~Chapter 14~

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Picture the scene.

I'm sitting on a bus, trying to control my rage when suddenly my so-called 'saviour' whips out a dominator and starts bellowing at the top of their lungs. The whole of the bus seems to be a hoax and the people on the bus aren't singing 'the wheels on the bus go round and round', but are also holding dominators. And probably want to kill me.

Another laboured breath managed to sound, and my eyes slowly raked over the bus. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven- my heart beat quickened with every goon I counted. The muffled warning of my watch became more and more enthusiastic as the silence became skull-crushing. Suddenly, a whirring sounded, and the bus window-grids started revolving down. The view from the outside world slowly faded away, and now the only source of light was from the rickety bus lights.

Now all you have to do is make it through 11.. 12.. 13- 13 dominator pirates and smash through the curtains, avoiding civilians and getting killed!

I say curtains, but they're like iron sheets of pain. You can't make a dent in this solid wall, and if you try to pound through it, you'll break every bone in your body trying. Trust me, I broke both my wrists trying to break out once, and THAT was painful.

Two of the goons made a tentative move towards me, almost as if I was a ticking time bomb, stopping abruptly when the silence was interrupted yet again.

Two tapping sounds.

Everyone looked towards the source of the noise.

Two black tablets. Iosine.

I choked on my spit but made no move to pick them up or acknowledge them further. Even though my hands were trembling, twitching to scoop them up and push them down my throat, I stayed still. 

"What are they?" The leader hissed from behind me, sliding a hand around my wrist.

"They.." I cringed at the sound of my voice. "They're tablets."

She snickered, inducing a sickly sweet round of laughs from the rest of her crew. They reverberated against the walls of the bus until they fell silent abruptly.

"I know they're tablets. But what are they for?" A cold, blunt object was pressed to the base of my skull. I stiffened.

"An-anxiety tablets. I have anxiety and panic attacks."

Not to be arrogant or anything, but do they even know who you are?

The leader stepped forward and, with her Doc Martins, crushed the tablets and scraped her foot on the floor afterwards. When she had joined the rest of her crew, there was nothing left but a black smear.

"Hey- you." There was more emotion in their voice now. It was this change that made me look up, at her face and her dominator slung over her shoulder. The others were blocking the exit.


"You're really lazy, you know that?" She flicked her hair behind her. "You insist on staying in hospitals and prison cells, helping the enemy while you could be helping us free all."

is it just me, or they want to recruit you in their awesome team?

I glued my mouth shut, a blink away from snapping. The feeling had snuck up on me while she was crushing my Iosine.

"Did you hear me?" She fell deathly quiet.

I began taking slow breaths, in and out, blocking out the impending doom that was tapping her foot in front of me.

I can't hold this much-


And that was when I snapped.

In a snapped state, everything's tipped over to the bad side and there's no reason behind any of it. Ask me why I threw a chair, I would say because I wanted to. Ask me why I trashed a car, I would say because it looked nicer that way. Ask me why I burned that house down, I would say they deserved it.

[A Crime Coefficient of over 1200 is required to snap without any other individual's input, and any reading below can be triggered by any other.]

When I opened my eyes, a fist was firmly planted in the bus seat. When I took that fist away, an imprint remained.

"H-hey! I said-"She started. I abruptly stood up, a whole new sort of blood running through my veins.

That, was it.




I gazed directly in her eyes with a sickly innocent look, and she was about to say something. But pursed her lips and hid behind her crew, who were also quivering and holding their dominators against me.

Were you that scary~?


If they knew who I was they wouldn't be acting in this way. They would think that I'm just your average daily run of the mill latent criminal!

I unclipped my watch off and watched it slide off my wrist with a satisfying clunk. Each quiet step was an electric jolt through the group. A few held their dominators up, but didn't have the courage to pull the trigger on my 1358 Crime Coefficient. I don't think they would dare.

One young trembling guy, older than me, aimed and actually shot at me, with pretty good accuracy. I took off my shoe and threw it to meet the death ball of explosive fire, making a large explosion that sent both of us back against the bus wall. Of course, it didn't break the bus, the iron curtains wouldn't allow that.

Screams and horrifying crunching followed next. Smoke quickly filtered through the floor. The scene left was me looking down on dominator pirates, like bowling pins. Their faces of terror struck something within that gave me a strange sense of superiority.

I gave them my most innocent smile.

"I don't want to join your club."


it was black ◎ psycho passWhere stories live. Discover now