Chapter 18~Rescue Achieved

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Super High School Level Shinobi Xindel Fujimoto's POV

Sabastian and I remembered Jon and Zuka mentioning going to the storm cellar after school, so we decided to follow their lead and see what sort of trouble they had gotten themselves in to since the last time we saw them two hours ago. Two hours doesn't seem like too much time for things to go horribly wrong, but I couldn't keep the terrible feeling that doom was coming out of my mind.

Shortly after worry had taken over my mind, Sabastian and I arrived. Sabastian heaved open the doors. I admit his arms held more muscle than it looked like they would. I gave him a curt nod and walked down into the cellar, unsure of what we were going to find once we truly got into the scary part.

It didn't take long before a scream pierced the air, echoing throughout my mind at an insane rate. I glanced over at Sabastian, hoping he would have an answer as to what that shriek had been about, or who it belonged to. "Ayameko!!" he exclaimed, seizing my hand and dragging me further into the murky darkness of the cellar. I hoped we never had to come down here ever again...

Sabastian led me into a large room at the end of the cell, which had five people inside. There were four figures tied against various pillars that kept the room from collapsing. Two looked unharmed, though the third of them had a pained expression on their sleeping face. The last person was wide awake, eyes larger than saucers and panic clearly showing.

Sabastian ran to the panicked person, who was being cornered by the standing figure. "Aya!!" he cried, grabbing desperately at the ropes that held her to the pillar. He untied them and Ayameko sprung up from the ground, embracing him in a bear hug.

"You came...!" she whispered into his ear. I noticed that there were two deep cuts on the side of her neck, and blood was spurting from them madly. I gulped as the standing person recovered from the shock of our arrival.

I recognized the person as Alexis, who looked bewildered. "You...!" he hissed angrily. "I was supposed to become beautiful, but you ruined it!!"

I paid next to no attention to his ranting, as my attention was on the other still figures. I ran to the one who was in a similar position to Ayameko. It didn't take me any time at all to notice who it was, though I didn't exclaim their name like Sabastian did.

Instead, I took to the action of untying Chouko from the pillar. As if sensing my movement, she opened her eyes slowly. "X-Xindel...?" she stammered.

I helped her stand. "It'll be okay..." I whispered confidently. I suppose my self esteem had returned from the depths of evil after all this time at being in a dangerous situation...

Alexis noticed the katana strapped to my back and stared at me in fear. Without saying anything, he backed away from what would become a fight, instead sprinting away. 

Sabastian picked up Ayameko bridal style, who looked more than a little bit drained. I did the same for Chouko. "This is where they've been all this time?!" the prince shouted in anger. 

"I suppose so..." I frowned. "Let's free the other two."

"Who cares about them?!" Sabastian roared. "Ayameko...!"

I didn't give him time to retort further, as I had already approached the other people and set down Chouko gently. I untied Zuka first, who woke up and stood, shooting me a thankful glance before dashing off to free who I realized had to be Jon. I guess she beat me to it.

"I can't believe that even happened," Jon declared, standing while brushing dirt from his elbow. "Alexis is seriously a madman who kidnapped two girls for next to no reason?! Who ever would have guessed?!"

"I can't believe he would do that..." Sabastian mumbled, his gaze downcast. He held Ayameko a little bit tighter, who sunk into his grip tiredly. I supposed that she would be tired, having been held captive for two days now...

"That isn't important," I told him. 

"Yeah. We need to get these two help. Who knows what that creep could have done to them?" Sabastian frowned. He led me out of the cellar and into the open light of the early evening.

The sun blinded me, making me flinch slightly. Chouko seemed to notice as she held one of my arms loosely in her thin fingers. "Are you okay...?" she asked me uncertainly.

"I'm fine," I sighed. "Let's just get down to the nurse's office. We don't know what could happen if Alexis shows up for you and Ayameko again."

Super High School Level Prosecutor Elec Daegana's POV

It was around six thirty or so when I heard heavy footfalls outside my dorm room. I opened the door gently to see Zuka, Jon, Sabastian, and Xindel (who were carrying Ayameko and Chouko respectively).

"Y-you found them!" I gasped in shock, making my way over to their sides.

Sabastian nodded. "That creep Alexis did it! He held them in the storm cellar for two days, and who knows if he fed them or anything?!" he yelled unhappily.

"This would have been much more amusing on Halloween," Jon joked, though Sabastian nor Xindel seemed at all happy with his comment. Sabastian scowled his direction and Xindel looked away uncomfortably.

"Let's go get them help already," Sabastian announced. Nobody objected, and tiredly plodded after him. I decided to trail them down there, feeling worried over their health (though, not as worried as I had been when Yazu was attacked earlier that year).

I wondered if Alexis was the one who pulled off all the vandalizing pranks at the start of the year. I pondered this for a few seconds, then rejected it. It didn't seem to fit in with the things the vandal and Alexis had done.

But the question was that if Alexis wasn't the culprit there...

Who was?

And why did they attack Yazu?






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