~Chapter 18~

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reupload lost the wILL TO LIVE;


Who am I kidding? It's not like I can just decide to beat the Sybil System like that! I had never once tried to control my Crime Coefficient in the moment; I had always done prevention techniques and medical stuff, like yoga and Iosine. Yoga isn't really that effective, I got frustrated when I couldn't do the stupid tree pose right and used all my Iosine tablets that day. Just keep that in mind. 

My gaze fell onto the dominator, which was flickering between numbers at the moment and trying to say all of them at the same time. Poor dominator, probably had never experienced such trauma in its entire life of shooting things. I wanted to smash it little pieces, but self control is crucial here.  All of the numbers below 60 so far, but it wouldn't be long before they would be in the realm of the hundreds. Could Kagari just move away? Please?  It was difficult enough to put this on and get it to work.

The dominator, despite being one of my least favourite objects, was actually quite unique now that I was up close with it again. It was a unique design that was a mixture between the dominant colour black and the stripes and lights of blue. Kagari was probably very confused with all the numbers flashing in his vision. He probably thought I was just another latent criminal caught up in the crime scene.

Kyle and Mels had been holding their breaths in shock for a while now, but slowly let go and stared in awe. 

"Zara... how are you...?" Mels whispered, staring at the dominator.  I looked at her and stretched my arm non-suspiciously. She understood and nudged Kyle, whispering something in his ear. He had a moment of realisation before he turned into his normal, 'chill' self.


Did you really think I could control my Crime Coefficient for that long?


I have a secret~

As time progressed I remembered one of the other safety precautions that I had. 


"Here, put this on your elbow."  Mels appeared out of nowhere, leaning over my chair with a bracelet dangling from her fingers.

I timidly took it from her, wrapping it around the crook of my elbow. It fit nicely. "Thank you.." I awkwardly stayed silent and directed my gaze towards my feet, too shy to ask what it was or what it did.

Mels laughed and put her hand on my shoulder; I flinched, and looked up at her.

"You don't need to be afraid, why don't you ask what it does?" 

"What does it do?" 

"WELL!" She shouted, jumping back and posing. "This device can mask, yes mask, your Crime Coefficient if you ever get separated from your watch!" 

I could've sworn my watch didn't mask my Crime Coefficient but told the whole world about it, but she looked very happy with her invention, so I smiled. 

"Wa~ That's amazing!" I giggled. I was just worrying about breaking-

"And if you're worrying about breaking it," Mels interrupted my thoughts. "This is pure Tungsten, the strongest metal on Earth- you won't break it." 

I nodded and Mels ruffled my hair.


I smugly reunited my gaze with Kagari's, now at complete peace with my life. At last, his eyes moved away from mine and he sighed, slinging his dominator over his shoulder. Without a word, he walked away towards the other MWPSB people and left us in stunned silence. I couldn't help letting out a small chuckle. 

"Good thing you still have that- right?" Mels patted my shoulder. Good thing it still works! I hadn't been wearing it for a while because it kept breaking or giving me allergic reactions- but I guess today was a lucky day~! Aww, the red splotches are already starting to form..  I ignored it and rubbed my bare wrist.

Wait a minute.

Bare wrist?

Ah, my watch.

WAiT mY WatCH!!!!1!!!!1!1!!!

For about the millionth time today, I panicked and sprinted back to the bus. It must still be in there, lying abandoned on the floor!

"I'm... I'm just going to go find my watch!" I shouted to Kyle and Mels.

really didn't want to go back into the bus, but if it meant getting my watch back, I guess I had no choice. Looking across the road, there was a group of MWPSB towards the back of the bus, who were in deep conversation. I could recognise some people from the group. There was Akane, Kagari, Ginoza, Kogami, Masaoka and somebody I didn't recognise. I would have to be careful; I was already under suspicion for even being there.

Does that mean they would look for me? I was a witness so they have to... interrogate me? If they did that, they would find out- or at least try to. I quickly slipped into the bus, ignoring the MWSPB'S menacing conversation, which sounded like:

"Need to dispose of her..."

"She's already been so much trouble..."

"Latent criminal running loose..."

The light was only streaming from the door, casting a long shadow on the drivers seat. Inside the bus, where their conversation was quieter, I ambled down the aisle. Something shiny caught my eye at the end of the aisle. I approached the shiny thing and bent down, picking it up in my fingers. It didn't look like my watch, was it one of the robot kid's teeth from before? If this was the tooth- then where was the rest of the body? 

Not a question I want to answer.

I need to find my watch quickly! Left in the wrong hands, it could potentially ruin my life and the poor doctors who worked on it.! And as a plus I would be hated eternally by the Sybil System! Where else could it-

"Looking for... this?" Another painfully familiar voice asked from behind me. Oh please, not him.


it was black ◎ psycho passWhere stories live. Discover now