~Chapter 24~

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I'm sorry you've got this far-


I heard somebody's laughter behind me, closer than I thought and quickly gaining on me, much like my Crime Coefficient. Why is it going up so much today? Usually it would be hitting 300, but it had just passed 700 as my watch gratefully reminded me. A harsher stab to my wrist told me my watch was working and trying to knock me out.

Suddenly, I heard another gunshot and instinctively ducked. But the drug had made my reaction time slower, and I barely managed to fly downwards onto the floor without being shot. Unintentionally my chest slid forward on the floor, making me slide on the floor like a penguin in Mario Bros.

Sliding on the floor actually really hurts. You get friction burns, and it burns. I jerked my head back from the awkward position I was in to spot another electric ball sparking down the corridor. The gust of wind coming along with it blew through my hair gently, but what was coming next definitely wasn't. Kogami was getting close- making a beeline for me with a dominator outstretched. As the adrenaline shot through my blood, I threw myself again into the wall and round another corner.

The only sounds that made it to my ears were the steady tapping of my shoes and my ragged breathing. There was no one. No one. Not even another squad in this whole MWPSB building. Was this a trap?

I cast the thoughts out of my mind and focused on lifting my feet, even if it was three inches forward. My chest felt like somebody had took a swing at it with a bat, and my throat was like a barren desert that was cracked and sore. I wouldn't be able to go on for much longer... scratch that, I'm stopping now. Again, I looked back and hoped that they had given up. There was no one.

I stopped and pressed my head against the wall, swallowing my dry mouth.  My stomach was threatening to spill out its contents on the floor. Swirling shapes were pulsing when I closed my eyes and black spots were dancing in my vision when I opened them.





How long had I been running? I swiped my watch on and flicked past its warnings, almost clawing for the time. 10 minutes had past.

Annoyed by my whole life in general, I let out a shaky breath onto the wall. My hands were spread out for balance, but the sprinting had done no good. Eventually I held my head and sat on the floor slowly. Wincing in pain, I burned there for a while, just radiating heat like a radiator.

I wonder if they've given up-

No- they can't just give up like that. I had a Crime Coefficient of 500 the last time they checked. Again, the watch left its traces on my wrist.

Then, what are they doing?

I shrugged, and then walked slowly again, wincing. Unfortunately I had to use the wall as a support, shuffling across it like another penguin. The pictures I felt were very plain, but they matched the whole design of the building. Then again, does any of the Ministries have a interior designer or anything? It's like every Ministry has to have the ugliest designs and the most boring colour schemes. What am I saying, the Ministry of Art probably is an aesthetic gold mine. The Ministry of Social Media also might be a tumblr zone where everyone drinks Starbucks and the lighting is always 'on point'. I've never been there though, so I wouldn't know. It might be a fun place to live actually.

Better than this.

To make sure nobody snuck up behind me, I had my back to the wall. My Crime Coefficient had gone down to 200- so I smiled to myself. The smile was soon wiped off my face.


It was out of control of today. The worst it's been in months. Every passing day. Being chased by the MWPSB. I was more certain that somebody was deliberately making my Crime Coefficient go higher. And putting me in horrible situations. It was possible. Now that I was thinking about it. But. My chest hurt too much to think about it.


I was so absorbed in my musings that I didn't hear the footsteps and shouts.

"There she is! Shoot her down!"

"Her Crime Coefficient's gone down to 167- how is that possible?!"

"Shoot her anyway!"

This reminded me of the days where I had to run away from dominators almost every day. Akane was the first to shoot surprisingly, and I easily rolled away from the electric ball hurtling towards me. However as soon as I looked up again, another was making its way towards me. They were fast. Every time the smoke cleared and they could see the outline of my figure, they would shoot blindly into the haze to try and knock me down.

To escape every single shot is my goal.

Miss one, and it's game over, Zara~!

The fact that we were fighting in a corridor wasn't exactly to my advantage either, the loss of space meant that I was just evading the blue sparks of the shots. Eventually, I would get tired and they would have a clear shot of me. All I could focus on was the growing pain in my chest again.

"Her Crime Coefficient- it's 401, we have to use lethal mode!" Akane fumbled, hands suddenly trembling. I pulled my jacket back on my shoulder and let my hands hang in my pockets.

I scoffed and the pain in my chest faded away.


The MWPSB, after muttering something to themselves, directed their attention to me- anxious to see what would happen next.

"You couldn't hit me once? Ha."


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