~Chapter 49~

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The end is nigh and it's been approximately 500 years so I'm sorry lol


Apart from the beeping and the slow intake of air, it was quiet. It was dark too. They must've turned the lights off when they thought I was sleeping. They wouldn't be able to tell anyways.

A hand stretched to my neck. The wound burned when I grazed my fingers across them. I felt the dip of the skin, the smooth plastic of stitches, and the steady thump of heart against it.

Was it over?

Was anything over?

Could it even be over?

Those were the thoughts running through my mind.

The lights turned on, and someone entered the room. It was Akane, holding a piece of paper and looking very grave. She seemed hesitant to tell me whatever was on the paper, and I didn't have enough energy to supply her with encouragement.

"I hope.. you're doing well, Zara." Akane chose her words carefully. "I've got some news about your mother."

I tried to scoff, which was hard enough with a gash in your throat, so settled with a small smirk. I wondered what news about my mother Akane had. The word set in my stomach like a bad meal and didn't unfix itself until Akane finished her speech.

"After you passed out, we tried to restrain her- but we couldn't stop her. I'm sorry." Akane's voice cracked as she bowed, and she quickly called the doctor in.

"Stop her from what?" I sat up, curious. But Akane was already gone.

Jungkook stormed into the room and gave me a single look before attending to the monitor. I didn't expect any friendly conversation, judging by the way he looked at my dressing gown, but was pleasantly surprised when he started talking.

"Must be bad. Being you."

I raised my eyebrows.

"Yeah? I guess so," I laughed, suddenly reflecting on the series of unfortunate events that was my life. "I.. guess so."

Feeling a sudden wave of emotion coming on, the monitor started beeping quicker and quicker, and this elicited a squeak out of the doctor. Oh, so I mistook that conversation for friendliness, when it was just appeasement. I watched the Crime Coefficient monitor creep up and down, slower than before but still enough for caution. Not like I wasn't used to it.

Jungkook tapped a few things on the monitor before addressing me with a glance.

"I believe that device in your neck has had some lasting effects on your body. The majority of the effects have gone though, see?" He pointed to the fluctuations in the graph, spanning from the beginning of my hospital life to the present.

It was almost pleasant to see how far I had come. Although I was still classed as a 'criminal' by Crime Coefficient standards, I wasn't half as bad as I was before. It put a smile on my face. When Jungkook replicated that smile, I felt even happier.

"I've only heard about you in textbooks, Ms. Evergreen," he beamed. "But you're nothing like they all say. I'm happy that you're on the road to recovery."

My smile became wider, and suddenly my chest was filled with hope and fresh beginnings for my life and the lives of everyone around me. Nobody had ever said that to me, or even behind my back.

"Thank you." I managed to cough out. "I don't really hear that sort of stuff."

Suddenly, the doors burst open to reveal the infamous trio of Kyle, Jake and Mels.

"YOU'RE GONNA BE THE DEATH OF ALL OF US, ZARA!!" Mels had to be restrained by Kyle. Judging by the amount of skin contact between the two, and the knowing look Jake gave the doctor, I could say there was something going on.

Eventually Mels made it to the bedside and held my hand in hers tightly. Her other hand held my cheek in a loving manner, and I leant into it with a small smile.

"I missed you." I whispered. "I missed you so much."

Mels pulled me in for a gentle hug, and sobbed her response into my ear while Kyle rubbed her back.

"We all missed you- you stupid idiot!" She clutched at the hospital gown. "We thought that stupid woman would actually-"

"Oh yeah, what happened to my mum?" I asked absentmindedly. I suddenly realised. "I mean, what happened to the mayor?"

Mels withdrew from the hug and I missed the warmth that left with it. Kyle gave Jake a look, and the latter reluctantly knelt down in front of me, although I already knew what was about to come.

"Zara, your mother is dead."


Jake paused a little, then spoke again with intent.

"We'll take care of you, Zara. I'll take care of you. You won't be hurt anymore."

I occupied my vision with the slither of garden outside the window. The grass was green, the flowers were blooming, and-

"Did you hear me, Zara?" Jake held my arm, shaking me back to reality. I looked at him blankly.

"Yeah. I'm just thinking."

"Oh, ok."

I carried on watching the garden go about its horticultural expeditions, where the butterflies flew around the flowers and the patients flitted past the window. They weren't so different, when I thought about it. Out of the corner of my eye, I registered Kyle mumbling something to Mels and Jake, before nodding to the window.

"How did she die?"

The question threw everyone in the room off. The three psychologists turned to the doctor for the diagnosis. Jungkook, left to manage Zara's blood pressure and such, spoke quickly.

"Suicide. She took one of the syringes and injected it into herself."

Everyone in the room was stagnantly waiting for my reaction. I turned to them and started to laugh.

"How ironic, she was killed by the things she loved so much!"



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