Chapter 44~Love Makes One Soar

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Super High School Level Strategist Ai Matsuki's POV

Because I wasn't really in the mood to put up with Chiyosu and Ryo's constant flirting, I made my way over to the punch stand. It was being run by Minuki. I really wanted to see her for a while, even if it was just for a moment.

Minuki ladled a cup of punch for a few students. The line was gone by the time I had gotten there, so I leaned up against the wall next to her. "Hey, Minuki," I greeted simply.

"Ai!" Minuki cried. She broke out into a smile. Her eyes shone from behind her flight goggles, making me crack a smile as well. Just her smile made my heart soar...

Pun not intended.

Get it? Because she's a pilot?

Oh, forget about it. You clearly don't understand.

"Can I talk to you for a minute?" I asked her.

"Sure. What's going on, Ai?" Minuet questioned. She set the ladle for the punch down in the bowl before turning back to me. She had tilted her head ever so slightly. She did it all the time, and I found it a little bit cute...

If you tell anybody I ever said that, I will bury you six feet underground. So don't tell a soul, got it?

"I feel like my brother is spending just a little bit too much time with Chiyosu since they started dating a while ago... I want to hang out with him, but I don't want to seem like some clingy freak or something like that," I admitted. My words were slurring together. I guess I had been holding in a lot of anger that I just hadn't wanted to let go until now...

"You should tell him. Even if you seem clingy, then at least you have him back. Besides, he's your brother. He's stuck with you for the rest of time. He can't get away, not now, and not ever," Minuki answered. She gave some punch to this guy who looks super generic. He looks like some anime protagonist to me...

"You're... You're right," I admitted. "Thanks for the advice, Minuki."

"No problem," Minuki smiled.

I didn't know what I was doing in the next few seconds, but I leaned over the table and gave her a quick peck on the cheek. Her cheeks went red as a fire truck, but I didn't get a very good glimpse. I was out before she could really tell me what she was feeling.

I wish now that I had stayed behind to ask her what she thought of my kissing her...

...But sadly, I never did so before it was too late.

Super High School Level Judge Ayameko Etsuko's POV

Unlike most of the students, who merely chose to talk, Sabastian and I were enjoying the dance floor. The only time we ever got to dance back home was at some fancy party, and even then, he was with princesses who wanted him to marry them for power or wealth or a blend of the two. He didn't deserve them... Though that isn't to say that he entirely deserved me either...

He spun me, making my dress twirl. I blushed. When he did that, I felt like a princess, though I knew I was as far from being a princess as it could get. Unless he decided to marry me...

Even so, that was a long shot. It's not like he'd ever want to marry a commoner like me, and even if he did want to, then his parents would never allow it. They'd kick me out of the castle and we'd never see each other again...

I tried my hardest to banish the thought from my head, but it wasn't as easy as that. I moved without purpose throughout the rest of the song, though when the song ended, I found that Sabastian and I were inches away from kissing.

I gasped lightly, shocked that I had let this happen. Regularly, I would have enjoyed it while it lasted, but I had been dozing off into space and didn't even realize that it had been going on during the last thirty seconds of the song.

Since I was too shocked to do anything, I let Sabastian make the first move, ignoring the 'ladies first' rule. I didn't get a chance to move before he leaned in and kissed me perfectly on the lips, making an excited sensation start up in my core and slowly flutter outwards towards the rest of my body.

Though the kiss did bring a little bit of sadness with it. I was sad that there was a chance that we would never truly be together... His parents most likely wouldn't like that we were together, which could lead to disastrous things. I didn't want that to happen.

Before I knew what I was doing, I ran from the room, tears forming in the corners of my eyes. I could hear Sabastian crying my name in the back of my head, but it barely registered in the front of my brain. Why was I getting so attached when we would probably never be together?

I went to the one place he couldn't get to me: the girls bathroom. I placed my head in my hands and began to cry. We had barely been able to put up with not kissing for a few weeks. How would we last over the course of a few months? I knew it would be a huge disaster that neither of us would be able to get out of...

"Ayameko! Are you okay?!" Sabastian yelled from the other side of the door.

I didn't give him a response. I couldn't bring myself to. There was a lump in the back of my throat that prevented me from speaking. I couldn't say a word.

The despair was too much for me to handle. The thought that we couldn't be together hurt more than anything else had hurt in my entire life...

And deep down, I knew that I was never going to get rid of this despair no matter how hard I tried to.




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