~Chapter 22~

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read the bold apparently (like hell y'all gonna read it so i'll put it at the end of the chapter)



After wiping the black stuff off my hands, I ambled down the black cobblestone path as if I was just taking a stroll in a park. I brought my hands close to my face and scrutinised the occasional fade and glitch. I still don't know why it does that. Did it mean I didn't even belong in nightmare land? That wouldn't make sense- this was my own conscience.

It didn't matter who was watching, even if it was the MWPSB it wouldn't get me out of here any quicker. The only way was to escape through the door. The way out of the nightmare land and back into consciousness. But, the probability of finding the door was slim. It was a fairly average door the last time I saw it and not that difficult to spot being so out of place, but it shifts according to what my conscience is trying to say. It's never the same. The handle was layered with spikes last time, and as delicate as tissue the time before that. It took a whole 20 minutes trying to figure out how to use a disintegrated door handle!

The path seemed to be clear and a one-way ticket to consciousness, but it didn't feel right. Last time there was a clear path, monsters and fire were spewed up by the ground like some horror movie- so I stumbled around until I passed out from exhaustion. That's another way to escape- fall asleep or pass out. Can't say I've used that method though.

It was too quiet. Was she trying to hide something from the unwanted spectators? Is that why everything was so basic?? That worked in my favour at least. I'd prefer it if the MWPSB didn't find out about me- it would bring on a whole new wave of questioning, hospital visits and Sibyl tests. After a few minutes, I squinted at the distance and caught sight of a figure lounging on a rock.

It was her. She looked exactly the same as me. At times she sometimes mirrored my movements, the only difference being that she didn't glitch at all. She belonged here. This was her domain. Her playground.

"Zara! Hey! Zara!" I called, voice breaking. Zara's eyes flitted upwards and she waved, beckoning me to stray from the path. "I think I'll stay here- but thanks!" I responded, edging further away from the edge. I wasn't going to let her tricks get me again! The last time- jeez, she went mental by levitating rocks and chucking them at me. I just managed to make it through the door that time.

She pounded on the rock she was sitting on in frustration and it cracked, making me edge away a little. Her face moulded into mine- one of surprise and shock. The crack slowly expanded into a fissure and the whole ground to my left was suddenly shuddering in spasming movements. I decided to run this time, and sprinted down the path- it becoming jagged rocks and not smooth cobblestones. She really liked to play didn't she? I don't blame her, I am her only visitor here and the last time I came was a few months ago. She was probably lonely. And bored. I let out a breath and leaped across the swords. The door at the end of the path. It was getter closer.

After dodging several thrown rocks and muffling my ears against the occasional scream, I skidded to the door and let it cushion my landing. I yelped as I saw a black mass clawing up the climbing wall of rocks.

I quickly raked my eyes over the door, trying to find the handle out of this hell hole. There! But just as I was reaching for the smooth gold circle, it morphed into a spiked metal one. It taunted me in the dim hellish light. I had no choice but to grab it and let the needles sink into my hand as I turned the handle, biting back screams.

My hand and heart shuddered from the pain and blood dripping steadily down my wrist. It's better to take the plaster off quickly Zara! Nodding defiantly, I wrenched it around and charged head first- flicking it shut behind me. Everything else faded away, and the only thing left was the desperate sounds of breathing. No way she could get in. There were a few scratches and bites at the door, but they stopped and I opened my eyes only to wake up again.


My glasses hadn't been taken, but I was blindly staring at two faces, both very familiar. Their lips barely opened, but my ears were still sensitive and only heard really loud screaming. I could make out one word though. MWPSB. They were here. 

They had tapped into my dream- but why? It's not like they'll learn anything apart from that I have scary nightmares. Like everyone else.

I propped myself up slowly. My head started to throb and I closed my eyes again, feeling someone rub circles into my back. My throat hurt real bad. Gratefully and as if on cue, I swallowed cool water and the hand rubbing my back moved up to my cheek, patting it.

"Zara- are you alright?" Mels whispered. "I tried to stop them- but this guy picked you up and took you!" I squinted my eyes and watched her point to what looked like Kogami. The light was still too bright, so I just stared at my lap. Suddenly someone's hands were on my shoulders. 

"Hey Zara, look here. Keep your eyes on me." Kyle butted in, shaking me until I looked at him. "You're safe, okay?"

What was he on about? I waved him away. I wanted to get off this-


The next thing I knew, I was on the floor, clutching to somebodies leg and wide awake. Operating tables. That made sense. 

I crawled away and pressed myself up against the wall, vision clearing up. I breathily watched the MWPSB and Karanomori quite confused as I tried to merge into the wall. The operating table sternly watched me from the side of the room. No- they might find out! Mels went by my ear.

"They're trying to find out whether you're that Zara- so don't give anything away." She hurriedly spoke. I hummed in approval. Guess I'm gonna have to be more careful. She pulled me up and I found that I could control my limbs easily- so I slapped my face and everything returned to normal.

"What's going on?" Ginoza tutted, watching the black monitor above the table.

I laughed and told them I didn't like operating tables. Everyone shared a small moment of chuckling, glad to have filled the awkward silence. 

"I don't blame you!" Kagari giggled. Ginoza gave him a stern look, cutting his laughs short. He dropped the bomb. 

"Your hospital report shows that you've been admitted into the hospital 824 times. Once every week approximately." He pondered, looking at a graph on Karanomori's screen. All the MWPSB were silent and Kyle, Mels and I just burned holes into the floor. 

"Why?" Somebody asked.

"Pardon?" I whispered at the room.

"Why have you been admitted so many times?" Kogami spat venomously.



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