Chapter 48~The Great Chase

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Super High School Level Prosecutor Elec Daegana's POV

Yazu and I were just enjoying the party when we saw this weird flash of shadow out of the corner of our vision. "What was that?" Yazu asked, tilting his head slightly. "It looked like a person was running by us for a second there..."

I don't know why I thought this was a good idea or what prompted me to do so, but I broke into a sprint, chasing after the mysterious shadow. "Wait up!" I cried after them. I hoped that they would slow like I wanted them to, but I knew that they wouldn't. Criminals never did if you told them to stop running.


Why did I assume that they were a criminal?

Unless... Maybe they were the one who stole they keys to the school! Maybe they were the one keeping me and the rest of the students locked in here!

That would make sense...

I knew that Yazu was behind me, but I didn't pay it any mind. Something in the back of my mind told me the entire time that he was going to chase me. It was just part of his role as my boyfriend. He's always been the type to do something like that, and I always chose not to question it.

"Wait up! Stop running and talk to me!" I called after the mysterious person. The light was positioned badly, so I could only see their silhouette. That's bad when you're trying to chase somebody, let me tell you... All I wanted was some little clue as to who they are, but instead, I only get a dark shadow...

I hate the lighting of the school at times like these...

As I expected, the person I was pursuing did not stop to talk to me. They did not wait up either. I guess that was to be expected in a situation like this one...

The person ran into a nearby room, which I recognized as the AV room. I tried to chase them inside, but the door slammed in my face before I got the chance to go inside. I sighed and turned back to Yazu as he slid to a stop at my side. "They locked themselves in there, so there's no way that we can get back in there," I told him.

"That sucks," Yazu said. He looked down and shook his head. "I can't believe that brat would really feel the need to do that."

"Whatever reason they had for doing it, I think that they might be the person who took the keys from the headmaster to lock us into the school," I said to Yazu. "Wouldn't that explain why they were running away from us so fast?"

"That would make sense," Yazu nodded. "It's times like this where I'm really happy that I have you to hang around with me. Your deductions are always on point."

I smiled, feeling my cheeks get warm. "Thanks for saying that, Yazu... It really means a lot to me, you know."

"I know," Yazu smiled. "Now, what do we do about the person inside?"

"We should stand watch right here. They have to come out at some point, and when they do, we can talk to them about why they were running around at such high speeds," I said. "What goes in must come out, after all."

"That's a good point. But how long are we going to have to stand here? They could be in there for ages, you know. Some students stash food in the AV room, and what if they find it? They could be in there for even days at a time," Yazu told me. "And what about sleep? We need to sleep at some point, Elec."

"You're overreacting. It'll probably be a few minutes at the most. Nobody can stay in the same room for too long at a time. They'll lost it after a while," I assured him. "I promise that we won't waste our lives standing right here. And if we do... You have full permission to mouth off at me."

Yazu smiled. "I could never do that to you. You're the best boyfriend ever, after all. I wouldn't want to do something like that to you. You know that I wouldn't."

Despite how I knew that I should be focusing on guarding the door, I found myself kissing Yazu. His lips are so soft... I just couldn't help myself. If his lips were that soft and he was standing right next to you, you wouldn't be able to help it either, so don't judge me.

Yazu kissed me back, hugging me tighter. I melted into his arms, enjoying this a lot more than I should have been. Then again... Can you enjoy a kiss or a hug too much? They're really warm and really fuzzy and I love kisses and hugs so much I love love and-

Yazu pulled away from the kiss with a frown. "We need to focus on guarding the door. We can kiss when the criminal isn't going to run out of the room if we show any weakness."

As much as I hated to admit it, he was right. We had a job to do as protectors of this here door from letting the criminal inside escape and roam the world freely. It is my job as a prosecutor to stop criminals in their tracks, after all. I don't want to be a failure and not do my job right. It would be disgraceful.

I focused once again on watching the door. I kept my eyes open for so long that they hurt, where I'd blink as fast as I could make myself blink. It was silent so that Yazu could listen for sounds inside of the room. He had pressed his ear up against the door and was trying to listen for any sounds life from inside. It's not like the criminal can be quiet for the rest of time...


Oh, of course they can't be quiet forever. Stop being silly, Elec.

But the quiet was starting to bore me... When would they start talking to us?




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