing Kyle's confused reply of 'I don't know', I whipped around, catching Kagari and Akane having a hurried conversation next to me. Since when did they get there? Smiling to myself, I headed over to their little group and tapped Kagari on the shoulder.

"Hi Kagari!" I beamed.

"H-hello?" He responded nervously. Kagari was trying to block me off with his arm on the wall, his head was barely turned around to speak to me.

"Hi Akane!"

"Hi Zara!" Akane responded normally, masking her restlessness. Were they really that scared of me? I suppose they would be, after hearing about all the terrible things I've done. Was their boss Ginoza? I glanced at Ginoza across the room and caught him staring at me. He quickly jerked his head away as I waved at him.

Amused by the MWPSB's attitude today, I asked them a normal question. "Do you know how to get the dust off my neck?" and got a weird answer.

"I'm fine! We're fine! I don't have dust on my neck or Akane's neck and we don't need your help!" Kagari shouted, backing away. My eyes widened in surprise and the loud steady beeping of my heart rate spiked. The scientists weren't affected, but I certainly was.

'I'm sorry..." I apologised.

"Kagari, calm down!" Akane held his shoulder, but Kagari's eyes were brimming with fear. That was something I had never seen in him before, and it hurt to think that he was afraid of... me. I thought that he could be a close friend of mine, since we were both once latent criminals.

"Stay away from me!" He bellowed, clenching his fists. The room became silent, even the tapping of the scientists had paused. Only the frantic beeping of my heart rate rang out.

ok wowie~

I tried to reason with him, holding my hands up to show that I wouldn't hurt him. What did he think I was gonna do? Grab a knife out of somewhere and start swinging it around like a drunk ninja? "Kagari... what's wrong-"

Kagari suddenly leapt forwards and his hands made contact with my shoulders, pushing them backwards violently. Everything seemed to be in slow motion as I fell backwards, the floor knocking the air out of my chest. Kagari jumped on top of me and pinned my legs down. He bore his eyes into my own frightened ones. His eyes were brimming with anger and not fear.

"Kagari!" Kogami warned him; I could see him pulling out a dominator and pointing it steadily at him out of the corner of my eye. Ginoza harshly ordered Kogami to put the domiantor away, which he did reluctantly. Kagari bent down and whispered something into my ear. The beeping dropped.

"You're a.. monster."

I thought it was all over. I was wrong.


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