Chapter 45~The Dance Floor Belongs to Ninjas

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Super High School Level Shinobi Xindel Fujimoto's POV

When I finally found Chouko, I shyly invited her to dance. Much to my happiness, she accepted. I led her out to the dance floor, where I swept her up into a hug before beginning to dance.

I don't know the names of ninety five percent of the dance moves we were doing. I've never been a dancer. Ninjas don't need to do those things, therefore, it has no point for existing in the same area as me. Is there an issue with that? There had better not be.

Two songs whizzed by without anything happening. All I knew was that she looked really pretty dancing with me and that I was starting to sweat from either nerves or from the dancing being really difficult. Maybe a combination of the two.

That sounds reasonable.

I leaned in and gave her a quick peck on the cheek. "I'm going to miss you over summer break," I whispered into her ear gently.

"I'll miss you, too," Chouko murmured back. She pulled me into a hug and nuzzled into my chest since she's considerably shorter than I am. I stroked her gently. It hit me so hard that we wouldn't be able to do this for a long time, and it made me feel bad inside...

I knew that I would miss her a lot over summer, but I figured that missing her before she was gone was ridiculous. Instead, I smiled down at her as the next song started up. She began the dance, a smirk on her face. She knew what she was going to do already, which I admit made me worry a little bit. Chouko concerns me sometimes... Doesn't she know that?

Regardless, I had a rather good time once we really got into the dance. She seemed to be liking it, too, as she never stopped smiling. I took that as a good sign that I was making her happy in our last few hours together before the summer kicked off for real. Maybe these thoughts of how much fun we were having would make it seem like she was right there with me through the summer...

After a few more songs, Chouko led me out of the room. "Where are we going?" I asked.

"You'll see," Chouko smiled. She seemed a bit too excited about this. Uh oh... When she's happy like that, it usually leads to some sort of prank, which is never good...

After a while, we found ourselves outside the school. I looked around. "Why are we out here?" I questioned.

Chouko rolled her eyes and dragged me over to a nearby tree. She climbed up it, and I followed shortly after. "Don't you remember?" Chouko asked me, a small frown on her face.

"Not really..." I frowned. "Is this supposed to be some special place or something?"

"Of course it is! This is the place where we first met!" Chouko cried. "Remember? I impersonated you while you sat up in this very tree? You should remember it. I thought it was a magical moment personally, though maybe it was different for you..."

"N-no!" I cried. "I really liked it, too... I just forgot for a few seconds... Don't be mad..."

"I could never be mad at you," Chouko smiled. "Now, there's one thing I want to do really quick."

"What is it?" I asked.

Chouko picked up one of my arms and wrapped it around her shoulder. "Just... Stay like this for a second, okay? I really like cuddling with you. Your arms are really strong, you know. I like strong arms in my boyfriends, which makes you a golden trophy to me," Chouko smiled.

I grinned back at her and pulled her in a little bit closer. "Of course I'll stay like this with you," I told her. "How could I not if it makes you so happy? Your happiness is one of the most important things to me, after all..."

"I'm glad you think so. Because to make me happy over the summer, you'll have to do something for me," Chouko said, staring up at me with her beautiful teal eyes.

"What is it?" I questioned, looking down at her in curiosity. I wanted to know how to make her happy more than anything at that moment...

"The two of us hanging out at some point over summer break. You know, just to enjoy the company of one another," Chouko answered. "That would really make me feel good. I kind of need a break from my crazy siblings every once in a while. They tend to be a bit crazy at times and it kind of tires me out."

"Then we'll have to hang out. Especially since it will make the both of us happy," I smiled.

"You're such a nice guy, you know that?" Chouko asked, grinning at me.

"I know it now that you've told me," I said gently. I held her a little bit tighter, closing my eyes slowly. I loved the sensation of just the two of us... Feeling like we're the only people in the entire world. It's beautiful.

I don't know how long we sat like that, just cuddling with one another in silence. It made my heart pound with excitement, truthfully. I rocked her back and forth, listening to her quiet breathing. It relaxed me, truth be told. I hope that doesn't make me sound like a creepy person...

After a while, Chouko hopped down from the tree. "We should probably be getting back inside. People are bound to get worried if we hide out here for much longer," she said.

I nodded. "That sounds like a good idea," I agreed.

I proceeded to jump down from the tree. Chouko took my hand in hers carefully and led me back into the school. I could feel my stomach fluttering happily the entire time.

Though looking back on it, I guess it was kind of a shame that was the last time we got the chance to sit together in that cherry tree.

All because of the looming cloud of despair over our heads.




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