~Chapter 27~

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Kagari stepped off me and walked away. I turned on my side but closed my eyes for a while, listening to snippets of the conversation and the beep beep that echoed in my brain. I opened my eyes when Kagari and Akane started talking again.

"What did you say Kagari?" Akane asked him suspiciously, following him as he went to the middle of the room again. Kagari was practically spitting the words out at Akane, and she kept turning back to me in surprise.

I guess I can never trust anybody other than who I already have. Still that wouldn't stop me from trying to be friendly with everybody and trusting the most vague of people. Did I never learn?

ahh it's ok~ people have said much worse- like ***** *******

I thanked my conscience, eying my Crime Coefficient on the window. It was at 94- not high enough for enforcement action. I'm surprised I didn't explode when Kagari insulted me, now it was only a short while until I would become a karate master. The scientists were starting to take interest now, and were quite distressed when they saw the big number go to 100. Taking interest now? Typical. They want to contain me and only take notice when I start being rowdy.

With a sigh, I pulled myself over to Kyle. When I reached him, Kyle held a hand up at me and waved at the scientists behind the window. They caught sight of him and I caught sight of them, so they pointed viciously towards my Crime Coefficient, making big gestures that I didn't understand.

"What are they-" Kyle's hand slammed over my mouth. His hand was rough against my chapped lips, and I had to breathe through my nose because... I couldn't eat his hand. I scanned Kyle's face for any signs of 'i'll knock her out' or 'shall I give her one of her favourite muffins?"- but I couldn't make out anything. Besides, it wasn't like I was in a rush or anything. It was like a game of charades, but over a really long distance.

Kyle tutted. Suddenly, he let go of my mouth, and cool air met my sore throat. I coughed and rubbed the soot from Kyle's hand off my mouth. The dust really did taste bad, it was like chicken nuggets mixed together with burnt toast. I had to resist the urge to spit it out on the ground, but I didn't want to seem more of a 'monster' like everyone thought I was.

Kyle waved something away and turned to me, eying me with caution and what looked like.. disappointment. He swept his fingers through his dirty blonde hair, which glinted in the strong bright lights of the testing room. It fell and hung around his ears.

I asked him what was wrong. My head turned questioningly, taking in his face. Not literally taking it in like a hoover, looking at his face and taking in details- not the face. I admit, once I bit somebody when I went psycho- but only because they stole my muffin. Hey, maybe that's why they recorded my favourite type of muffin! Still though, I was five then. I'm twenty-two now.

they got what they deserved-

"They want me to drug you because they think you'll lose it." Kyle bluntly said.






"You're that relaxed?!" Mels jumped out of nowhere, looping her arm protectively around my shoulder. "They could drug her at any moment and you're just standing there like that?"

"It's not like they'll be able to knock her out as easily as you think!"

"Still, don't you have any compassion?"

"Compassion?" Kyle scoffed. "Yeah, and all the stuff I've been doing for Zara- that wasn't compassion?"

"You know what I mean! Stop avoiding the subject!"

And so it went on. I stood there in the middle of them arguing about me blankly- with no input.

"Guys, it's really-" I began, trying to reason with both of them.

"Stay out of this, Zara!" They both hissed at the same time. Giving each other death glares, they carried on spitting at each other and left me as a bystander. Just great.

The argument's going to be won by Kyle- oh no, what a shame, Mels just delivered a death blow! Wait a second, Kyle is retaliating and has spat back at Mels with the same amount of force! It's psychological argument tennis!

They didn't hesitate to use psychological techniques and resort to physical violence when just normal shouting didn't work. Even I started to get worried when Mels grabbed Kyle by the collar, but nobody stepped in because everyone knew the psychologists were always at war with themselves. Every other department in every other ministry was fine. Even the department of anger management in the hospital had less fights than us, and I don't see how that's fair!

Silently throughout this, my Hue had been creeping down the darker colours, and I was only alerted to this when Iosine tablets were dished out. I quickly shoved them in my mouth. Familiar specks of white wriggled into my eyes, and an invisible fist clamped over my heart, almost forcing it to slow down and maintain a rhythmic, thumping pace. My body in turn didn't feel like arms, legs, feet, and a head, but just one solid mass that was burning to the touch.

They really need to lower the dose of calming drug; I nearly fall asleep these days!

The symptoms were suddenly shut off like a tap, being replaced with shouts as the MWPSB caught sight of Kyle and Mels fight.

I rubbed the specks from my eyes, but they wouldn't leave for a while.


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