Chapter 39~The Outrage!

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Super High School Level Actor Chiyosu Sunadu's POV

After the planning thing, I found myself stomping back to my room. And soon enough, the headmaster asked me to go into his office on the fifth floor. I'll give you the abridged version since just thinking of what happened makes me mad:

Apparently, a new student by the name of Satoki Amaya is coming to this stupid school. He's an actor, which means that my title is going to have to become 'actress'. Do you have any idea how much that sucks?! It's awful! I treasured this title all year and then some new guy feels like they have the power to come along and just take it away from me!

I can't believe this! This is an outrage!

Calm down, Chiyosu. Compose yourself. You need to focus.

Once I calmed myself down from the anger of getting replaced by some third rate actor, I flopped down onto my bed. Zuka and Jon were out on a date, leaving me to wonder a few things.

What would the party be like? I hope that Chouko didn't go overboard doing what she wants... I get the feeling that she would totally do something like that if she got the option to. She's always been a bit of a... Free spirit who would probably break the boundaries to have fun.

Except when that fun is to have a party at the beginning of the school year.

Why will nobody get over the fact that I messed up once? I haven't heard the end of it from a countless amount of people even now. It tires and annoys me.

Maybe one of these days somebody will care even with what I did.

Somebody other than the twins.

Who knows? Maybe it'll even be that airhead of a fashoinista blonde.

Oh, what am I saying? That's impossible.

Super High School Level Strategist Ai Matsuki's POV

Believe it or not, the planning meeting with Chouko and all of her friends wasn't as painful as I figured it would be. Surprising, I know, but that's how it went. We talked about stuff that we all liked while Chouko scribbled in a notebook, and then we got to go home.

I, personally, enjoyed going back. I was thankful that Minuki was asleep whenever I got back into my room. Her pink, black, purple, and blue hair (which was dyed in a bunch of weird places, so I won't go into much more detail) fanned out around her. A star tattoo was on her left cheek, the top part hidden by flight goggles. I guess that made sense since she's known around here as a pilot...

I sat down on my bed, eventually deciding to lay down. I stared up at the ceiling. I couldn't believe that the school year was already almost over. Is it even possible for the year to fly by that fast? I didn't think so, but hey, it's not like it's completely out of the realm of possible.

I began to think over what I'd be doing over summer. Ryo and I would probably go back to our house and try to endure the wreckage flying around there. Why wreckage is flying everywhere is something I'm not going to say at this point. I admit that I liked it here at school much more than I liked being at home. I mean, who does like being at home when your parents are psychotic and fight constantly?

I sighed, trying my best to banish such thoughts from my head. It wasn't working out all that well, but it's not like that's my fault, now, is it?

Super High School Level Warrior Ryo Matsuki's POV

I paced my room with a sigh. I couldn't believe a student was going to be in here with me in just a few hours... I had met up with the headmaster after Chiyosu found out about her talent being given off to somebody else. She seemed pretty angry about it, but since it was only a matter of three letters, I was sure that she'd get over it soon enough. She always did, which I is one of the things that I like about her.

He explained that I was going to be getting a new roommate since I was the only guy in the school who didn't have a dorm partner. Here's to hoping the new guy isn't some jerk or something like that.

A knock at the door made me gasp. New kid wasn't supposed to be here for at least another few hours! I couldn't believe that the headmaster had convinced me that I had more time than I did!!

I opened the door to see new guy. He had golden brown hair and green eyes. He wore this white shirt over a pair of brown trousers and a plaid green shirt tied around his waist. He certainly looked... Nice. If I had to choose a dude, I'd probably date him.

Then again, I am straight, so I suppose that-

"You must be Ryo," the boy said. "My name is Satoki Amaya. I'll be your new roommate."

"H-hi..." I stammered, stepping out of the doorway. I would have given him some sort of sassy remark, but my mouth couldn't find the right words. Was I really that tired? Or maybe it was shock...

"You have a nice room here," Satoki smiled. "Even if there are only a few weeks left of school, I hope that we can get to know each other while we're in here together."

Satoki stuck out his hand, prompting for me to shake it. I took his hand and shook it gently. The shock of his sudden arrival was stopping me from being myself, something I absolutely despised.

Satoki lugged his bags over to the spare bed, now his, and sat down. "Maybe we should spend the rest of the afternoon together. You know, getting to know one another if we're going to be roommates."

I nodded. "I guess that wouldn't hurt."

To this day, I still don't know what the heck was wrong with me that day.






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