Chapter 1~D is for Double

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Super High School Level Shinobi Xindel Fujimoto's POV

I closed my eyes and let the wind blow around me. It brought a sense of comfort to me as it always had. From my place in a tree, the regularly crowded grounds of Hope's Peak Academy seemed to be miles away. I sighed gently and waited for somebody to notice. They never did, but I still hoped every once in a while.

I finally opened my eyes when I felt a branch scratch at my forehead, as if telling me to open my eyes and look down. I swatted the leaf covered branch and looked down to the ground.

And saw the strangest sight.

A boy was walking on the ground wearing all black. Black scarf, cape, general outfit, all of it. A katana was strapped to his back. He had spiked black hair as well. The boy's red eyes dodged mine, and I knew why.

They were disguised as me.

I jumped down from my place in the tree and pulled out my katana. I knew I'd get in trouble for having it out, but this new person pretending to be me unsettled all that had been at peace in me a few seconds prior. "Who are you?" I demanded, speaking for the first time that day, despite it being shortly after noon.

The boy, 'Xindel', stared back at me silently. I could have sworn I saw his eyes widen in shock at seeing me. I took a hesitant step towards the mystery person. "Who. Are. You?" I repeated, unsure of if this newcomer was a friend or foe. I also pondered if this was another student playing a trick. There was an Imposter, if I recalled correctly...

'Xindel' didn't do anything for a few seconds. He just stared at the katana's tip before taking a step backwards. He began giggled.

Or should I say 'she' giggled.

"And here I thought this would work," 'Xindel' said around giggles. "I can't believe I actually thought that things would work out here."

"Who... Are you...?" I repeated once again, my chest rising and falling with my heavy breaths. "Why did you...?!"

I looked around and noticed that all the other students had left the area. It was just this mystery person and I in the garden. Because of this factor, my copier could easily be anybody.

I didn't have to usher an answer from the feminine person, however, as they ripped a black wig from their head and began finger combing it. It was a girl, just like I expected. Her hair was dirty blonde and curly. The girl's tresses were being held up in a messy bun, though her aqua bangs were down. She giggled once more, and I realized what was going on.

It was a prank, nothing more.

"Looks like ya found me out!" the girl grinned. Her voice sounded just like a higher pitched version of mine, truth be told. "Great going, Xindel!"

"Who are you?" I said for the fourth time in the past five minutes.

"Name's Chouko." The girl pulled out contact lenses and replaced them with lime green glasses. I noticed her irises were regularly a bright ocean blue. "Chouko Oyashi."

"W-well..." I began. I had a million questions to ask this girl, but I couldn't force myself to forge the syllables. I had never been much of a talker, and that was being used to my disadvantage in that moment.

"Why did I impersonate you?" Chouko asked. "Just had to show the world that the Impersonation Master is here to stay!"

I blinked in confusion. "I-I should go..."

"See you later, then!" Chouko sang before waving and skipping away.

What an odd character...

Super High School Level Impersonation Master Chouko Oyashi's POV

I finally left Xindel alone, as he was starting to seem a little uncomfortable with me acting like him. Most people felt that way, but this poor guy looked crazy nervous. I made a mental note to make it up to him sooner or later by helping him out. Didn't want to make a bad name for myself on my first day in this new school!

I walked to my dorm room and looked around once I was inside. The boxes stacked from floor to ceiling didn't look all that nice, so I decided to unpack at least one.

I pulled one of the top boxes down (though it was hard, due to my being crazy short) and began unpacking it. I found that it was one of those with clothes in it, so I grabbed the first three things I saw and made a dash for the restroom.

I pulled off that ninja getup I had used for the afternoon's prank and tossed it into a heap. I proceeded to change into a skin tight minty green tank top. I put a loose gray jacket and jeans with it. I gave my tennis shoes and socks a sideways glance, though I decided against putting them on, as it was a Saturday, and I never wear that stuff on weekends. Too lazy if I'm not leaving the house.

I heard the door click open and gasped. That's right! I was supposed to have a roommate and I completely forgot!

A pink eyed girl with matching hair in a bun entered the room. She wore a long blue dress with frills all over it. She had high heels and a hair bow of the same color. Jewelry adorned her outfit here and there. A small wooden gavel was being held loosely in her fingers.

"Sup!" I exclaimed, getting the feeling that this girl wasn't the most social type. I might as well make the first move. We wouldn't get anywhere if she did.

"H-hi..." the girl stammered.

"I'm Chouko Oyashi! You must be my roommate!" I smiled.

"A-Ayameko Etsuko..." the girl whispered, flustered by my excited approach.

"Well, Ms. Ayameko, it's nice to meet you!" I grinned widely and shot her a sweet glance. Impersonating her could be fun...

I made yet another mental note to act as Ayameko one of these days just for fun.


Take this.

Yes the other five characters will come in soon.

Take update.


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