~Chapter 13~

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thanks to the few who read this!!  p.s. re-upload & oOOI CHAPTER 13


It took longer than I thought to stroll out of there . It wasn't exactly easy with a conscience screaming about the history of hues and occasional tingles from the dominator's paralysing shot in my legs.


Another thought surfaced. Most of my birthday so far had been filled with the MWPSB, and that- I didn't like. I may be a psychologically challenged therapist that is being treated herself by a wide variety of drugs and being virtually held hostage by the Sibyl system, but that doesn't mean the few days I spend away from hospitals has to be filled with anything in connection to latent criminals. But, I am patient. My neatly folded hospital gown was dropped onto the hard pillow, and I gave it a pat goodbye. Being angry right now wouldn't really help my current situation. I eyed the watch for a couple of seconds, taking in my light Hue and low Crime Coefficient of 31.

"The hour has passed. Please take your tablets."

My hand rummaged in my pocket, luckily finding a small pot of tablets kept for emergencies. They were lower concentration, but that doesn't matter now.


I set that record.


A while later, I was happily walking around the Psychology Department. The plan was to storm in there without snapping and save Kyle and Mels! Wait- scrap that, I'll sneak in and kidnap them from the MWPSB. They'll shoot me on sight so stealth is key. I had kept the secret for most of my life, and it wouldn't be ruined by one group of enforcers and their dominators.

I munched on some Lays crisps, salt and vinegar flavour if you were wondering. A persistent wailing stabbed at my ears from the back seat. The stench of sweat hung around the air in the vehicle and I had already accidentally touched the chewing gum under my seat like 6 times. Yes I counted.

Trying to distract myself from the crying child behind me, I watched a fight that was happening outside on the pavement. Probably not the best idea.

Two checked-shirt men had grabbed each other by the collar. A few angry shouts erupted from one, and the other replied back with the same vehemence. Now that I looked at them more closely, they looked freakishly similar, almost twin-like.


"Be quiet." I spoke involuntarily, quickly noticing my mistake. My eyes flitted around the bus quickly, but saw nobody paying attention.

Be quiet now!

The two young men were now flinging fists at each other. As soon as the first hit made its mark, the device on my wrist made a muffled noise through my pocket. I ignored it. They were encircled in a ring of onlookers, and everyone on the bus was peering over at the chaos. Blood flicked onto the floor.

Maybe you should look away, Zara, I mean I can feel your heart rate going crazy and I'm in your brain. And don't think I couldn't tell your watch was trying to tell you something.

The hologram from the bus had stepped through the crowd and directed its attention to the fight.

"Please calm down. On a scale of 1-10 how is your pain?"

I tore my eyes away, focusing on my untied laces. My watch was brought out of my pocket and it immediately supplied me with black Iosine tablets, which I gladly took. They didn't work as well because of the emergency tablets I took earlier. The number read 198. A  burst of adrenaline set me on edge for any attacks. Did this bus have a Crime Coefficient detector? What happens if that hologram judo-throws me?

Wait, why hasn't your watch drugged you yet?

If I got that bad the needle would've injected a drowsy wave, and if it got worse, a one way ticket to the floor. I held my watch up and read the tiny words that sealed my doom.

Calming drug is depleted, please refill at the nearest opportunity.

"No..." I hissed, clenching my fist momentarily before looking back at the watch. It read 467.




How the hell did that happen?!

Even more flustered than before, I realised someone tapping my shoulder. I took a deep breath and turned my head. A small child with his clenched hand outstretched, shiny face inches from mine.

Why is his face... shiny?

The toddler was standing on his mother's lap, hands plastered on the back of my seat.

He had short black hair and piercing stormy eyes that, even with chubby face, put me on edge. The mother was holding his legs in place. A flash of hair about her shoulders was accompanied by flecks of green through her floating fringe.

Hey I think we should move away I feel it again and we shOULD MOVE-

Steadily it rose up my abdomen and stayed in my chest. I brought up a hand to rest on my breast bone, other clenching on the seat.

"Yeah?" I whispered.

The kid faltered for a moment, and I could've sworn I saw something move behind his eyes. Like.. shutters.

"You dropped it!"

I inspected the bottle in his hand through squinted eyes and spotted my name. "Thanks, I thought I-" A surge ran through my chest, and I snatched the bottle almost greedily. The toddler jerked back.

"Mummy, what's wrong with the lady?" He whispered. The mother pried the bottle from my hands, glancing at the label.


She sharply drew breath.  I was already having enough trouble holding it back, now she's going to freak out.


To my surprise, she took three tablets out and pressed them to my lips. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw three digits- wait no, four digits. This was bad, extremely bad. It hadn't gotten this high in months! My heart was a juddering boxer against the healing bones of my ribcage.

yeah I mean you broke 5 ribs to escape the-

I summoned up the courage to move my lips apart. One false move could be fatal, send me over the edge. Calm cascaded over my tight chest, unwinding themselves with every passing second.

After a quick sigh of relief, the corners of my mouth rose at the pair. "Thanks, I thought I would lose it there..." I decided to trust them.

Upon hearing two screams in the background, I tutted. That's probably the twins getting tasered by the holograms. Much more calmer, I observed that the bus still wasn't moving. A glance around only confused me further.

"I wonder why the bus isn't-"


A blunt metal object was pressed to my head. A soft gasp pierced the silence. A feeling of dread submerged the calm.

"Don't move." Her voice was commanding, unwavering. It was almost as if she was a different person.

I could see the passengers rise and aim dominators at me. Their faces were steel-like, smoothing out any trace of emotion.

Are these the.. dominator pirates?


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