Chapter 20~Chiyosu: Professional Insane Criminal

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Super High School Level Actor Chiyosu Sunadu's POV

I opened my mouth to continue planning our vandalism scheme to mess up the Halloween decorations when the door flew open. I gasped as Zuka ran into the room, glaring at us in anger. "Chiyosu! Akane!" she yelled. "You two are the vandals around the school?!"

I sighed angrily. "I should have done this somewhere else since the doors of this dumb school aren't soundproof," I muttered to myself. Note to self: scheme somewhere private next time so annoying ninjas try and interrupt us, she doesn't hear the truth behind the vandalism events going around.

"I can't believe it!" Zuka continued to shout. "You girls were seriously vandalizing all of the rooms?! Why?!"

Akane looked to me, as if asking what we were supposed to say to her accusations. I shrugged and shook my head."I guess you caught us," I told Zuka simply.

"I-I can't believe you!" Zuka repeated in fury. 

"Too bad you aren't going to be going anywhere with that information," I said simply.

"What?!" Zuka demanded, taking a step backwards.

Knowing well that Zuka never carries any weapons on her unless there's a pressing need for it, I lunged for her. Zuka, being somewhat slow witted today, ended up being tackled to the ground. She gasped and tried to shove me off of her, though her efforts, I may assure you, were futile. I laughed as I pinned her arms down behind her back. "I guess that now that you caught us, you won't be able to tell anybody about it. Not now, not soon, not ever, as a matter of fact," I smirked demonically.

Zuka struggled against my tough grip, taken by surprise at my sudden attack. "Why are you doing this?!" she asked me in an infuriated tone.

"This is insane!" Akane suddenly cut in. "Chiyosu, maybe we should stop this before we get into trouble!"

I ignored her pleas and cries, shrugging it off with a laugh. "This is awesome!" I grinned, overcome with the thrill of criminal activity after all this time of waiting. 

Zuka continued to struggle, attempting (and failing) to break free and tell the truth to whoever she could tell about this mess. "L-let me go!!" she instructed of me.

I shook my head. "No can do. You see, you're never going to get the chance to tell anybody about this little incident... Mainly since you're never going to be leaving this room!" 

Zuka tried to yank herself away, but I grabbed her hair and pulled with a might amount of force. She let out a grunt of pain followed by a shriek. I could tell she was hoping to form words in this moment of panic, but she couldn't bring herself to. I liked that.

I ended up slamming Zuka into the wall. Apparently, she was already tired out from the attack, since as soon as she hit the wall, she groaned and closed her eyes. I waited for a few seconds for her to open her eyes, and when she didn't, I smirked.

This was going to be easier than I thought.

Super High School Level Prosecutor Elec Daegana's POV

I was walking through the girl dorm room section, hoping to talk to Ayameko and Chouko since I was asked to take them their homework for the day. When I did so, I didn't expect to hear the roar of a fight coming from the room next to theirs. 

I wasn't sure what I was supposed to expect at hearing something of this sort, so I paused for a few seconds. I internally debated on bursting into the fight or just ignoring it.

I ended up bursting into the room instead to see if I could stop the fight. I saw Zuka slumped over in the corner of the room. Chiyosu and Akane didn't seem to care, chatting away as if nothing had happened.

I crept over to Zuka's side and checked for a pulse silently. I found one and used all of the strength I had in my body to lift her up and carry her from the room. Zuka was surprisingly light, which I was glad about since I had never had much strength in my arms. Or anywhere else on my body, for that matter.

I carried Zuka out of the room while walking before breaking into a sprint. Well, as fast as somebody can go while walking on stilts. I stumbled a few times, I will admit, but soon enough, I arrived at the nurse's office. Nobody was in there since school had ended an hour ago, so I set down Zuka on the bed closest to the door. I was wiped from carrying her so far, so I flopped down on the couch nearby. I rubbed my head with my hand. That sure was tiring.

I let my chest rise and fall in heavy, desperate breaths as I watched Zuka sleep. She looked rather peaceful for having been most likely attacked by Chiyosu and/or Akane.

"That... Was... Difficult..." I struggled to choke out. I chose to stop talking after saying that, as it took a considerable amount of effort just to say something as simple as that. I held my chest sleepily. Much to my dislike, I felt my eyes closing. They felt like lead weights, so I eventually gave into temptation and let them sag shut. 

Super High School Level Impersonation Master Chouko Oyashi's POV

I stared at the clock, then at the digital clock next to my bed, and then back to the wall clock that hung from the ceiling. I frowned. Didn't Elec say he was going to be dropping by Ayameko and I's homework about thirty minutes ago? He still wasn't here, and I admit I was starting to get a little bit worried. 

"Do you guys know where Elec is?" I asked. 

Nobody replied, instead glancing around as if the answer would appear out of thin air. I frowned and stood, walking from the room.

It was investigation time.





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