Chapter 37~The End of the Year Begins

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Super High School Level Judge Ayameko Etsuko's POV

I couldn't believe that the school year was almost over. It seemed like it had flown right by. We got out of school in three weeks, so finals were hitting hard. Most of my finals were coming up, so studying took up all of my time. I couldn't even remember the last time I saw Sabastian...

Speaking of Sabastian, he threw open the door to my room while I was studying for my science final. "What is it?" I asked, looking up to him.

"You'll never believe what I just heard about," Sabastian began with a smile.

"What did you just hear?" I questioned, not in the mood to participate in a guessing game with him.

"On the last day of school, we don't go to any classes or anything. Instead, we get to hang out with our classmates and party all day. Crazy, right?" Sabastian grinned.

"What are we supposed to do that day, then? Without classes to distract us..." I began.

"We just get to party, I guess. It's not going to be as grand as the Halloween dance from last year, but we do get to hang around and eat cake and things," Sabastian told me.

"Who told you that?" I asked.

"That Togami kid. Why?" Sabastian answered.

"In that case, the cake is probably a lie," I told him. "You know him."

"Even so, I'm already excited for the last day of school. Even if we won't be able to go out for real once we get back to my kingdom..." Sabastian sighed sadly.

"It's okay," I assured him. "I'm sure that we'll find some way of enjoying our summer."

"I bet you're right," Sabastian nodded. I pecked him on the cheek before returning to my studying.

Super High School Level Strategist Ai Matsuki's POV

I was choosing to pack in advance for summer. I couldn't wait already, and in order to quell that longing for freedom, I thought preparing for it might help.

It most certainly did not work.

While I threw my stuff together, I attempted to distract myself from the thoughts of summer that danced in my head. I had been noticing lately that Ryo and Chiyosu were hanging around together a lot more than usual. I was getting a little bit suspicious of it, honestly.

I shrugged and put a few of my books into a backpack. My room, which I shared with another girl named Minuki Itane (she's the Ultimate Pilot), was a whole lot less messy now. Sure, I still had to consider Minuki's messy habits in all of this, but my half of the room was spotless.

I sat down on my bed and continued to think about my brother. Maybe he and Chiyosu are going out. I thought of that as the most likely possibility for why they would be spending so much time together all the time, no matter how much I wanted to deny it.

I sighed and looked around my room. I sure would miss this place...

Just kidding. I would never miss this place in a million years.

Super High School Level Impersonation Master Chouko Oyashi's POV

Once I had heard about the last day of school thing, I decided to consider going around town to buy whatever sweet foods I could because of my love of binge eating sugary sweets. Maybe, if I could find some pocky, I could convince Xindel to do... Some... You know what I mean.

I did end up finding some pocky, actually. I bought it from a candy store near the school along with about 22 ounces of general other candy. As I left the store, I found myself bumping into a familiar figure.

"Xindel!" I gasped. "What are you doing here?"

"I was here to get some candy for my studying..." Xindel explained. He noticed the large amount of candy in my hand and cocked his head. "What's that for?"

I hid the pocky behind my back. "Nothing!" I cried, though I'm pretty sure we both knew it was a lie.

Even so, Xindel didn't call me out on it. He merely shrugged and walked into the candy store, calling over his shoulder. "By the way, I know what that pocky is for."

I gasped and hid my blush. Maybe he would really agree to the pocky game...!

Super High School Level MMA Fighter Jon Shushiro's POV

I paced the length of my room, sighing. I had been trying to come up with an end of the year surprise to get for Zuka for two weeks now, but I had nothing! Why was thinking of something she'd like so hard?!

I sat down on my bed and began to clear my head. Don't think of anything... Most good ideas come out of moments of stupidity... At least for me, that is.

Maybe I could get her a candle... Girls like candles, right? I think they do... I never paid much attention to what girls like and what they don't. I cursed not knowing that for the first time in my life.

I stood up and continued pacing. I wanted to get her something that she would like for sure. Something that she would treasure forever. Something I knew that she would really keep close to her heart during all of the summer break.

Of course! A picture of us being happy little romantic people together! Perfect!

I grinned and took off running from my room and to the store. This was perfect! All I had to do was find the right frame and convince that mean photographer to take our picture!

If I can get through the picture without strangling the mean photographer, that is...









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