Chapter 16~My Classmate's A Kidnapper?!

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Super High School MMA Fighter Jon Shushiro's POV

I didn't even bother trying to cover up my arm wound from the day before as I walked to class. Luckily enough, nobody seemed to notice that anything was wrong at all. I was relieved by such. I didn't want to have to come up with some sort of crazy story right there on the spot that wasn't 'I broke into the school's storm cellar and got attacked by this crazy maniac who sliced my arm open with their bare hands'. That's way too long for one, and I didn't want to get busted for breaking and entering for another thing! I'm too young to go to jail!

In homeroom, I noticed that weird Alexis kid casting me sideways glances over and over. It kind of freaked me out, truth be told. I gulped and looked away. Why wouldn't he just leave me alone?

Class seemed to drag on for hours and hours, as Alexis wouldn't stop glaring me down for some reason. What did I ever do to him to deserve being stared at? That's more than just a little freaky, Alexis. Please stop before I call the police and have you arrested for being a stalker.

When the bell finally rang, I tried to run from the room, but an iron grip on my wrist made me turn. Alexis was holding me in his hand, a tiny smirk of creepy proportions on his lips. I tried to resist the urge to run and listen to what he wanted to tell me.

"What is it?" I asked him, panic rising up in my stomach.

Alexis shot me a tiny grin. He really is the creepiest person I've ever met... "I wish to meet you outside the storm cellar tonight after school hours. Four thirty, as a matter of fact," Alexis told me.

I hesitated before nodding, willing to do anything if he would just leave me alone. "Fine. Just let me go, please," I growled, yanking my hand away from the boy. I rubbed the area to bring back circulation. For being stick straight as far as his arms go, he sure could grip pretty hard...


After school, I heard a knock on my door. I was gathering supplies into a backpack just in case Alexis (who I theorize is secretly a demon) tried any funny business. I hoped desperately that he would be just a normal Super High School Butler...

But then again, what about that is normal in any way?

I stood and opened the door. Zuka was on the other side, frowning at me. "Alexis told me to meet him outside the cellar earlier," she told me.

"Same here," I frowned. "Are you going to go? Without any survival gear? That guy is freaky and could easily be the one who kidnapped Chouko and Ayameko. Who knows what he'll do to us if we figure out what he's been pulling these past few days?"

"You're being overly dramatic," Zuka groaned, rolling her eyes. "Let's just go. I have some homework I need to do later tonight."

"Fine," I agreed. "Let's go."

Super High School Level Ninja Zuka Fubayashi's POV

Jon and I arrived outside the cellar minutes afterwards. I looked around, hoping Alexis was already there so that we could get this whole issue over with. The project in history I had been working on the past few nights was due tomorrow, and I had barely started since Jon and I had been investigating disappearances pretty late into the night.

"It appears that you two finally showed up... It took you quite a while..."

I resisted the urge to jump at hearing those words. Alexis stood nearby, a tiny frown on his face. "Alexis...!" I gasped, calming my madly beating heart by placing my hand over it. Jon's jittery aura must have just been rubbing off on me... This was just an everyday meeting with a classmate outside of the classroom. It happens all the time. I was making a big deal of nothing.

"There you are," Jon said, at least a little bit of relief tainting his voice as well.

"Would you two please follow me?" Alexis asked. He gestured for us to tail him down into the cellar. I frowned. Maybe Jon was right...

But then again, he was a little bit high strung...

I did as Alexis wished, though Jon was a bit more hesitant. I grabbed his hand and pulled him after Alexis and I. Couldn't have him getting chicken, now could I?

Alexis led us deeper into the cellar. I noticed a door against the far wall across the entrance to the cellar, which Alexis pulled out a key for and pushed open. I gasped. Had that really been there the entire time and Jon and I didn't notice?

I watched Alexis enter the room. I followed him with a small frown. This was getting freakier by the second.

Whimpering coming from a corner of the room made me snap out of my thoughts. I gasped and realized just what was slumped over where the walls met.

It was the outline of a person, white gag over their mouth and ropes holding them onto a pillar. The person's eyes were wild with fear, as if pleading for Jon and I to save them.

I quickly recognized the bright blue shade as Chouko's eye color.

Another glance to an opposing corner of the room made my eyes go wider. A person in a similar position to Chouko sat there, though their eyes were closed. I guess that this person was asleep or something...

My deduction skills screamed at me that it was Ayameko.

I gasped and turned to Alexis. "You-!!" I exclaimed, anger working its way up through my body. I glared at him and made an effort to lunge at him, but the boy pulled out a tiny bottle and opened it.

I felt something get tossed down the back of my throat, making me feel weak and dizzy.

But before I passed out, one thought echoed throughout my mind:

Alexis is the one who took Chouko and Ayameko, and now, he has Jon and I.



Bad Alexis

What did I say about this

Hatty and I both told you not to do this

Alexis: "But it's fun~"



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