Chapter 42~The Deeper the Despair...

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Super High School Level MMA Fighter Jon Shushiro's POV

I hadn't seen Zuka in a while, which I admit bothered me a little bit. I had gone through three soda cans by the time that I noticed that she had only been at the party for an hour, which worried me more than a little. After some silent consideration, I decided to go look for her and hope that she turned up.

I made my way through the hallways of the school, the strangely colored lights hitting my skin and giving off an eerie feel. I glanced around, hoping to spot Zuka soon so that I could return to the party. I had been looking forward to this party for a week, and I wasn't happy that I had been forced to leave so soon.

Well... Not forced, but you know what I mean. I left out of the best interest of my best friend/girlfriend.

I eventually found Zuka sitting in one of the reserve course classrooms. She was staring at a file in complete and utter shock. Her eyes looked black. That made my stomach churn, as I had never seen her look so... Emotionless in the nine months since we had first met.

"Zuka?" I asked, walking closer to her. "Are you okay? You look kind of... Off. Is something wrong?"

Zuka didn't say anything, so I chose to look over the file that she was holding loosely in her fingers. I peered at it over her shoulder, and what I saw shocked me, to put it nicely.

It was some bull about how the students were being used for some experiment or whatever. I thought that it was completely and utterly ridiculous, so I chose not to believe it entirely.

"What is that about?" I asked, a solemn frown appearing on my lips.

"I don't know... I just heard what Yazu said yesterday about this stuff and figured that maybe... Maybe he was right about seeing a reserve course student get killed," Zuka explained. "And then I find this thing..."

"That's complete stupidity. Forget that you ever saw that. It can't be real," I told Zuka, though I didn't really believe it myself. I hope that I was good enough at lying so that she couldn't tell that I didn't believe that this was just nothing.

She could tell. "But what if it is true? You believe that it's real," Zuka pointed out.

She's really perceptive... I used to like that, but at this moment, I wished that she weren't so perceptive so that I would be able to trick her just like that. Is that too much to ask?

Apparently it is.

"I think that we should just forget about this and go back to the party. You look pretty upset about this, so I bet that relaxing for a little while and letting loose might be just what you need to forget about this stupid file," I told her.

Zuka sighed and stood. "Fine... Let's go back."

But even as I led her back, I could tell that she was still unnerved by what she had seen. Even I was, admittedly.

Super High School Level Scientist Yazu Takashi's POV

I eventually decided to forget about what I had seen the day before, as I knew that it would do nothing but hold me back from having a good time at the party, and I wanted to have a good time on my last day before summer vacation.

Elec and I hung out near the corner, exchanging small talk, though I wasn't paying attention entirely. Despite how much I wanted to forget about what I had seen the day before, I just couldn't get it out of my head? Is it really so much to ask my brain to just stop thinking about it?

I hate that I can't even enjoy my last day because of some misunderstanding in the reserve course area. I want to have fun with Elec, but I just can't thinking that somebody might have really been killed in this very school the day before... I hate that this is all happening...

I never get a break, do I?


Elec's voice snapped me back to reality. "Y-yes?" I stammered, hoping that he hadn't noticed how distracted I had been mere seconds before.

"You seem... Distracted..." Elec frowned. "Is there something on my mask? I thought I cleaned it this morning so people wouldn't stare as much as they usually do..."

"That's not it at all," I assured him. "I just can't stop thinking about yesterday. The teachers were so insistent on me forgetting about what I had seen, but I can't just forget about somebody getting killed! What kind of monster do they think I am?!"

"If you want to talk about it, I'll be here for you," Elec told me, a gentle smile appearing on his face. His cheeks were tinted pink, so I could tell that he wanted me to go to him.

Even with what he wanted, it's not like I can really tell him much. Even I don't know all that much. All I really know for sure is that this kid with really long black hair, like, about as long as that nervous author girl's, strangled a reserve course student out of anger for next to no reason.

"You're spacing off again," Elec told me.

"Sorry," I apologized, feeling my face heat up. I didn't need a mirror to tell that I was blushing madly. Great going, Yazu... I just need to figure out the equation for not blushing and memorize it so that I don't embarrass myself as often as I do.

"Do you want to go and get some nachos?" Elec proposed.

I nodded. "Sure," I agreed. Elec took my hand and led me over to the concessions stand, where we each got our own thing of nachos. We returned to our corner and kissed before looking back to our nachos.

Just being around Elec made my worries about the reserve course students melt away. I could finally relax when my favorite boy in the entire world was standing by my side...


tbh i really want to get this story finished as soon as i can so that i can start the second book of the trilogy i mean four chapters are already done


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