~Chapter 29~

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you've gotten this far I congratulate you


Kyle was blown away by the surprise attack. Metaphorically and physically. He dodged the first couple of punches, but was ripped from my shoulders a few seconds later. I cautiously turned to see Kyle sprawled out on the floor, rubbing his jaw. The look on his face was priceless. There was a thin line of red dripping from his mouth that stained his lab coat. Mels leaned back in relief, and I let go of her hip,  rubbing my hands.


"Didn't expect that- did you?!" Mels laughed evilly.

Kyle groaned in response before answering, "What sort of team combo is this?" He flicked his hair back in exhaustion, looking at the ceiling. A sudden thought hit me. Even looking at him upside down, I knew that he looked like a model. I think he was actually a model before deciding to do psychology. Don't get me wrong, I'm not attracted to him- but someone might be if you get what I mean. Right on cue, I heard Mels breathing hitch. My head snapped back up to watch her face flush, but it wasn't as noticeable because to her dark skin. I coyly pursed my lips.

"Are you alright Melanie?" I teased quietly, staggering from the floor. Mels looked at me as if I had a dagger in my hand and hit me on the shoulder.

"I'm perfectly fine thanks!" She declared with her hands on her hips. "I've never been better!"

"Okay..." I replied, unconvinced as she laughed to herself. When I heard Kyle's approaching footsteps behind me, I smirked and began to walk off.

"H-hey! Where are you going, Zara?!" Mels shouted after me. I turned around and spotted Kyle walking up to Mels, blood still dripping from his mouth.

"I think I'm going to get my watch fixed!" I called back. I was just looking for an excuse to get them alone together, but I really did need to fix my watch. It wasn't in the best condition, and I was afraid it would blow up- like a toddler having a tantrum.

"R-right!" Mels replied. I waved and carried on walking, laughing at my cunningness. My next goal was: my arch enemy, the watch.

You know the saying: 'keep your friends close and your enemies closer'? Well, this is the relationship between my watch and I. My watch is very close, strapped to my wrist close, so I think I would view it as an enemy. I normally don't have enemies- but let me say, if you were to get this watch, you'd probably declare war on the entire Earth in five minutes. Luckily I haven't done that yet.

Aw I'm not your worst enemy? I'm touched~

My wrist slowly began to burn as it tried to say something to me.

"Y-your Crime Coefficient is a-a-at 300." It finished, whirring down with a sigh. I almost laughed out loud. Really? You're gonna try and trick me like that again? I think not watch. I couldn't trust my watch right now- it could say my Crime Coefficient was over 9000 and would still get away with it. Glancing to the window, I smirked. It was only at 136.

damn straight

As I continued ambling towards the exit, I felt a prick at the top of my spine. I spun around. Nobody was around me- Kyle and Mels were talking to the MWPSB about something and they were on the other side of the room. Patting the back of my neck, I felt nothing out of ordinary. I continued on my journey the same, a bit more freaked out but comforted by the slowly diminishing pain.

ow, it still hurts a lot Z-Zara..

What are you talking about? The pain's almost gone.

gah never mind.

Suddenly, a hand landed on my shoulder. I jumped for real this time. Kyle met my eyes with a confused expression, slightly flustered. He searched my face quickly.

"Zara, calm down!" He panted, breath heavy. Dread settled in my stomach.

"Wait- what do you mean?" My Crime Coefficient was at 136, I didn't need to calm down did I? Kyle pointed towards the window and my head jerked towards it. What I saw made my mouth drop.

"300?!" I gasped. 300. 300?? Scientists were in rapidly flicking between screens, but my eyes couldn't get away from that 300. Was this even possible? How did it get that high in five seconds? That wasn't possible!

"You need to calm down, Zara." Mels arrived shortly after, voice stern. I looked at both of them flabbergasted and flicked my head back to the window. It was staying at 300- which was even more of a surprise. Normally it would rise even higher because of the stress.

"I am calm!" My voice raised. "I didn't do anything- it's not my fault! I really didn't do anything, would I want my Crime Coefficient to raise?! I've just been standing here this whole time!" I started to panic, and so did my conscience, who was still whining about the pain.

"Listen, Zara. I know we were wrong for putting you through that simulation, but this time it was for your own good!" Kyle tried to reason with me. "We're really trying to help you and we had to show the MWPSB the truth about all this!" His grip was tighter on my shoulder, if only by a little bit. I watched him suspiciously and glanced at my watch. The colours in the Hue swirl were darker than usual. Typical.

"I'm not angry!" I whined. "I know you want to protect me but you're going a bit far!" The last part blurted out by itself, and I slapped my hand over my mouth. It suddenly became very quiet in the room. My chest started to ache, lungs beginning to become restricted.

"Zara, you know what we'll have to do." Mels responded bluntly. My head snapped up at the change in her tone of voice. I jerked away from Kyle's hand on my shoulder. "The MWPSB are here. We don't want them to kill you. Nobody does."

They're scary now~ Maybe we should run or lash out yeah??

They were starting to really scare me, and so were the MWPSB. I could see them steadily advancing towards us like ghosts or something. Them and the whole room probably wanted to knock me out right now, so I slowly began stepping backwards. Kyle and Mels followed with every step I took back. I stepped back. They followed.

"Why are you taking this so seriously? It's only 300!" I looked at them pleadingly. They exchanged a look and glanced back at the MWPSB. A thought clicked.

"Do you guys have a secret?" My eyes narrowed.

"No." Kyle hissed immediately. "300's still enough for enforcement action isn't it? We should treat this very seriously."

Both their attitudes had changed so much! They haven't been this dark since the first time I hit 2000- and that was scary. So scary you could almost class it as harassment, and then physical assault. I couldn't be 5 metres near them for weeks without inching away- they were judo black belts and they had used it well. I had bruises for weeks after that...


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