Chapter 22~Cue Detective Music

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Super High School Level Prince Sabastian Michaelis' POV

I wasn't sure what to think of when Chouko came walking out of her room wearing a Sherlock Holmes costume, magnifying glass and everything. I certainly wasn't the only confused person; even Xindel seemed to be at a loss for words. More so than usual, I mean.

"What are you doing?" I managed to ask once I had gotten over the confusion. 

"I'm getting into proper detective attire, duh!" Chouko exclaimed with a wide grin. 

"We're going to face off with an insane actress. I don't think that's really necessary," I told her dryly. "You stick out like a sore thumb, you know."

"So? Just because this is a serious concept doesn't mean that we can't have a little bit of comic relief, Captain Bring Down!" Chouko told me mockingly.

I sighed. "I'm not Captain Bring Down. I'm just trying to say that your dressing up like that is stupid and unnecessary."

"Let's just forget about her unscientific costume and get back to work," Yazu cut in.

"What's unscientific about Sherlock Holmes, Ocean Hair?" Chouko pouted.

"My hair being an unnatural shade of blue isn't what we're worried about at this moment!!" Yazu cried unhappily. "Just come on! Let's go find that insane girl and get her to stop attacking people so it doesn't get too much further out of hand, okay?"

"Fine..." Chouko grumbled. "Let's go prove that Chiyosu is rude and doesn't deserve to be in this fancy school place!"

"Finally we agree on something," I muttered, rolling my eyes.

Super High School Level Ninja Zuka Fubayashi's POV

I opened my eyes to see the drab ceiling of the nurse's office. I blinked against the somewhat harsh light. My vision began to return, followed by the feeling of pain, which pumped through my head. I couldn't really remember why that was happening, so I figured that finding out the answer to that should be my number one priority. 

"What's going on...?" I whispered. I was already aware of the fact that nobody was there and all that sort of stuff, but that didn't seem to matter in that instant in time. I forced myself to my feet, though I stumbled for a second before fully balancing myself out on my legs. Just what had happened to make me feel so weird like this...?

I found myself walking down the hallways I soon recognized as familiar to see if I could find my room and relax there for a little while. I didn't know what else I was supposed to do about my awful migraine, which I got the sneaking suspicion wouldn't be leaving me alone for a long time.

When I found my room, the door was locked. I groaned. Probably something about Chiyosu doing whatever it is that she does again. I could never tell with a soul as bizarre as her. I gripped my head as ache shot through it again. I've never had a migraine before now, but let me say for sure that I do NOT recommend it.

Super High School Level Horror Akane Misaki's POV

I had managed to creep away from Chiyosu eventually, much to my relief. I didn't really like hanging out with her anymore. The vandalism had lost its spark, and so had calling Chiyosu my friend. I didn't want to be around her if all she made me do was cut up things with those shiny scissors she stole from that weird writer girl and throw toiler paper all over rooms. 

I sat on my bed before laying down. The reality of all I had done hit like a train, making me frown. What made me think that being around Chiyosu in the first place was a good idea?! I still didn't understand. I don't know if I ever will, as a matter of fact. 

I sighed and stared up at the ceiling, which was just like all of the other ceilings at Hope's Peak: the second most boring things in the school, next to the classes. I closed my eyes so I didn't have to look at the blandness any longer.

I heard noises from outside my door, so I looked up. I had left the door cracked slightly, so I was able to see about six or so figures creeping by, one holding a magnifying glass to their eye. I stared in confusion for a few seconds. The people at this school sure were... Strange among other things.

I rolled over and rested my head on my pillow. Might as well try and sleep all my troubles away...

Super High School Level Judge Ayameko Etsuko's POV

We arrived at Chiyosu's room in a matter of minutes. We all silently argued over who was going to knock on the door, shoving the job off onto other people due to fear making its way through our bodies and minds. Eventually, I found myself stepping forward to take on the job, gently knocking my knuckles against the wood.

It took a few seconds, but I soon heard the click clack of shoes coming closer. Everybody silently buzzed in panic, and by the end of our panicked moment, Elec was hiding behind Yazu, who was behind Chouko, who was behind Sabastian, who hid behind me. Xindel shot me a confused glance just before the door opened.

Chiyosu sighed from the other side. "What do you want?" she asked impatiently. I heard her foot tap against the floor in dissatisfaction. 

I gulped down my fears and forced my words to form syllables followed closely by words. "We need to talk to you about something," I choked out.

"Well, why else would you be here?" Chiyosu demanded, rolling her eyes. I guess we caught her in the middle of something important...

"We want to ask you about... About..." My voice faltered and trailed off. How were we supposed to casually say that we suspected her of being the vandal running around the school?! I couldn't think of a way, and judging by the way that Xindel remained silent, he couldn't either.

"Well?" Chiyosu questioned with a snarl.


Come on guys man up

Yes I got a free second so now I will nyoom away to do the magic thing I like to call typing CF


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