Chapter 4~A Little Party Never Killed Nobody

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Super High School Level Judge Ayameko Etsuko's POV

The next day was the first day of school. I walked into the classroom of my first hour. There wasn't a teacher in there, even five minutes after the bell had rung out. I was sitting near the front of the room alongside Chouko and Elec. The rest of the group we had decided to hang with was a little closer to the back of the room. I supposed that made sense with them being quiet/irritated easily.

I looked around quietly, looking for any teacher who could possibly be the one teaching our class. I didn't see a thing, which was odd.

Eventually, Chiyosu stood with a wide smirk. "It's party time," she declared. I got the feeling she was possibly the troublemaker type.

For a few seconds, everybody just looked among one another, debating whether or not this was really a good idea. I, personally, was against it, and I could tell that Chouko and Elec agreed with me. We stared at each other and shook our heads. Doing something like this was just begging for a detention.

Despite what we thought, Chiyosu, Jon, and Akane sprung up from their seats. "Party time!" they all chorused.

The rest of the class (minus Xindel, myself, Zuka, Chouko, and Elec) began cheering. Even that roommate of Elec's got a little too peppy. Everybody else in the classroom of twenty five began hooting and hollering extremely loudly. I covered my ears and recoiled into the corner of the room. Elec, though he was wearing his fancier suit and stood atop his stilts, followed. Zuka remained in her seat.

"It's okay, Xindel..." Chouko whispered to Xindel from across the room. He was covering his ears. I suppose he was never one for crowds.

I saw Chiyosu pull out a wine glass from heck knows where filled with water. She laughed, clinked glasses with Makao and Akane, and took a drink. I had no idea why she was doing something so foolish.

"What is going on here?!"

Finally, a teacher stormed into the room. It was a man with black hair and dark eyes. He wore a dark suit that cut through the bright sunlight that had been streaming into the room through the large window. He slammed his fist on his desk near a nametag labeled 'JING'.

The classroom went silent. Chiyosu finished her drink and set the glass down beside her. The mischievous glimmer in her eyes told me she was up to something.

"I-I didn't mean to get in trouble!" she exclaimed, feigning innocence. "T-they forced me into i-it! They're so meeeean!!"

"W-WHAT!?" Chouko yelled, slamming her hands on a desk. "You little lying-!!"

Before her language could go sour, I placed a hand on her shoulder. "Calm down, Chouko..." I instructed.

The teacher, Mr. Jing, I assumed, sighed. "I'm sorry you got into trouble," he told Chiyosu. He turned to us with a stern frown. "You all. I can't believe you would defy my trust before we even met."

"But we didn't-!" Zuka attempted to retort.

"All of you! Detention! After school!" Mr. Jing yelled. "All but Chiyosu must meet here after school. Got it?"

Nobody wanted to retort further at fear that they would end up with a heavier punishment. "Yes, sir..." we all muttered in sync, returning to our desks. Chiyosu shot me a mischievous glance and I resisted the urge not to glare. I guess that was her way of saying that she really didn't want to be our friend.

Super High School Level Impersonation Master Chouko Oyashi's POV

After school, I stomped back to the classroom of Mr. Jing, a deep frown on my face. I couldn't believe Chiyosu did that to us. How rude could she get?! Seriously!

I sat down in a chair near the back of the room so I could sulk. One of these days, I'd get my revenge on her by acting like her and doing more than a few things to sully her name. Serves her right for betraying my trust. This is exactly why you never mess with a master of impressions.

Ayameko was already there and sat near the front of the classroom, drawing in her notebook with a tired sigh. I also observed Xindel, who was in the back corner opposite me. Catching on to his loneliness, I stood after gathering up my things and walked so I was sitting right next to him. I unpacked once again there.

"Huh...?" Xindel looked up from the ground, which he had been staring at in a hazy daze.

"Hey," I greeted. We could still talk since Mr. Jing wasn't yet here, and I planned on using that to my full advantage. "I'm sorry for acting like you the first day of school... I just got a little excited, you know?"

"I-it's okay..." Xindel stammered. "Don't worry about it..."

"You seem like a nice guy," I commented, hoping to get him to open up at least a little more. "Want to hang out sometime? I think it would be fun."

Xindel paused, taken by surprise. "You would really...?" he began, his voice trailing off into oblivion.

I nodded. "Yeah. Sometime we could hang out just the two of us. I think I should really make up to you after doing that stuff on the first day we got here. Plus, it could be pretty fun. Agreed?"

"Agreed..." Xindel nodded brainlessly.

"So... Tonight after this dump gets out? My dorm room?" I asked, hoping to make conversation with antisocial dude 101.

Xindel pondered my offer for a few seconds before nodding. "S-sure..." he told me. I couldn't really tell if he was happy or not. He wasn't meeting my eyes, from embarrassment or anger I don't know. I hoped he wasn't mad at me... I just have a habit of impersonating anybody and everybody I come across. It's always been in my nature.

Mr. Jing came stomping in a few seconds later, causing Xindel to break from his trance. Mr. Jing began yelling at us about responsibility, but I was far too excited for after detention to care, much less listen.


Can you feel the Chodel tonight-


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