~Chapter 50~ (FINAL)

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"Good mornin, Zara!"

"Good morning, Miki." I smiled, sitting on the edge of my bed. Today was a new day in the paradise of sanity.

Miki floated around and came to a stop in front of me. With a cheerful tone, she announced my condition results.

"Your Psycho Pass hit a high of 10 last night Zara- that's a record! Oooh, your Hue maintained its light tones, andddd... which one  do you want today, Zara?"

I looked up from smoothing my hands, to see Miki creating two different types of cake, one vanilla and one strawberry. Both had the words 'Happy Birthday' etched on the top, and then it hit me.

It was my birthday. A year on from meeting the MWPSB, and I was.. happy. I was happy, and content, and ecstatic with my life. It put another smile on my face.

"Vanilla, please, thank you Miki."

"No, thank you, Zara. You've always treated me well, no matter what mental state you were in. Even if you still had a mental disorder I would love you, and everybody would. You do know that- right??" Her overzealous way of speaking encouraged a laugh out of me.

"I know. I should probably be getting to work."

I shed off my pyjamas and slid into the shower. The shower was warm, and I admired the way my face actually showed signs of life, rather than insanity. Miki had taken to dancing around the apartment, and I half joined in as I changed into comfortable clothes.

Half an hour later, I had bid farewell to Miki and was bounding through the corridors to the psychology department. After sliding the card through, I closed the door with a resounding clunk.

"Hey, Zara." Jake waved, throwing me a package. I eyed him suspiciously.

"What's this?" I turned it over, revealing in scrawny letters the recipient of the gift: ZARA. I ripped open the package, all the while watching Jake's smile grow wider and wider. My hands rested on a soft object, and when I looked down my mouth hung open.

It was me, wearing my own lab coat and holding a clip board. Was I that popular I had my own merch??

"I had this custom made." Jake stood up and walked over. He pointed to the custom made label on the side. Oh, so I didn't have my own merch.

"Is this me?" I awed at the likeness, at the glasses and even the subtle marks on the wrist from where the watch originally was. Those would never be able to disappear, but I didn't really mind.

Jake turned the doll over to reveal a label on the back. On it read:

Hey! This is Zara, your conscience. I might not always be here for you, but you have people who care about you- so don't be alone! It was difficult getting this message to you, considering Jake had to drug you again to access me, but I wanted you to know. P.S. please do not do anything stupid while I'm gone, otherwise I'll come back and you'll be in real trouble- ok~?

I looked to Jake in complete shock, but still kneaded the doll and read the message ten times more in my seat. It was strange that Zara left suddenly, but I'm sure it was for a reason. Content with my present, I put it by my computer and started working.

It wasn't long before the newly announced couple barged in with the same cake Miki had shown me before, and I meekly stood up to blow the candles out while everyone sang happy birthday. Even some people from the other departments joined in, and the doctor Kim Jungkook had come to wish me a happy birthday.

I decided as well to visit my mother's grave. The city had to be ruled by another mayor, someone I didn't know, thankfully, and all the visits from the MWPSB stopped. It was comforting to know that I wasn't classed as a criminal anymore by Kagari, and Kogami was even relatively nice to me.

While all my life had changed, some aspects of it hadn't. Although I didn't get nightmares anymore, or ever visited nightmare land, I experienced sleepwalking that led me outside my apartment. That enough got me into trouble, and the OG MWPSB squad had captured me a few times because of my reckless behaviour. It was fair enough to say that Kagari was getting used to teasing me the day afterwards.

"Zara, zara!" Akane called, grinning. I ran over to her and accepted her 'happy birthday' and her present, which was probably MWPSB themed but I really didn't care. "How's your mental state?"

"Everything's good. I feel good." I nodded, looking around the cafeteria and seeing everyone together. A smile forced its way onto my cheeks for the hundredth time today. "Right now I'm in a state of mind I want to be in like all the time. Everything's white, and nothing's black anymore."


thanks so much for making it to the end of this story! honestly when I started writing I had just joined Wattpad, or was still fresh, and I started it on a whim of just saying that I wrote something. although some people may be able to tell that I haven't actually finished watching Psycho Pass and I forgot most of the terms apart from Hue, it's been a journey of writing styles and ideas. I may leave this story alone, or edit a few parts so it's more coherent to read, but I can now say that this story is finished!

thanks sm for reading again, and honestly write as much as you can, even if you don't show anybody or tell anybody. You'll smile so much when you look back and experience your story as if you were the reader bc you can't remember any of it. I might post other stories if I feel courageous enough to post them, but for now I just want to say thank you a million times like 15,000 reads is incredible and I never thought I would've reached 1k, never mind 15k.

from, Koala-rekt

(P.s. my names zara and that's what the main characters called I wonder what I was thinking back them hmmmm)

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